James: Smacking is child abuse, but spanking is not. Smacking is ofren done to the face or with a closed fist. No child or teenager should get a closed fist, I made a prctice not to spanl or swat our daughters whan they were ten. As girls develope fathers need to show utmost respect. Too many young ladies were spanked and hands went to inpropper placees and later in life resented being touched, even if it has been a mistake.
Today not only is the local law enforcement watching for abuse they ask children at school how their parents punnish them. We have heard of parents being taken in for questioning when a child says they were abused in being punnished. We must be wise in how we punnish and what we do to assure the child how much we love them. There is no need to fear local law enforcement if we use Godly wisdom and love when correcting a child. Too many parents do abuse school age kids, my wife and I have seen it while subing in schools sometime ago.