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- Dec 2, 2019
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The LBGTQ Community are going take charge before Jesus gets back I do believe, for it is Obvious. Jesus said observed everything that I have told you. Now I am speaking about my self. From a very small kid I have observed people and how they act, the drunk, the drug addict, the older white teachers both male and female, then came the young black and young black teachers that taught me. The white laborer and the black laborer of all kinds, The white Millionaires and a couple of black millionaires up close and personnel, The black homosexuals and the white homosexuals, the millionaire homosexuals and I have watch The lesbians, in education, and I have 'watch' the homemakers who took care of the home, who worn the same apron everyday, and kept the house smelling clear and fresh and a certain glory trap the home. And watch her gather nickels and penny's and dimes, just to get a loaf of bread or a stick of Butter, or pay The Milk man. and the smell of cooking in the home and the fresh breeze entering the window as the curtain dance in the wind. Oh'yes ever home had some kind of arguments, But never because you were not at home working over time for the boss. And the mothers always had on a dress and grandma did too. the dresses were cheap but nice cotton and pressed sometimes from the Iron. over 30 years ago when I got married my wive did not even know how to use a iron broad. how to use the front and the rear corners , and what the corners and the front was used for to iron shirts and pants dresses and skirts. and what parts was the Iron used for. I was Shocked, how can a girl not know the parts of a Iron Broad and what parts of a Iron is used for on clothing. I knew how to "Iron before I was 8 years old" I could press better than the cleaners, I was still Ironing and starching my white shirts the old way, into my 60 sixties. no one could iron or starch it better, and still worn cuff links. Then finally I Realized, my mother always worked at a cleaners and move her way up into being a "Supervisor" in a big laundry commercialized laundry Company and she had taught me how to press for the time I was a child. I did not know, until about 15 years ago, my wife met a lady I grew up with, one of her patients, knew me and our family and said we were so well dress always clean and press even our play clothes were press and Iron.
I got in trouble the 1st. day of kindergarten, my mother had to have a conference, because I would not sit down of the floor, I am not going get my clothes dirty, sitting down on the floor! And you are not going to make me! 5 years old.
When my wife married me she said she have never known a man as clean as I was and could wear white clothes in the summer and do not get dirty! and you do not even have a odor. coming up in High school, in the morning I took a complete washing up, then about " Gym class about 10 am after I took another shower, if not gym I have "swimming class' showered before swim and shower after swim, then before after football Practices I showered, and sometimes it was late and slip into the swimming pool on the other side of the Shower room.
Extra credit for every time you took a shower, The only A's I got in High School And then after High school, I had "Karate" And Judo and Kung Fu and Jujitsu and took "Needle Point' Showers, before and after "hot whirlpools and Hot saunas about 4 times a week for about 5 years, then the later years I join "Vic nanny" that became "Bally's lifetime membership. 3 times a week all over the country The USA. and after workouts I would swim for 45 minutes.
And I can clean house better than any woman and can wash clothes as well. and I decorated for every Christmas since I was about 12 I decorated the House in and out until I I got 60years of age. By Myself, And Lionel Trains running through out the house with a Porcelain lighted fake snow covered city and horse drawn buggies and 'Model A or T cars and carriage garages for motor cars.
And I still carry a "white handkerchiefs and use a umbrella and take bubble baths and can paint a woman's toe nails better than the salons and give her a back Massage like "Ramon", for I have had so many massages , "Professional Therapy"in my life time from so many injury's from Football, 1st. string room, The hospitals to the Islands in the Jamaica and the "Cayman IsIands" so I do know how. I grew up with a host of Girl Cousins as well as boys, my father brothers had "1 boy and 1-2 girls we all about the same age going up a lot around together, around our grand parents who pick up, all the grand children for Sundays rides into the country to see my grand mothers brother and sisters every Sunday in his brand new car. four doors "Mercury's Black with Gangster doors'.
So what are you saying and how has this has a affect on the Title thread:
"The Fight for who will Rule this world before Jesus gets back is between Women & The LBGTQ & The LBGTQ Community will win The Men are going to backer"
The women of today are not The women that God created them to be. They have went into their own way and rebelled completely out of the will of God and establish their own will, and righteousness and it is not pleasing to GOD of 'WORD.
They do not keep house, neither do they know how. they are deceptive and demanding and think they are the Queen of Sheba.
Even The Older Ones do not know how to instruct women to be God fearing, then how can the blind lead the blind?
The women of today do not even Know how to Love their own husbands or their own children, for there is no one left to teach them. by the Time they get 25-30 years old they may've slept with over a 50-100 men. and in this day an age men know it, and they do not want to Marry that, but they will sleep with her,
A Pastor cannot teach them a Minister cannot teach them a bible class teacher cannot teach them a Weds night Biblical class cannot teach them.
and they the world knows that the church is trying set them up with these "night creatures of the night"
In my years I have spoken to young men, young men of the world. churchmen get trapped with these women push off by the church. The men of the world will not married these "night crawlers" in the church. They would rather bed a "beautiful Trans" what is the difference. One treats you better than the other and you know what it is. While the women is in the World of The Career is nothing but a hidden creature of the night, staying at the Hilton doing the dirt in the conference rooms. And putting money in the "offering" in the offering Plate on Sunday Mornings.
You see "The TRUTH" will bring the truth out. But deception breeds deceptions even in the church! An "Alpha with talk with an ALPHA" male and the Alpha is bewared of The beta males of all kinds. For they are dirty too, but are among the accusers of "The BRETHREN" for they are.
Neither can the universities the counselors or Seminars or the reading of a book or the next door career Mother or school teachers of a Dave Ramsey in how to manage money and house=hold affairs. and teaching women how to be "A GOD FEARING Women" show me a women who is Not God FEARING I will show you a woman that will do anything.
I was talking to God unaware one time. And his reply was, before I knew I was talking to Him. The reply was, "What makes you think, she will listen to you!!! She will not even listen to ME! and what makes you think that you are more than me and she will obey you before she obey's me!
And knew exactly what he meant!
But she obey's every other man, telling me what another man is saying about my household and what she should do even about my kids! And what another man had bought in the past better than what I had bought for you! Telling me what a Fornicator or an Adulterer has said or bought or done something better than what I have done! And these are the words of a respectable christian. Back up by The Church! A fornicator a adulterer has purchase you something better than a your husband a "God fearing man" and you the church backing up this. I know I am out of here! Bye!
What a blessing !
1 Thessalonians 5;22
18In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 19Quench not the Spirit. 20Despise not prophesyings. 21Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. 22Abstain from all appearance of evil.
So getting back to the the title Thread:
Since the church does not want to stay in The Truth and Hold to sound Doctrine unto the very words of God and have chosen to go their own way, so be it.
The man is dressing better that the woman , The man is looking better than the woman, The man is getting sweeter than the woman, The man is getting kinder than the women, The man is being in submission better than the women. The man is smelling better than the women, The man ikisses are getting sweeter than the women. The man's cooking is better and the man, The "he-she" is much more carrying than the real women. the woman is acting like a man and she refuse to cook to bare children and if she do, she refuse to love her family like God has design her, and she is not denying herself and forsaking all others and to care for her family that God has given her, it is a great calling. to take care of the man and the children given to her. And in denying herself;
God did not design her to be a manager of corporation for a leader of a nation or a church, she is The helpmate for here husband she was not created to Be the head, so what if the man fails you fall with him. and hold his hand and tell him I love just like you are, whether you walk or fall, and that is honorable with GOD. And the LORD see that in you, Just man the post that God has given you.
But instead the church promotes divorce and lie and give escape clauses they manipulate the text and in Violation of interfering in which they have no right to instruct a woman about her own Husband her man! She takes that legal man to GOD. Live right and He will come to your rescue and not with another man. God is the one who shapes CLAY, Just maybe he wants to have the one you have, that will keep you on your Knees at The LORD feet.
These women are nothing but: and the Bible do not lie! Stop trusting in outside men and Church leaders over your own husbands, For God he is ABLE .
a new husband or wife is not of God while the other one lives, no matter how many gifts and rewards Satans gives you. "it is better to be a door keeper in the house of God than to dwell in the Tents of sickness"
2 Timothy 3 KJV
6For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, 7Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
These are evil days:
1This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
Wife, mother you must: for Eternal life has a pay day!
"Remember Lot’s wife! 33Whoever tries to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will preserve it."
Luke 17:34
I tell you, on that night two people will be in one bed: One will be taken and the other left.
Mark 8:35
For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and for the gospel will save it.
God did not send JESUS here to make up happy, but that you might deny your life and present your body a living scarify
Men do not want these women of this day and the devil know it, and he will dress that man, shape him in a way that the women has abandon the ways of God and curve The Man to replace her, And the he-she will make him better than any wife will of even desire to do. and at the same time give the he-she your job and vote you out! and the women can have one another! That male he is something else. The he=she will treat A man so good that is no match what that woman can do! And walk and look and do everything better that what the woman can do. and the Surgeons Knife and Homo' Pills will make the man not look a real woman! do not forget we are "SINNERS" and what do sinners do? They sin. Men are getting tired of these women!
And they are not going to wake up. They are going to be staying in the shelters. That Man, he is something else! You got to know history, The Romans and the Greeks, History is a circle! Alexander The Great and Nero and The Popes, and before the daughters of men became beautiful. everything man had was evil, Lot open the door we want the men, keep your daughters! That beast is something else. I have spent my life on reading since 1977, and still remember Literature 'Rikki TIki Tavi". about The Mongoose. That is how we 1st. learn what a Mongoose was. as a small kid.
I got in trouble the 1st. day of kindergarten, my mother had to have a conference, because I would not sit down of the floor, I am not going get my clothes dirty, sitting down on the floor! And you are not going to make me! 5 years old.
When my wife married me she said she have never known a man as clean as I was and could wear white clothes in the summer and do not get dirty! and you do not even have a odor. coming up in High school, in the morning I took a complete washing up, then about " Gym class about 10 am after I took another shower, if not gym I have "swimming class' showered before swim and shower after swim, then before after football Practices I showered, and sometimes it was late and slip into the swimming pool on the other side of the Shower room.
Extra credit for every time you took a shower, The only A's I got in High School And then after High school, I had "Karate" And Judo and Kung Fu and Jujitsu and took "Needle Point' Showers, before and after "hot whirlpools and Hot saunas about 4 times a week for about 5 years, then the later years I join "Vic nanny" that became "Bally's lifetime membership. 3 times a week all over the country The USA. and after workouts I would swim for 45 minutes.
And I can clean house better than any woman and can wash clothes as well. and I decorated for every Christmas since I was about 12 I decorated the House in and out until I I got 60years of age. By Myself, And Lionel Trains running through out the house with a Porcelain lighted fake snow covered city and horse drawn buggies and 'Model A or T cars and carriage garages for motor cars.
And I still carry a "white handkerchiefs and use a umbrella and take bubble baths and can paint a woman's toe nails better than the salons and give her a back Massage like "Ramon", for I have had so many massages , "Professional Therapy"in my life time from so many injury's from Football, 1st. string room, The hospitals to the Islands in the Jamaica and the "Cayman IsIands" so I do know how. I grew up with a host of Girl Cousins as well as boys, my father brothers had "1 boy and 1-2 girls we all about the same age going up a lot around together, around our grand parents who pick up, all the grand children for Sundays rides into the country to see my grand mothers brother and sisters every Sunday in his brand new car. four doors "Mercury's Black with Gangster doors'.
So what are you saying and how has this has a affect on the Title thread:
"The Fight for who will Rule this world before Jesus gets back is between Women & The LBGTQ & The LBGTQ Community will win The Men are going to backer"
The women of today are not The women that God created them to be. They have went into their own way and rebelled completely out of the will of God and establish their own will, and righteousness and it is not pleasing to GOD of 'WORD.
They do not keep house, neither do they know how. they are deceptive and demanding and think they are the Queen of Sheba.
Even The Older Ones do not know how to instruct women to be God fearing, then how can the blind lead the blind?
The women of today do not even Know how to Love their own husbands or their own children, for there is no one left to teach them. by the Time they get 25-30 years old they may've slept with over a 50-100 men. and in this day an age men know it, and they do not want to Marry that, but they will sleep with her,
A Pastor cannot teach them a Minister cannot teach them a bible class teacher cannot teach them a Weds night Biblical class cannot teach them.
and they the world knows that the church is trying set them up with these "night creatures of the night"
In my years I have spoken to young men, young men of the world. churchmen get trapped with these women push off by the church. The men of the world will not married these "night crawlers" in the church. They would rather bed a "beautiful Trans" what is the difference. One treats you better than the other and you know what it is. While the women is in the World of The Career is nothing but a hidden creature of the night, staying at the Hilton doing the dirt in the conference rooms. And putting money in the "offering" in the offering Plate on Sunday Mornings.
You see "The TRUTH" will bring the truth out. But deception breeds deceptions even in the church! An "Alpha with talk with an ALPHA" male and the Alpha is bewared of The beta males of all kinds. For they are dirty too, but are among the accusers of "The BRETHREN" for they are.
Neither can the universities the counselors or Seminars or the reading of a book or the next door career Mother or school teachers of a Dave Ramsey in how to manage money and house=hold affairs. and teaching women how to be "A GOD FEARING Women" show me a women who is Not God FEARING I will show you a woman that will do anything.
I was talking to God unaware one time. And his reply was, before I knew I was talking to Him. The reply was, "What makes you think, she will listen to you!!! She will not even listen to ME! and what makes you think that you are more than me and she will obey you before she obey's me!
And knew exactly what he meant!
But she obey's every other man, telling me what another man is saying about my household and what she should do even about my kids! And what another man had bought in the past better than what I had bought for you! Telling me what a Fornicator or an Adulterer has said or bought or done something better than what I have done! And these are the words of a respectable christian. Back up by The Church! A fornicator a adulterer has purchase you something better than a your husband a "God fearing man" and you the church backing up this. I know I am out of here! Bye!
What a blessing !
1 Thessalonians 5;22
18In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 19Quench not the Spirit. 20Despise not prophesyings. 21Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. 22Abstain from all appearance of evil.
So getting back to the the title Thread:
Since the church does not want to stay in The Truth and Hold to sound Doctrine unto the very words of God and have chosen to go their own way, so be it.
The man is dressing better that the woman , The man is looking better than the woman, The man is getting sweeter than the woman, The man is getting kinder than the women, The man is being in submission better than the women. The man is smelling better than the women, The man ikisses are getting sweeter than the women. The man's cooking is better and the man, The "he-she" is much more carrying than the real women. the woman is acting like a man and she refuse to cook to bare children and if she do, she refuse to love her family like God has design her, and she is not denying herself and forsaking all others and to care for her family that God has given her, it is a great calling. to take care of the man and the children given to her. And in denying herself;
God did not design her to be a manager of corporation for a leader of a nation or a church, she is The helpmate for here husband she was not created to Be the head, so what if the man fails you fall with him. and hold his hand and tell him I love just like you are, whether you walk or fall, and that is honorable with GOD. And the LORD see that in you, Just man the post that God has given you.
But instead the church promotes divorce and lie and give escape clauses they manipulate the text and in Violation of interfering in which they have no right to instruct a woman about her own Husband her man! She takes that legal man to GOD. Live right and He will come to your rescue and not with another man. God is the one who shapes CLAY, Just maybe he wants to have the one you have, that will keep you on your Knees at The LORD feet.
These women are nothing but: and the Bible do not lie! Stop trusting in outside men and Church leaders over your own husbands, For God he is ABLE .
a new husband or wife is not of God while the other one lives, no matter how many gifts and rewards Satans gives you. "it is better to be a door keeper in the house of God than to dwell in the Tents of sickness"
2 Timothy 3 KJV
6For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, 7Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
These are evil days:
1This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
Wife, mother you must: for Eternal life has a pay day!
"Remember Lot’s wife! 33Whoever tries to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will preserve it."
Luke 17:34
I tell you, on that night two people will be in one bed: One will be taken and the other left.
Mark 8:35
For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and for the gospel will save it.
God did not send JESUS here to make up happy, but that you might deny your life and present your body a living scarify
Men do not want these women of this day and the devil know it, and he will dress that man, shape him in a way that the women has abandon the ways of God and curve The Man to replace her, And the he-she will make him better than any wife will of even desire to do. and at the same time give the he-she your job and vote you out! and the women can have one another! That male he is something else. The he=she will treat A man so good that is no match what that woman can do! And walk and look and do everything better that what the woman can do. and the Surgeons Knife and Homo' Pills will make the man not look a real woman! do not forget we are "SINNERS" and what do sinners do? They sin. Men are getting tired of these women!
And they are not going to wake up. They are going to be staying in the shelters. That Man, he is something else! You got to know history, The Romans and the Greeks, History is a circle! Alexander The Great and Nero and The Popes, and before the daughters of men became beautiful. everything man had was evil, Lot open the door we want the men, keep your daughters! That beast is something else. I have spent my life on reading since 1977, and still remember Literature 'Rikki TIki Tavi". about The Mongoose. That is how we 1st. learn what a Mongoose was. as a small kid.