In the days, God destroyed the land of Sodom for the sins they commited.
Horrible there were, but today, we're seeing the worst...
As time went on, sin generated into sins and worse to worst.Questions then arise...why are we still in existence?
''I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage".He saved us from the ruins posed by the Beast by sacrificing his beloved son Jesus, who descended from the Heavens to the "world of evil" to forbear pains,trials and evil.
-You shall not have other gods before me.
In the days we dealt with sacrifices to idols, worship to them, but that was it.Today, we have a fake religion called "islam", we have jews, budhists, pagans, traditionalists, what have you.
-You shall not take the Name of The lord your God in vain.
Then, there was a limit but today, we have artists using the name of the Lord in vain in the guise of movies and what have you.You have christians neglecting this law and so on.Just last week, a sebior member of a church swore before The Lord when he knew he was telling lies.The name of God is so frequently uttered from our lips...Why
-Keep the sabbath day holy.
In the days, i'm sure this law was obeyed, but today, i'm not so sure.Christians, allowing thier workers to work on the Day, going to work, living in contradiction to the law.I commend those of you, you faithful sons of God who abide by the law.
-Honour your parents.
Do we honour them or do we feel thier ways are too ancient and odd?Do we respect them?Do we obey them?Do we advice them?
-Do not kill
Today, people kill for fun despite the presence of the man-made law.Just days ago, a guy in the U.S killed a dozen people who went out shopping for christmas.He claimed that he wanted to be famous.How provocative!This leads to only one conclusion, that God is yet again set to 'pull the curtains', but maybe, this time, forever.
-Do not commit adultery
I was at the supermarket, when a strong christian friend of mine told me to "checkout a girl who dressed scantily".He found it amuzing.But then this is just one out the cases of adultery which we face.They feel they are caged and so they break free.We've got rape cases, now concerning month-old babies.Adultery dosen't only concern extra-marital activities but also lust.
-Do not steal
I am guilty, but thank God i have repented.Cases of theft, rising by the minute, coming from all sorts of people and shocking to know that our christian brothers and sisters are involved.Stealing is an impulse to take, to covert.Please, this is quite easy to overcome.One of the easiest ways to destruction is to take another man's property.
-Bear no False witnesses nor shall you Covet
How many people today try to defend themselves or friends from harm.How many of us give false impressions of others in the pursuit of some malice.How many of us covet.
-Please... beware of the mark of the beast for when the beast comes calling, your only escape is your Saviour and for those who have been marked, your only destination is the blood of those you slain and the darkness of your heart and the fury flames that will eat up your skin.
Break loose-
We must be prepared for the worst.
Horrible there were, but today, we're seeing the worst...
As time went on, sin generated into sins and worse to worst.Questions then arise...why are we still in existence?
''I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage".He saved us from the ruins posed by the Beast by sacrificing his beloved son Jesus, who descended from the Heavens to the "world of evil" to forbear pains,trials and evil.
-You shall not have other gods before me.
In the days we dealt with sacrifices to idols, worship to them, but that was it.Today, we have a fake religion called "islam", we have jews, budhists, pagans, traditionalists, what have you.
-You shall not take the Name of The lord your God in vain.
Then, there was a limit but today, we have artists using the name of the Lord in vain in the guise of movies and what have you.You have christians neglecting this law and so on.Just last week, a sebior member of a church swore before The Lord when he knew he was telling lies.The name of God is so frequently uttered from our lips...Why
-Keep the sabbath day holy.
In the days, i'm sure this law was obeyed, but today, i'm not so sure.Christians, allowing thier workers to work on the Day, going to work, living in contradiction to the law.I commend those of you, you faithful sons of God who abide by the law.
-Honour your parents.
Do we honour them or do we feel thier ways are too ancient and odd?Do we respect them?Do we obey them?Do we advice them?
-Do not kill
Today, people kill for fun despite the presence of the man-made law.Just days ago, a guy in the U.S killed a dozen people who went out shopping for christmas.He claimed that he wanted to be famous.How provocative!This leads to only one conclusion, that God is yet again set to 'pull the curtains', but maybe, this time, forever.
-Do not commit adultery
I was at the supermarket, when a strong christian friend of mine told me to "checkout a girl who dressed scantily".He found it amuzing.But then this is just one out the cases of adultery which we face.They feel they are caged and so they break free.We've got rape cases, now concerning month-old babies.Adultery dosen't only concern extra-marital activities but also lust.
-Do not steal
I am guilty, but thank God i have repented.Cases of theft, rising by the minute, coming from all sorts of people and shocking to know that our christian brothers and sisters are involved.Stealing is an impulse to take, to covert.Please, this is quite easy to overcome.One of the easiest ways to destruction is to take another man's property.
-Bear no False witnesses nor shall you Covet
How many people today try to defend themselves or friends from harm.How many of us give false impressions of others in the pursuit of some malice.How many of us covet.
-Please... beware of the mark of the beast for when the beast comes calling, your only escape is your Saviour and for those who have been marked, your only destination is the blood of those you slain and the darkness of your heart and the fury flames that will eat up your skin.
Break loose-
We must be prepared for the worst.