Many have been called to the truth, but few have been chosen to see the truth.
Line upon line, precept upon precept. Time and study required.
A Father must exist before a Son can be begotten of Him.
Most problems arise out of the reality that most do not understand where they came from in the first place. Thus when Jesus says "Thou lovest me before the foundation of the world"
This is an example to them that Jesus always was.
God loves us all and we were and are a part of God just as Jesus was/is.
God promised life eternal before the world began Titus 1:2 How He would accomplish that and to whom was it promised is revealed to those who have been spiritually born again
and matured enough to handle that revelation.
The answer is simple. To ALL, and through Jesus Christ as we are all of God and from God, but obviously did not do what Jesus did.
We are all sons, with a King that is the only begotten Son, who also has a KING, His and our Father. God is the Father of all the spirits of men and the promise was to all those spirits
that came out from Him and suffered in this world of good and evil.
It just requires a long vision to comprehend how and when ALL will come into life eternal as promised by the Father.