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There is the forgiveness into the marriage too.


Feb 16, 2007

I have questions fopr all chriostians her and especially for all chritian couples:

Why people like divorcing and separating. When we read in Matthew 19:3-12 we learn that from the GOD's mind, it is not allowed to the man (of course a woman too) to divorce. We read it in the verse eight.

If Jesus christ forgave us for al our wrongdoings, can't we forget if we really love each other?

Love endures all and supports all, it also forgibves all (1 Corinthians 13:4-7).

I never yet get married and am sti wondering about it. Our parents justy divorced and dad remarried after dowry and his new wife , our step-mother came at home with two of her children (two daugters) nhanec we (my bro and I) got new sisters.

Please dear parents, do not prefer top divorce. You are dishonouring our Lord GOD.

We, children adn young are watching out you to find models of Jesus chriost ibn al of you. But when you divorce, you are telling us tis one: "hey children it's beetr you do not mary for, the marriage is only chosing matters to ad into you rlife".No, thats' wrong . GOD established the marriage to support ourselves and help each other but it is not given to all to marry as we can read it in Matthew 19:11-12.

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Gautchboy, this is a good question and you have brought forth good points.

You need, however to learn how to use the spell checker. It will help your good posts to become understandable to others. I struggled to understand your post. I had to your post very slowly, because there were so many spelling errors.

Please? Use the spell checker?

To address your question: It sounds as if you are truly hurting from the divorce that has occurred from your parents recently.

As you expressed, divorce is a destroyer of families and God hates it.

I pray that you will heal from this divorce of your parents and that God will strengthen you, bless you, and show you your lifetime mate for marriage, in due time.
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Shalom Gautchboy - you have expressed eloquently the fall out of divorce. Its too easy now for people to run away rather than confront the problems every couple faces going through life. We all promise to take our life partner "for better or worse, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer" but I am afraid these wonderful vows are being forgotten in a material world.Up to the 1970's married couples stayed together in Ireland and it was the exception to see a marriage break down. Now its an exception for a marriage to survive as people when facing a problem choose to walk away. I see the agony the faces of children caught up in a divorce. May it please God to bless married couples and give them the strength and wisdom to overcome their problems with His help. Amen.