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'Tis The Season

Sue J Love

Mar 27, 2015
‘Tis the season to be jolly,
Light the trees, and hang the holly,
Join in all the merrymaking,
And in all the cookie baking.

Light your candles on your altars,
Don’t misstep, now don’t you falter,
Cross your T’s and dot your I’s,
Prepare yourself for the surprise.

Join in the bands, and raise your hands,
And stand your ground, and take your stands,
And shop till your true hearts’ galore,
While your True God you do ignore.

Traditions can take quite a trip,
A godly life they likely snip,
You hurry here, and worry there,
For what you’ll buy and what you’ll wear.

You celebrate till half past ten,
A holiday that’s made from men,
That God did not initiate,
And truth be told, He truly hates.

For Jesus came to die for us,
To give His life, to shed His blood,
That we might die with Him to sin,
In righteousness, to live for Him.

So, celebrate His life and death,
By giving Him your life, in debt
For all that He has given you –
His life, so you can walk in truth.

Commit your life, give all to Him,
And let His Spirit live within,
Obey His words, do what He says,
Let Him now rule your life, instead.

An Original Work / October 21, 2021