To marry or not to marry.
shingie quoted:
"Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication.........................
Nice post and all, but it may be a little late for that fleeing part. The questions was about getting married or not after the sin.
Truehearts: There are no scriptures. ZERO, that says we are forced to marry anyone. That's old tradition, that we must do the right thing and marry. It's a wives tale. Doing so would put someone under bondage and that's not the goal of our Lord. So, if anyone tells you different ask them to show you scripture. They will not be able to.
God never made any provisions for sin but one. He said you will not commit adultery, He said flee fornication. He never went on to say, just in case you mess this up then you need to go to plan B. There is no plan B. Just plan A and that is The Blood of Jesus washes away all sin.
If the guy were to marry this non christian girl then they break another scripture by becoming unequally yoked. (A Christian that is in marriage with a non-Christian.)
rizen1 has the best answer to your question.
trucker said:
If you are going to take the responsability of having sex, then you must be responsible for ALL the consequences that come from making that decision.
NO, no, no, no!!! If we had to be responsible for our sin, we all would be looking forward to roasting in hell. The chastisment of our peace was upon him. IN other words, what we deserved as punishment, and consequence for sin was put all on Jesus. If we had to take the consequences of our sin then we would have to die. All sin leads to death. All sin, not just some of them. We would have to live under the curse of breaking the law, and that means death.
Every, culture and situation is different. The one that gave their life to Jesus is going to get all the grace in this situation. God has a solution to this problem and even can provide the means to the Christian for taking care of the new baby, if the Lord Directs.
So, don't marry, and find out what God wants to do. He is a master at fixing our messes.
Jesus Is Lord.