Israel was declared a state on 14 May 1948, this date I believe was the key, the turning point between the end times and the latter days of the end times.
Slowly over the following 20 years we saw attitudes change, free will, free spirit, free sex, etc. Then a little fast over the next ten years we saw, more wars and rumours of wars, Israel has been part of 8 wars since 1948, in 1967 was the incredible 6 day war. The Berlin wall came down, hearts were hardening, children being more disobedient to parents, etc, etc. Every ten years from then events prophesied have increased. Wars, rumours of wars are becoming a weekly event, in Israel almost daily, social media has increased attitudes and hearts continue to harden. As the days of Noah we were warned, only two times in history will the world be so ungodly, Sodom and Gomorrah and now. We are told, man will go with man and woman with woman, homosexuality and lesbianism and expanded to anything goes, everything God says is good, the devil is using man to make evil, wicked and worse.
But do not worry Jesus said, these things, as the days of Noah, is not the end, they are the birth pangs of the end. What a wonderful way the Lord has in telling us these things, birth pangs start slowly and increase and increase towards 'the end' as any woman who has given birth will confirm. The speed things are happening is alarming, or should be for the Lost souls. The end is very near. It is like a toilet roll, the nearer you get to the end the faster it goes, true, but I prefer our Lord's description.
Donald Trump is just a tool in the Lord's plan at these times, preparing Israel for what is coming, giving the Jews what is theirs, to slow down these latter days for what God is preparing for what is to come. I was going to create a thread for Israel, we are told to pray for them, I think I should in the next day or so, they are a small country, there population has grown to 8.5 million souls, and continued to grow as the Jews return. Who would live in a place like that? Only those called by God to do so, or other religions who thing the Holy land should be theirs, but the battle is between principalities and powers.
Israel is surrounded, Iran, Iraq, Syria, even Turkey, there is Hamas, PA, Jehadi's and more, the Iranians are in Syria as well at present Egypt and Israel are getting on and have done a gas deal but the situation is tense. Missiles firing at Israel is happening every few days, Iran is building up it's nuclear stock, they have recently tested more powerful missiles. We must pray for Israel.
Russia, Rosh in the north, has gradually moved south to Sushi at the south tip near the Mediterranean sea, they have as we know joined forces with Hasad in Syria, made friends with Turkey, time is getting very short, O Come Lord Jesus.
China one of the poorest nations in the world has grown to one of the richest nations in the world, in the last 60-70 years, yes since Israel became a state on 14 May 1948. We know from scripture the final battle will include the great bear from the north, Russia, and a massive army from the East, sounds very much like China. When the final battle comes how will the ground forces get across the powerful great Euphrates river, scripture says they will, I recently read that the river is already controlled with dams as high up as Turkey.
The stage is being prepared, only Jesus can stop it, but not before the worst war in history. What Donald Trump is doing is good but I believe he is being used by God to stall time, the battle at the White House includes spiritual warfare, the Democrats want him out of office, if they get in they will reverse what He is doing, the world hates the Jews, with the Democrats in power, the United Nations and Europe calling for a two state solution everything can change almost overnight. Look at Israel, pray for them, they have not had a government in power for many years, hung parliament after hung parliament, it looks like they will be going to the polls again soon. Pray for Israel, we must pray for Israel, the spiritual Israel and the place Israel, Christians should be eternally grateful, if it wasn't for the Jews errors we would not have been grafted into the branches, we would not have been grafted into the 'lump', the root stock, scripture explains.
Thank you for sharing the message brother, Israel became a nation in 1948, Donald Trump is declaring the Jewish people a Nation and so they are. We must pray for their Salvation, may they come to know Yeshua as their saviour, He is the promised one, they failed to recognise Him, but most of that was down to their teachers, the flock followed what their teachers said. Thank God for the Messianic Jews, I have met some, they are wonderful people. The Jews know the OT inside out, more than we ever will, but when they truly find Jesus is their Mashiach, they come alive, their scripture becomes so clear, they dance, they sing, they know how to worship.
Bless you brother, thanks for sharing the news.