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Turn signals


Dec 18, 2008
God wants dedicated people. It seems some people are easily diverted.

Jesus warns about people who turn back. The word "turn" has been emphasized in the verses below, but otherwise the verses are as is.

Matt 24:18; whoever is in the field must not TURN back to get his cloak. ( Mark 13:16;, Luke 17:31; )

Sometimes turning around is a good thing.

It was prophesied that John the Baptist would "turn" many of the sons of Israel back to the Lord their God. ( Luke 1:16-17; Acts 3:26; )

In Luke 22; Jesus tells Peter that Satan has demanded to test him (sift him like wheat). But Jesus says I have prayed for you,
that your faith may not fail; and when you have "turned" again, strengthen your brothers.

It seems that Jesus not only knew that Peter would deny him, but that Peter would eventually "turn" back to him.

At one time Judas (Iscariot) was an apostle. He was chosen by Jesus.
..and yet, Judas "turned" aside to go his own way. ( Acts 1:25; )

God led the Israelites out of Egypt... but even so, they were unwilling to be obedient to Him, and "in their hearts" they ..turned back.. to Egypt. ( Acts 7:39; )
Even though they started off following God out of Egypt... they made false gods, and a golden calf, and sacrificed to the temple of Rompha and Moloch ( Acts 7:39-43; )

... so God turned away from them. ( Acts 7:42; )

There is none righteous... not even one, no one seeks God... All have "turned" aside.. Not even one person does good. ( Rom 3:10-12; )
That seems to be the state of much of the world today, especially the US.

Gal 4:9; But now that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how is it that you TURN back again....
to the weak and worthless elemental things, to which you desire to be enslaved to all over again.

Even after some people know God... they can turn back again... back to worthless things that enslave them.

1 Tim 5:15; for some have already TURNed aside to follow Satan.

2 Tim 4:3; the time will come when people will no longer listen to Biblical doctrine, but they will find teachers that say what they want to hear...
2 Tim 4:4; and they will TURN away their ears from the truth, and they will TURN aside to listen to myths.

I could name several well known churches and "Christian" pastors the verses above would apply to. In fact this seems to be the largest number
of people in the largest churches (at least here in the US).

James 5:19; says... if any among you Christians strays from the truth.. and someone turns him back... you will save his soul from death. ( verse 20 )

2 Peter 2:21; says it would be bad enough to never be saved... but if would even be better for some people to have never known the way
of righteousness, than to have known it, and to TURN away from it...

It seems the new testament is full of verses that talk about people turning from God. But not only do some turn people away from God.
They try to turn the gospel into somethng it isn't.

Jude 1:4; for certain people have crept into the church, ungodly people who TURN the grace of God into a license to sin... and deny our only
Master and Lord... Jesus Christ.

2 Peter 2:20; says some peole have escaped the defilements of the world through the knowledge of Jesus Christ... ( is there any other way? )
but then they TURN back to become entangled in sin... so that the ending state of the person is worse than when they started.

God wants people who will follow Him... not "turning" to the right or to the left... ( Deut 5:32; )
I like this. I know I want to live 100% on track and sold out ....

It is a learning process though isn't it? If you don't know where you are headed exactly.... you might turn right or left before you figure out that wasn't the way you were supposed to go. And GPS seems to be of no use at times, cuz depending on which voice you get or what "advice" you get ....wow you can end up turned around. :)
And that instruction manual we all get? ...well.....it is super helpful but as you get more and more into it, it seems to leave you with more and more questions lol.

I do know it helps focusing on where you are going (To Jesus), but even then...when I'm looking ahead, I miss something and have to back track.
I like this. I know I want to live 100% on track and sold out ....

It is a learning process though isn't it? If you don't know where you are headed exactly.... you might turn right or left before you figure out that wasn't the way you were supposed to go. And GPS seems to be of no use at times, cuz depending on which voice you get or what "advice" you get ....wow you can end up turned around. :)
And that instruction manual we all get? ...well.....it is super helpful but as you get more and more into it, it seems to leave you with more and more questions lol.

I do know it helps focusing on where you are going (To Jesus), but even then...when I'm looking ahead, I miss something and have to back track.
It definitely is a learning process. I have taken a wrong turn so many times in my life. I know now though it's because I wasn't listening to God's voice at the time, so I strayed off of the path. It means being able to sift through all of the voices and being able to discern which one is God's, and then blocking out all of the rest. God got my attention this last time when He delivered me from the brink of death 11 months ago. Keeping our eyes on Jesus is the only way to live 100% on track. Stay immersed in the Word - that is our GPS! :-)