Hi LittleAngel,
I battled with chronic depression throughout my teenage years and struggled with suicide on almost a daily basis for most of them, but now I am almost completely free from it. There can be many aspects to depression: spiritual, physical and emotional.
I have totally beaten the spiritual and emotional sides to it, but the physical side still lets me down a little very occasionally. Please let me explain.
Often depression can be caused by a physical condition - a chemical imbalance which can be controlled through medication. Even herbs like Valerian can help. Lack of sleep and poor diet can also be major contributing factors to depression. Sometimes people are too depressed to even go to the doctor. I'm so glad that you are gettin help now, please keep with it. Be careful though, some medication has side effects. If you have any, let your Doctor know ASAP.
The emotional side of depression is that some (many) of us will go through very distressing and discouraging phases in our lives. If these phases last long enough and we are susceptible we might become depressed. That's what happened to me. My home life as a child was very unhappy and continually tumultuous and I felt totally powerless to do anything about it. Thankfully God has now given me a family where I am fully loved, respected and cared for!!!! And I am now aware of the power that is available to all believers!
When we are emotionally or physically susceptible, we are also spiritually vulnerable. Thankfully, through prayer, God has miraculously delivered me from that ''black cloud" that hung over my life for decades!!!!
Find empathetic, faith-filled people to stand with you in prayer. Have someone you can call when things get a difficult. Feel free to email me.
Avoid things that can trigger depression, like emotional, gloomy music, movies, books, pictures or objects, etc. I would stay clear of fantasy and "spiritual" stuff as well. Only cheerful, beautiful, pure and Christian things in your room.
Read you Bible everyday.
Get medical help when you need it.
And whatever you do NO MORE PARCETAMOL, because you will get over this and you don't want to ruin your liver!
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guide your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
...whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praisewothy - think about such things...put it into practise and the God of peace will be with you. Philippians 4:6-9
You have a wonderful and blessed life ahead of you if you turn to God and depend on Him.
blessings for you