Brothers & Sisters in Christ,
Knight1 here, and I have two very urgent prayer requests.
1) My sister Kim, the one who has the terminal diease (that God has already
healed) is back in the hospital. She has been in for a week and the whole time she has been on life support. Today, they took her off the life support, but she is not doing well at all. She is still having seziers, and her belly is still expelling lots of blood and they can't tell where it is coming from. She told me today while she was screaming in agony, " There is no God", "Why hasn't he
healed me yet?". Kim believes in God, that was just the pain and fear talking.
Her physical pain is very great. They tried to give her something for the pain, but it was to say the least inadiquate.
Please keep her in your prayers that her recovery will be complete, and that the Lord would numb her pain just as he suffered her wounds.
2) My oldest son Joshua, 15, is in great need of prayer. The enemy is really working over time on him. Without going into alot of personal detail, some of his choices lately have been very poor. I can see that he is trying, but our relationship is somewhat strained right now.
Keep Josh in your prayers. He is a good kid. God is really going to use him on the other side of this trial.
And please pray for me. Besides taking care of Kim and Josh, I am in the process of seeing if the A C L J , take my case because I am suing the Texas Criminal Justice System for not allowing my children to have the phone call they are intitled to have by law with the man that sodomized them. I have been working closly with one of my state representatives, and even they agree, that after having done their own research, the Texas Criminal Justice System is not obeying the law. They said they have to wait and take it before the House of Rep. in the next session, to see about intent. I am not waiting another year. I have been working on this for far too long.
There is a bigger picture here and the Lord is leading the way. I am confident that all will work out well. My plate is just a little full right now(no rest for the weary, Ha! Ha!) and I could use some prayer.
Thanks to all of your for your support.