For some reason, even though the United States is the fattest nation on earth, and the fattest society ever, we know more about health now that we ever have! You can't read the paper or watch tv without being bombarded with ads on some new miracle diet or fad. In this thread I will outline the biggest lies in the health industry today.
1) Don't eat = Lose weight
Wrong. Your body needs food, your body is programed to take in food, your entire system depends on the nutrients you provide for your body to function. While fasting will result in temporal weight loss, you will gain it all back in one meal, why is that? Because your metabolism has pretty much shut down due to the fact that your muscles are deteriorating at an incredible rate. Also you are more likely to splurge since hunger will hit you like a ton of bricks. I am an advocate of eating LESS, our bodies really don't need that much food to function, in fact we can survive up to a month without food, but fasting is not the answer to your weight loss needs.
2) A calorie is a calorie
Another huge misconception, how many times has it been done, after splurging on a meal high on fat and sugar, we count the calories, and then we think we can just "burn them off" with a little exercise. It doesn't work that way, your body is a factory, whatever foods you eat determine how your health will be, they will determine your body shape and your muscular endurance, they will determine metabolism. While I know the scientific data that says that burning more calories than you consume means you will lose weight, this is true, but it doesn't mean you will be healthy.
3) My body needs a break
Says who? If you are tired due to exercise, more than likely either 1- You are not eating enough food or drinking enough water, 2- you are not sleeping enough, or 3- you are really out of shape.
Our bodies are designed to be pushed, while we do need rest, we don't need NEARLY as much as we think we do, taking breaks in a workout routine will lead to plateus and set-backs. Don't listen to the hype about stressing your body, our bodies need to be stressed, that is how you lose weight in the first place.
4) I'm just genetically fat
Genetics do play a huge role in a person's appearance, but in no way will they dictate your health, you choose to be overweight, nobody put that cake in your mouth, you put it there yourself. I've never seen a fat person run 5 miles, because if you can run 5 miles then you are thin, end of story.
5) The low carb diet
Pure uncensored nonsense. Our bodies crave for carbs, we need them and without them we have no energy, I tried the low carb thing for a while, all it did was make me tried as heck, the only weight you lose is muscle weight, since muscle weighs more than fat.
6) The bible says not to worry what you eat!!
I know what the bible says, but 2,000 years ago they didn't have a fast food store on every corner, and they were no where near as fat as we are today. All this is a an excuse to be fat by fat Christians.
7) I have "baby fat"
If you're 25 years old, it's not baby fat, it's regular old ugly fat. You need to treat it like the health hazard it is or else this "baby fat" will end up killing you.
8) Any miracle product on the market, period
There are no miracles to health, you're not going to cast out fat in the name of Jesus. You're not going to pray the fat off your body. What you need to do is to 1- Stop being lazy, 2- Get disciplined, 3- Work hard. That's it. No protein shake or powder is going to make you skinny, you make you skinny.
1) Don't eat = Lose weight
Wrong. Your body needs food, your body is programed to take in food, your entire system depends on the nutrients you provide for your body to function. While fasting will result in temporal weight loss, you will gain it all back in one meal, why is that? Because your metabolism has pretty much shut down due to the fact that your muscles are deteriorating at an incredible rate. Also you are more likely to splurge since hunger will hit you like a ton of bricks. I am an advocate of eating LESS, our bodies really don't need that much food to function, in fact we can survive up to a month without food, but fasting is not the answer to your weight loss needs.
2) A calorie is a calorie
Another huge misconception, how many times has it been done, after splurging on a meal high on fat and sugar, we count the calories, and then we think we can just "burn them off" with a little exercise. It doesn't work that way, your body is a factory, whatever foods you eat determine how your health will be, they will determine your body shape and your muscular endurance, they will determine metabolism. While I know the scientific data that says that burning more calories than you consume means you will lose weight, this is true, but it doesn't mean you will be healthy.
3) My body needs a break
Says who? If you are tired due to exercise, more than likely either 1- You are not eating enough food or drinking enough water, 2- you are not sleeping enough, or 3- you are really out of shape.
Our bodies are designed to be pushed, while we do need rest, we don't need NEARLY as much as we think we do, taking breaks in a workout routine will lead to plateus and set-backs. Don't listen to the hype about stressing your body, our bodies need to be stressed, that is how you lose weight in the first place.
4) I'm just genetically fat
Genetics do play a huge role in a person's appearance, but in no way will they dictate your health, you choose to be overweight, nobody put that cake in your mouth, you put it there yourself. I've never seen a fat person run 5 miles, because if you can run 5 miles then you are thin, end of story.
5) The low carb diet
Pure uncensored nonsense. Our bodies crave for carbs, we need them and without them we have no energy, I tried the low carb thing for a while, all it did was make me tried as heck, the only weight you lose is muscle weight, since muscle weighs more than fat.
6) The bible says not to worry what you eat!!
I know what the bible says, but 2,000 years ago they didn't have a fast food store on every corner, and they were no where near as fat as we are today. All this is a an excuse to be fat by fat Christians.
7) I have "baby fat"
If you're 25 years old, it's not baby fat, it's regular old ugly fat. You need to treat it like the health hazard it is or else this "baby fat" will end up killing you.
8) Any miracle product on the market, period
There are no miracles to health, you're not going to cast out fat in the name of Jesus. You're not going to pray the fat off your body. What you need to do is to 1- Stop being lazy, 2- Get disciplined, 3- Work hard. That's it. No protein shake or powder is going to make you skinny, you make you skinny.