Hello Melanie.
I can tell you that I felt that way. I felt ugly, worthless, guilty, empty, shame, alone, everything that God doesn't want us to feel unless it is things that are from Him...there is a 'good guilt', but what I felt was false guilt about things that didn't have anything to do with what I did, but what someone else did to me.
See, I have a testimony...like you do. I was molested by my grandfather and I thought it all was my fault and then I always was/am overweight and that made me feel ugly because people...even family would say mean and even cruel things.
So, I crawled into my little 'safe' place. Away from everything...I cried out to God...asking Him for help. Why did this happen, God? I screamed at the ceiling in my room (I was 13 at this point).
I still feel ugly sometimes...but my husband...he tells me I'm not.
And then, I read in the Bible...Psalm 139 where it says I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
God made us...all of us in His image. We were created in our mother's womb. God knew us before we were even born! wow!
I think of it like this...
We are all caterpillars at first...and then...God puts us through something...and changes and grafts us into His Vine...Jesus...and then...through that change (the cocoon) we come out...and we are a beautiful butterfly. We are a new creation.
How wonderful?
God sees you, Melanie, as His beautiful...wonderful daughter.
There is a song that I think you should hear or read the lyrics. It is a song sung in the view of Jesus to us...His Bride. It makes me cry every time I hear/read it or sing it...because I understand then How much He truly loves me.
Songwriters: Jobe, Kari; Kuehn, Klaus
You're my beloved, you're my bride
To sing over you is my delight
Come away with me my love
Under my mercy come and wait
Till we are standing face to face
I see no stain on you my child
You're beautiful to me
So beautiful to me
I sing over you my song of peace
Cast all your care down at my feet
Come and find your rest in me
I'll breathe my life inside of you
I'll bear you up on eagle's wings
And hide you in the shadow of my strength
I'll take you to my quiet waters
I'll restore your soul
Come rest in me and be made whole
You're my beloved, you're my bride
To sing over you is my delight
Come away with me my love