The question stems from my walk with God and my marriage. When I was first married we both drank and lived far from the grace of God, because of God's mercy He brought me out of a 35 year drunk and I am now walking daily with our Lord. I have not drank in 4 years. My husband is still drinking, and at times very heavily. This is one of those times. It has been going on now for three months. He is aware that he is out of control, he is aware that he is breaking the law, since he is on probation for DWI. He will not do anything about it. I do not want to leave him because he has been left by everyone in his life at one time or another, also I am his only link to God. He says he believes but has very warped ideas of Christianity. He sobered up 2 1/2 years ago when he totaled our car and got a felony DWI (third). He was sober for 8 months- it was the best time in our 10 year relationship. He even started going to church with me. He is headed back to where he was at before the accident. What do I do now? I have prayed and tried to be patient, nothing seems to be working. There are times I just wan to to away. Can you help?