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What do you do to worship God?


Jun 2, 2010
As a teen heading off to college, I find myself distracted and not as focused on God as I should be.

I don't really read my Bible (mainly because I have a small teen Devotional book with Bible verses in them...which I read maybe once a week).
I try to thank God for, well, everything each time I remember that it is only through Him which we receive all we have. I pray often.
I go to Youth Group and church (though not as often as Youth Group).
I listen to Christian music.

What else could I do? I don't feel as though my connection to God is as strong is steel (my faith is strong--I have never stopped believing, but I...feel as though I am missing out on a strong relationship with God).

So what do you do to worship God and keep your relationship with Him strong?
I pray, but what I mean by that is, I talk to Him. Yep.
I talk to Him about my day, I tell Him how I feel, I ask for guidance,
I ask for patience, and I wait for a response. I imagine He is sitting there next to me, listening to me vent, or cry, or talk fast from pure joy. He is
my Father, and so I talk to Him that way. I ask and I thank. I cry and I smile.
I sing or hum or even sit there in silence sometimes, thinking of all the ways
God said hi to me today. Find time in college alone to sit and block out the world, and listen to Him.
You should try to read your bible more because that's one of the ways God talks to you. You seem to know what you should do. Ask God what is hurting your relationship with him.
I am happy to know that you are concerned and you do self assessment. Its a good sign of faith and God consciousness! :D

I can't help you much on this bcuz i think i am no better than you are.

But i want to share my prayers.
Often while lying on my bed or alone outside, i ponder over the creation of God: the sky, the clouds, the birds flying... the earth and the creatures (little lives) moving on it. Seeing myself in the mirror, my eyes, little babies.. I am filled with aw. This is all true, real and amazing.. Indeed there is God, who is up there, who originated all these things, who is running this amazing world and sustaining it, He is the underlying force, who is hidden and revealed at the same time, which the science calls, 'mother nature (scientific name of God)'.
God's creation, the universe is so big and i am an insignificant creation of God.. How can i rebel against the Powerful God? While the all knowing God decides what happens to me (His Will prevails) and hence willing or unwillingly i am bound to obey His will. So I have no choice but to submit to Him whole heartedly. Accept my weaknesses and cry before God in loneliness. Open my heart before him and talk to him as He is my creator, to Him I belong and to Him is my return. He feeds me and is caretaker over me. So who else should i cry before? God! if you punish me, i am your creation and if you have mercy on me, then indeed you are the Most Merciful! I seek refuge in you from the evils of myself, and of my hands (i.e. deeds and their consequences) and from the rejected Satan. Amen! And i also pray: There is no strength to do good or to avoid sin but with God's help.

O God! guide me to the path of those whom you have favored. Indeed, whom you guide, is guided and whom you let go astray, none can guide. So i ask you for the best of your blessing, your guidance!
O God, don't humiliate me in this world or in the hereafter! I ask you for the best in this world and in the hereafter! I ask you for life spend in your obedience and death in your obedience! Amen! .... .... ....

A few advices:
1) Have God conciousness wherever you may be, and follow up a bad deed with a good deed which will wipe it out, and behave well towards the people.
2) Leave that which makes you doubt for that which does not make you doubt.
3) Part of the perfection of one’s religion is his leaving that which does not concern him.
4) Consult your heart. Righteousness is that about which the soul feels at ease and the heart feels tranquil. And wrongdoing is that which wavers in the soul and causes uneasiness in the breast, even though people have repeatedly given their legal opinion [in its favour].
So what do you do to worship God and keep your relationship with Him strong?

I'll answer your question with a question of my own: Where is God on your daily itinerary, your daily priorities list? You probably use a day planner. Look back at,say, the last sixty days. Is time set aside for God (15 minutes per day) each day and if so, how often is it checked off as accomplished? If God's not first, whatever is is an idol.

Spirit Led Ed (SLE)
What we always have to do to worship God is Praying,Reading the Bible and singing
Try to read your bible more and talk with God more. This is a relationship of Love, so spend time with Him and talking to Him.
I talk to him as i do to my friends and family. At first it felt weird but i learned to just think of him as sitting right next to me. Reading the bible more often is probably the best thing you can do. What i do is just close my eyes and ask him to find me a page that he wants me to read and meditate on and i just open to a random page and i read sometimes i even highlights things* now my bible is full of highlighted pages*LOL God Bless tirapet :)
I talk to him as i do to my friends and family. At first it felt weird but i learned to just think of him as sitting right next to me. Reading the bible more often is probably the best thing you can do. What i do is just close my eyes and ask him to find me a page that he wants me to read and meditate on and i just open to a random page and i read sometimes i even highlights things* now my bible is full of highlighted pages*LOL God Bless tirapet :)

Lol I do the same thing. When I am studying the Bible with the Daily Bread or I happen to come across a good verse that give me comfort in troubling times, I highlight it. The blue highlighted verses are to learn and apply to my life, the pink highlighted verses are for comfort when things go rough, to remind me of His promises.
Lol I do the same thing. When I am studying the Bible with the Daily Bread or I happen to come across a good verse that give me comfort in troubling times, I highlight it. The blue highlighted verses are to learn and apply to my life, the pink highlighted verses are for comfort when things go rough, to remind me of His promises.

Me too i have a green, pink ,blue and yellow highlighter LOL for the same similar reasons