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Jul 11, 2009
in 2corinthians 6 from verse 14 paul says we should not be yoked with unbelievers.
I got a friend who is not Christian and belongs to another religion, I have showed him the truth from the bible and he seems not to be budging. I am afraid that it could hamper my spiritual growth, I believe we should always grow spiritually thats why recently I made a commitment to watch and listen to material which will help me grow spiritually only.
what do you think should I cut our frienship or should I carry on?
I wouldnt cut the friendship. Even though he dosnt seem to be budging, you are still planting a seed and that is what counts. You did the right thing, telling this friend about God and His love for us. Now it's up to them if they want to be saved, or carry on with their life. It took one of my friends 3 years to see His love for him. And i was patient the whole time. Good luck! :)
I have been where you are many times, and I understand . Remember, if it infects you and influences your walk with the lord cut it off... I did this with a friend of 10 years, but I knew it was the right thing, pray , pray and pray about it you will have a peace of what God wants you to do. My brother, donot feel guilty that is the enemy... In my own situation I stopped talking to this friend but I left the door open such as emailing her that i love her, just in case in the future she turns away from the evil, lust etc and back to Jesus she knows that she could turn to me for help. But other than that remember that Jesus is the LION and the LAmb, walk in strength .Pray for them God is in control. Let it go... it is very difficult but not impossible with Jesus. I hope this help's you...
in 2corinthians 6 from verse 14 paul says we should not be yoked with unbelievers.
I got a friend who is not Christian and belongs to another religion, I have showed him the truth from the bible and he seems not to be budging. I am afraid that it could hamper my spiritual growth, I believe we should always grow spiritually thats why recently I made a commitment to watch and listen to material which will help me grow spiritually only.
what do you think should I cut our frienship or should I carry on?

Honestly, I would pray and seek God till I had a peace in my spirit.
If He leads you to stay in that friendship (we are in the world and not of it) then He has a purpose and the witness of a life filled with Him has broken many a barrier.
If He leads you to move on then do so in the kindest way possible, not burning bridges that may one day be needed.
Immerse yourself in prayer, worship and the Word, soon you will have a deep down peace about the right way to go.
Many blessings in Jesus Name,
brother Larry.
in 2corinthians 6 from verse 14 paul says we should not be yoked with unbelievers.
I got a friend who is not Christian and belongs to another religion, I have showed him the truth from the bible and he seems not to be budging. I am afraid that it could hamper my spiritual growth, I believe we should always grow spiritually thats why recently I made a commitment to watch and listen to material which will help me grow spiritually only.
what do you think should I cut our frienship or should I carry on?
I believe God sends people into our lives for a reason!! I believe that verse is talking about being married to unbelievers.. Jesus said he did not come for the saved but the sinners.. Live by example and spend alot of time with God because He will eqqupit you for His work because you cant do it in your strength but in His strength all things are possible with God!! Ask God to lead you and use you.. Check out Cross Timbers Communty Church they have pod casts.. I have really enjoyed and I hope you do too!