"Or know ye not that, wrong–doers, shall not inherit, God’s kingdom? Be not deceiving yourselves:––neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor sodomites, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners––shall inherit, God’s kingdom. And, these things, were some of you; but ye bathed them away,––but ye were sanctified, but ye were justified, in the name of [our] Lord Jesus Christ, and in the Spirit of our God." (1Cor 6:9-11 EBR)
Suppose a regenerate person, a true Christian, slips up and engages in an act of fornication, and then dies in a car accident before repenting, does he go to the fire of hell? Maybe he got stressed, drank and became drunk and had a car accident, killing an innocent bystander, and dies himself before he repents, also, does he go to the lake of eternal fire?
It states these former sinners "were sanctified", past tense; so they were set apart in Christ; a done deal, correct?
Aren't the vice lists of Paul stereotypes, giving a word picture of a type of person, a montage of sins that brings a person's justification into question? Remember the "covetous" are in this list of sins as well, and who of us is not or has not been covetous in some way at times? A person professes his true faith publicly but dies before he is baptized, he too is lost?
Suppose a regenerate person, a true Christian, slips up and engages in an act of fornication, and then dies in a car accident before repenting, does he go to the fire of hell? Maybe he got stressed, drank and became drunk and had a car accident, killing an innocent bystander, and dies himself before he repents, also, does he go to the lake of eternal fire?
It states these former sinners "were sanctified", past tense; so they were set apart in Christ; a done deal, correct?
Aren't the vice lists of Paul stereotypes, giving a word picture of a type of person, a montage of sins that brings a person's justification into question? Remember the "covetous" are in this list of sins as well, and who of us is not or has not been covetous in some way at times? A person professes his true faith publicly but dies before he is baptized, he too is lost?