may i offer a couple of points for consideration?
First, may i point you here:
You must agree to these terms and rules before using the site.
If you re-read it, you will see that nothing has been done that you did not agree to when joining TalkJesus.
Sometimes posts or threads are removed for the purpose of Moderation. In the case of the thread being discussed, some posts were removed as they were replies to other posts that were removed for moderation. It would not make much sense to read replies that reference posts that have been removed.
Usually Members are given at least some form of notice. (I confess that i sometimes do not give reasons. )
If content is removed for Moderation, it can take time for Staff to get together on the matter and come to any decisions.
May i offer a question?***
Over the years members have joined and stayed active or dwindled away or left. Some have been 'banned' from engaging in the activities of TalkJesus.
We, the staff, have tried to keep TalkJesus what it is and sometimes we must make decisions that some do not agree with, in order to keep things as you see it. We certainly acknowledge that Members have been extremely helpful in all this and without everyone doing their bit, TalkJesus would not be what it is today.
We don't like to 'compare' ourselves with other sites, but i would like to point out that perhaps one of the reasons people join our humble little forum, is because it is not a place where anything goes and it is a safe place for fellowship of those who decide to join.
So, may i ask? *** Why did you join TalkJesus? [you DO NOT have to answer! probably best you don't] It is a question asked for you to think about.
Did you join because you liked what you saw and if so, please remember that it is this way because of the reasons already given.
May i ask that if you have any concerns, please contact the Moderators via Conversation {PM} and if you are not happy with decisions made by Moderators, you can contact the Administrator with your concerns.
Posting threads etc about the Moderation here at TalkJesus is not necessary.
Also, please keep in mind, if you do PM a Moderator or Administrator, to exercise patience regarding getting a reply.
Bless you ....><>