I have a problem and need suggestions. To start, let me explain a quick background. I have been fighting for a divorce from an abusive husband for 4 years. He has tied the divorce up and I have no idea when this will ever be over. We had two children together. A year after we seperated, I met someone else that I have lived with for 3 years and we have a child together. I know its wrong, but when we moved in together we didn't care, because we weren't Christians. Now please keep in mind, we would have married at any time the divorce would have become final. We live as a married couple completely devoted. We recently became Christians (yeah!!). Now, we are at a crossroads. It has become embarrassing at church and we feel quilty, as well. We are trying to live our lives as a family worshipping God. We are doing everything we can to teach our children about a God they have never heard of. We can't move out and scare the children, they see us as married. We can't do the right thing yet, not legally. What is the right thing to do????