A Word From Billy Graham
“What do you think about truth?
Some people think there is no absolute truth. ‘Truth’ for them is simply what they think. But what is truth for one person might not be truth for anyone else, they think. Everything is relative. Yet how disillusioned with life many become because they don’t recognize the existence of truth.
In the absence of solid, basic truth, we are adrift on a churning sea of ideas with no compass to tell us which way to go. Jesus taught that there is truth. Not only that, He made the bold claim, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life’ (John 14:6, NIV). Jesus also taught about lies. He said that Satan is a liar and the father of lies. Satan’s lies started in the Garden of Eden.
When God created man and woman, He placed them in a beautiful and perfect environment. God said, ‘All this is for you. You can eat of every tree in the garden except one. If you eat of that tree, you will die’ (Cf. Genesis 2:16-17). Then Satan came along in the form of a serpent and said, ‘That is not true. You will not die. God didn’t really say that’ (Cf. Genesis 3:1-5).
Satan phrased it in such a way as to question, ‘Did God really say that?’ In our generation, people question whether the Bible is really the Word of God. They put doubt in people’s minds, asking, ‘Did God really say that?’ I want to affirm that from beginning to end, the Bible is God’s Word, inspired by the Holy Spirit. When I turn to the Bible, I know I am reading truth.
And I turn to it every day.”
“What do you think about truth?
Some people think there is no absolute truth. ‘Truth’ for them is simply what they think. But what is truth for one person might not be truth for anyone else, they think. Everything is relative. Yet how disillusioned with life many become because they don’t recognize the existence of truth.
In the absence of solid, basic truth, we are adrift on a churning sea of ideas with no compass to tell us which way to go. Jesus taught that there is truth. Not only that, He made the bold claim, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life’ (John 14:6, NIV). Jesus also taught about lies. He said that Satan is a liar and the father of lies. Satan’s lies started in the Garden of Eden.
When God created man and woman, He placed them in a beautiful and perfect environment. God said, ‘All this is for you. You can eat of every tree in the garden except one. If you eat of that tree, you will die’ (Cf. Genesis 2:16-17). Then Satan came along in the form of a serpent and said, ‘That is not true. You will not die. God didn’t really say that’ (Cf. Genesis 3:1-5).
Satan phrased it in such a way as to question, ‘Did God really say that?’ In our generation, people question whether the Bible is really the Word of God. They put doubt in people’s minds, asking, ‘Did God really say that?’ I want to affirm that from beginning to end, the Bible is God’s Word, inspired by the Holy Spirit. When I turn to the Bible, I know I am reading truth.
And I turn to it every day.”