My Wish.......
First, we should never push are convictions on someone else. It's wrong, we are not the Holy Spirit.
1Co 10:29 Conscience, I say, not thine own, but of the other: for why is my liberty judged of another man's conscience?
I already know what your suppose to do, but I did not mention it. I just gave you a place to possibly sell them.
There is nothing wrong with selling them. Nothing right about not selling them. They are just games, to be resold possibly, to give someone a better deal.
If someone buys your game, and it's a bad game (There are many fine games) We can't be their Holy Ghost, the Game is not cursed, it's just a game. They would get it from somewhere else.
That is not the issue though. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it's this praying about, and seeking, and looking for something else to go against what we know. That will cost you, and keep you dull in hearing.
Look at Balaam
What did God tell Him.?
Num 22:12 And God said unto Balaam,
Thou shalt not go with them; thou shalt not curse the people: for they are blessed.
Is Balaam confused about his Conscience, and what is right?
Sounds like Balaam already knows what to do. No need to pray about that. God told him not to GO. Balaam's Conviction told him not to Go, Balaam's conscience Told him not to Go.........
NOW WATCH..........
Num 22:18 And Balaam answered and said unto the servants of Balak, If Balak would give me his house full of silver and gold,
I cannot go beyond the word of the LORD my God, to do less or more.
Num 22:19 Now therefore, I pray you, tarry ye also here this night,
that I may know what the LORD will say unto me more.
See what Balaam said? I got to pray more about this.
I just got to make sure, I need confirmation. So stay the night, let me pray some more.
What you said
God had convicted me and showed me how destructive they could be.
but I also don't want to make another person stumble, by some of the ungodly content in them.
I don't think it would be wise to ignore this conviction, but I am going to pray about this fervently with the Lord tonight, and ask for some confirmation
Look what God does now.
Num 22:20 And God came unto Balaam at night, and said unto him, If the men come to call thee, rise up, and
go with them; but yet the word which I shall say unto thee, that shalt thou do.
Num 22:21 And Balaam rose up in the morning, and saddled his ***, and went with the princes of Moab.
Num 22:22 And
God's anger was kindled because he went: and the angel of the LORD stood in the way for an adversary against him. Now he was riding upon his ***, and his two servants were with him.
God just gave Balaam over to his own thinking. The men never called him, the men never came to him again, they spent the night. Balaam misheard because he did not obey the first time, but kept asking. He saw that as a Go ahead to just go with them.
When we are slow to act on what we already know is right for us, we become dull to the Holy Spirit, and that is where we get off the path, allow things we thought God said was finally OK.
So, I told you a great place to check to sell them.
You said it was 1,000's worth of Games, no need to waste all that money if you can put it to good use right?
Just to make double sure on what to do, pray some more about it, make sure it's God. Just like Balaam did.
I am sure Balaam had plans also for the money, but it ended up costing him his life.
Act 24:16 And herein do I exercise myself, to have
always a conscience void of offence toward God, and toward men.
Jesus Is Lord.