what do you do when you have tried to be healed of depression, being paranoid, and being extremly aanxious, i have prayed, fasted, took meds, couseling, so far nothing works, if God has made me did he make me this way? and if he did, should i not try to change? i really do not have any answers. i am so tried of being odd, i have been this way for many years, i also noticed the more stress i become, which is increasing, i pull out my hair. any advice?
Hey Smitty, sounds like you are having a tough time there.
I figure although the bible refers to the tongue as the rudder (James 3) ...it's from the mind the tongue speaks. Getting the mind recognise Jesus as our friend and helper is something that even the disciples had difficulty with...and they had him physically with them. (Mark 4:37- 41). In my humble opinion....(I am sooo not a 'teacher') the most powerful thing to do in this depressed mood is to read Phil 4, then learn Phil 4:8 off by heart.
This doesn't sound like a very holy reply does it? Seriously brother, focus on
stilling the mind by learning that verse and it will bring verse 7 into focus and verse 11 will possibly become very precious to you. Once I'd learned that verse, the questions came....like....so
WHAT things are true, honest...etc., and then I realised that
He is truth, honesty and so on....felt so much closer then.
If I might say this, I really do not know anyone who doesn't feel 'odd' at some point in their life.
There are so many interpretations out there about healing, some say it is our 'right' and it should be claimed and others look at it from 'is there a purpose to this' kinda point of view. Since I have been there and done that with the 'claiming' folks I now adhere to the 'if it be God's will' group...yes, that
yippee I am healed moment passed me by. But hey, that verse 11 we were talking about...
very comforting *g* There's those who will say we need to know the Hebrew translations of words in order to fully understand God's Word. Well, I reckon He can communicate His will to us just in whatsoever fashion He sees fit! Praying for you smitty.
(a favourite site is gotquestionsdotorg but not allowed to post a link to it)