For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principles, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.-Ephesians 6:12
Hey Pat! I left you a message under start a conversation on your page. I hope it went through. I'm still learning how to use this website. I hope you're having a wonderful day experiencing God's blessings in every way. Let me know if you received the message on your home page. Thank you, Jan
Hi Jan! I don't think I saw it. I will check again. I'm still getting used to the site too. It's nice to see you! I hope you are having a good day!:smile:
Oh thank you Jan! I love Ephesians. I read this everyday. Putting on the armor of God! Praise the Lord! Oh, I couldn't find your message. I tried to start a new conversation. I hope it goes through. God Bless you, sister! Thank you!:smile: