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As far as a time line goes, people say we are in the End Times, so where about do you think we are timewise in the Book of Revelation? In terms of horses? Seals?
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SignUp Now!VERY good answer. You are correct I think. I have heard people recently saying " we are on the 5th seall" and things like this and I thought No actually we aren't! I saw a video recently where a woman fasted for 40 days for a message about our current state and she was taken in the spirit to hell to see all of the people falling there. She said Jesus was crying and saying " I was tortured and suffered on the cross to prevent this and no one is repenting! If they do not repent and accept my gift then I died in vain! Go and tell my people for every 30 who rise above 30,000 are falling below and they must repent for no one knows when! Tell my people everything is ready and there is no more time. My return is imminent! Tell them to keep watch and be ready." Take that as you will, but this message gave me chills. It is not biblical, but it is a recent message, and we have not gotten anything like this for 2000 years. Hallelujah! God bless you.all the frame work is being laid, america is being dismantled currently, and according to end times in the bible there are 10 kings that rule over the world, this has not happened yet, However the world economic people talk about it openly and say they have plans on dividing the world into 10 regions with one ruler per region, we have not seen the two witness appear yet either, and they are the first part of the tribulation.
Just my thoughts
@DieAmartyr -- if a person fasts for 40 days -- that's a long time and might be bringing on other situations that are not healthy.
Jesus Christ would Never say to anyone that His death on the cross was in vain. and the concept that for every 30 who rise above that 30,000 are falling below. Jesus Christ went to the cross knowing very well what would be taking place. He gave His life for us -- the only time that Jesus wept -- the shortest verse in the Bible -- was when Lazarus died -- but He Also waited several days before going to see him. He wanted to make sure that everyone knew Lazarus was dead and Then He could raise him from the dead.
And, yes, that woman's vision or whatever she experienced Should give you chills -- since you Know it wasn't Biblical it's Also not to be relied on as a truthful message.
We've had God's authentic Word for a Long time.
While it Is true that Christ could return any time -- it won't be for a while. The political scene is Almost ready.
The Church / born again believers are still here.
The cross of Christ does Not prevent people from going to hell. It Does provide the only way to stay out and to be with God in heaven.
There are many people who will reject God's way for their salvation.
Mine too! My family wore make-up and like I said I am American but we know that anything that is not of God is of the devil and we must be careful to walk in holiness. Make-up is vanity. That is a sin. Seduction is a sin because anything that makes you more attractive to make a man lust for you is tripping up your brothers in Christ. I don't base my life on a select few scriptures. If you read my posts I quote all throughout the Bible. The person who had the vision is not from this country and the message was translated. The message is " Tell my people to repent." Basically it says that people are told " Jesus died for our sins" so they don't realize that while that is true, unless they repent and do their part it does them no good. Throughout the message they said Jesus was crying pretty hard for the amount not repenting because they didn't understand but ignorance does not change God's word and they had their whole lives to read it and had the ability to do so.@DieAmartyr -- no one in this world is a perfect Anything. Maybe the term 'Christian' isn't a good one to use. Too many variations amongst people. So -- being born again is the key to going to heaven.
And, of course, that passage is Biblical. If you want to get technical about it -- was the person who was seeing the vision or having the dream -- a man or woman. That passage also says that in those days that "my Spirit will be poured out on His servants both men and women and they will prophesy." We are Also warned about prophets -- what are They saying -- is it contradicting known Scripture or is it warning us about the need to repent and turn to God through Jesus Christ. And it's Also probable that in countries where the Gospel message is not accepted publically, that God Will provide angelic beings to show the unsaved The Savior. He used the angel Gabrial to tell Joseph that it was okay to take Mary to be his wife because her surprise pregnancy was of the Holy Spirit. That she had not be unfaithful to him.
And, even in These days of internet all over the place -- there are false teachers and No teachers. God will provide a way for everyone To hear/ read the Gospel unto their salvation. Some of the Muslim countries or other religious backgrounds Don't allow Bibles. But Scripture Does manage to get to those who are willing to listen and accept. And some of those countries Do kill born again believers. But they Also have the assurance that when this earthly body Dies that they will be with their Heavenly Father. And when the murderers see people dying in peace -- it Might make them wonder Why they could die peacefully and not showing fear. That Might be the 'witness' they needed.
Sounds like you're hinging you entire life right now on those few verses.
You seem to believe that a person has to be a super spiritual person to get raptured up to meet Jesus Christ in the sky. That's not what Scripture says.
And, yes, satan Is the greatest liar of all times. And, yes, he knows our every weakness and he capitolizes on them.
No born again believer is perfect in this world. That's why we need to seek God's face. When a Scripture says 'to be saved' best to heed That passage. And that which says to believe in your heart and confess with your mouth -- then do that.
Satans' 'lie' is that we have to do something ourselves to help earn our way to heaven. That wearing make-up is sinful and will keep a person from salvation. Or watching TV is really evil. It depends on what a person is watching. And why they're watching it. Same with make-up -- a persons attitude towards their own looks. Are we satisfied with how God has made us? That's what I encouraged with my two daughters when they got into the age of 'everyone is wearing it'. I assured them that they look wonderful just the way they were. Besides -- cosmetics / make-up was Expensive. They just wanted to be like their friends who were trying out lipstick and powder like their friends were. It wasn't 'evil'.
My Mother used lipstick and powder every Sunday for church. My Dad would have her blot it off to almost nothingness. I tried lip stick and found myself sort of 'chewing it off' that's how I'd concentrate in school or college. It never stayed on my lips very long, so why bother with it. And putting facial powder on. My skin felt grimmy with it on so I washed in off fairly quickly during the day. My face feels better when it has nothing on it.
One summer when I was at a neighborhood slumber party -- there was a girl there who - without make-up on looked really nice -- she had longer hair and just combing / brushing it looked really nice. And Then she started doing her hair -- the teasing it and the hair spray -- didn't help her looks any at all. And Then she was putting on her make-up -- she looked much better without it. It might have been that an older sister or mother used it and she wanted to follow their example.
She thought she was more attractive to the guys 'all made up'. But she didn't.
As I was suggesting previously -- try focusing more on the books of Galations, Ephesians, Phillipians and Collossians -- they are Also inspired and very helpful.
My thoughts are that people should trust one another when married and there is no place for possessive, jealous claiming someone like property. I have a wonderful marriage and am with the man of my dreams but I worry that I have changed a lot in the past year. I was baptized twice because I read somewhere that big prosperity churches were not teaching the proper Word of God or being lead by the Holy Spirit and when it comes to baptism I want it done right by the right people so I did it again in case they got it wrong or were a false church. That is the Baptist church I spoke of.@DieAmartyr -- I have a question for you. Since most everything being done is sinful in nature and not to be done -- then how do you justify using the internet / a computer -- because of all the junk that can be read/ viewed on it. You have a computer in order to be on Talk Jesus.
Actually in relation to marriage. Both people are to be submitting to God and then to each other. But that isn't really the point. As born again believers -- the Holy Spirit puts the desire in our heart to please God. It shouldn't feel burdensome and it seems that That is what it has become for you. A weight that you are carrying. To stop most everything in order to reach a perfection that isn't really possible. We Are to aim at Godliness. But it's our inner attitude that God's is concerned about. Do we have an inner rebellious attitude or do we do things because we enjoy doing them and it's not harming anyone. Enjoying playing tennis or watching a TV program at home.
And I don't mean to sound harsh -- but sometimes a person can be so heavenly minded that don't end up doing much here on earth. Our lives Should be attracting people To Christ -- not turning them Off.
Are we being legalistic in what we do or don't do.
I'm curious -- why were you baptized twice. Understandably at 6 months of age, it was your parents having you sprinkled. And then later on it was probably to show others of the decisions that had already been made in your heart to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. But after that. Why be baptized again?
And the Holy Spirit does know what's in Your life that needs to be adjusted.
There was a lady I'd know many years ago -- we went to a neighborhood Bible study. I was married at the time -- she had been married several times -- between her 2nd and 3rd marriage she'd gotten saved. I'd commented to her one day that while out walking around the neighborhood -- I liked to walk for exercise. But one of the guys from the Bible study -- he was divorced and was outside and we said "Hi" for a minute or so. She asked Why I'd had a conversation with him. And I said we were being sociable. And her concept Now was that a married woman is not to have any conversation with another man without her husband being present. If he wants to have a conversation to come by when her husband is home and talk with him. I was only to talk with my husband. And when out shopping or Anything to Not converse with another man. So Your thoughts?
As for being baptized more than once, if you heart wasnt right the first time, doing it again "with" your heart right makes a HUGE difference.@DieAmartyr -- I have a question for you. Since most everything being done is sinful in nature and not to be done -- then how do you justify using the internet / a computer -- because of all the junk that can be read/ viewed on it. You have a computer in order to be on Talk Jesus.
Actually in relation to marriage. Both people are to be submitting to God and then to each other. But that isn't really the point. As born again believers -- the Holy Spirit puts the desire in our heart to please God. It shouldn't feel burdensome and it seems that That is what it has become for you. A weight that you are carrying. To stop most everything in order to reach a perfection that isn't really possible. We Are to aim at Godliness. But it's our inner attitude that God's is concerned about. Do we have an inner rebellious attitude or do we do things because we enjoy doing them and it's not harming anyone. Enjoying playing tennis or watching a TV program at home.
And I don't mean to sound harsh -- but sometimes a person can be so heavenly minded that don't end up doing much here on earth. Our lives Should be attracting people To Christ -- not turning them Off.
Are we being legalistic in what we do or don't do.
I'm curious -- why were you baptized twice. Understandably at 6 months of age, it was your parents having you sprinkled. And then later on it was probably to show others of the decisions that had already been made in your heart to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. But after that. Why be baptized again?
And the Holy Spirit does know what's in Your life that needs to be adjusted.
There was a lady I'd know many years ago -- we went to a neighborhood Bible study. I was married at the time -- she had been married several times -- between her 2nd and 3rd marriage she'd gotten saved. I'd commented to her one day that while out walking around the neighborhood -- I liked to walk for exercise. But one of the guys from the Bible study -- he was divorced and was outside and we said "Hi" for a minute or so. She asked Why I'd had a conversation with him. And I said we were being sociable. And her concept Now was that a married woman is not to have any conversation with another man without her husband being present. If he wants to have a conversation to come by when her husband is home and talk with him. I was only to talk with my husband. And when out shopping or Anything to Not converse with another man. So Your thoughts?
Mine too! My family wore make-up and like I said I am American but we know that anything that is not of God is of the devil and we must be careful to walk in holiness. Make-up is vanity. That is a sin. Seduction is a sin because anything that makes you more attractive to make a man lust for you is tripping up your brothers in Christ. I don't base my life on a select few scriptures. If you read my posts I quote all throughout the Bible. The person who had the vision is not from this country and the message was translated. The message is " Tell my people to repent." Basically it says that people are told " Jesus died for our sins" so they don't realize that while that is true, unless they repent and do their part it does them no good. Throughout the message they said Jesus was crying pretty hard for the amount not repenting because they didn't understand but ignorance does not change God's word and they had their whole lives to read it and had the ability to do so.
Therefore be perfect, even as your Father who is in heaven is perfect
Matthew 5:48
Does that sound like room for error? Does that sound like He expects us to sin and being blemished is ok? That is in the Bible. BE PERFECT.
Let your hearts, therefore, be perfect with the Lord our God, to walk in His statutes and keep His commandments, as at this day. Kings 8:61
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2
Satans lie is that you don't have to be perfect!!! Don't you see that? If only you would understand and I am sorry for your family and mine but no one wearing lipstick and earrings will enter the kingdom of heaven! Those are not of God! The only day acceptable is your wedding day. We are not to even wear it for our husbands. That is putting his wishes before God.
God is pouring out His Spirit and Im telling you, I was baptized at 6 months, then again in 2015 and again in 2020. The Holy Spirit has been convicting me hard with things that I have done my whole life and never thought twice about. I am just sharing it because it weighs heavy on me, and I struggle with it and do not always obey it .
But it is there. I will be doing something and I will start feeling this dread and guilt. So I stop what I am doing and go try to find the Biblical basis for it and I have pretty much found it every time, or something close.
Far beyond, the work mentioned is primarily concerned with events that fit the opening three verses as they relate to the original audience.As far as a time line goes, people say we are in the End Times, so where about do you think we are timewise in the Book of Revelation? In terms of horses? Seals?
As far as a time line goes, people say we are in the End Times, so where about do you think we are timewise in the Book of Revelation? In terms of horses? Seals?
“Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.”I dont believe we are anywhere in the book yet, though I feel like we are at least in between the letter to the church of Philidelphia (the remnant church) and Laodicea (the Fallen Church).
I do believe also that we, as the church, will not participate in the book of revelation, cause when the rapture occurs, we'll be gone from the planet and the rest of the world will be in trouble.
I take this mostly from two things: first, Revelation 3:10 says:
"Because you have kept the word of My perseverance, I also will keep you from the hour of testing, that hour which is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth."
Also, you'll notice that the church is no longer mentioned from around chapter 4 through 21 in the book of revelation. If the church has to go through the Tribulation, where are they? Answer: They are evacuated by God out of the world!
As far as a time line goes, people say we are in the End Times, so where about do you think we are timewise in the Book of Revelation? In terms of horses? Seals?
The church is mentioned in the first four chapters in the book of Revelation. After that the church isn't mentioned again until the 19th chapter at the marriage supper of the lamb. The church doesn't go through the tribulation. The tribulation is "Jacobs trouble" For Israel for the purpose of their repentance and to finally accept Jesus as their Savior. Luke 13:35 Jesus tells the Jews they will not see him again until they say "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord" and this will take place during the second half of the tribulation and scripture says when they see him coming in the clouds and they will mourn when they see the one they pierced. The church has been promised to be kept from the hour of trial, the tribulation. Revelation 3:10. When believers are saved, we are saved from the wrath of God. The tribulation is the period of God's wrath. We are saved by grace and don't need to go through the tribulation for salvation. This is the blessed hope that is spoken of in Titus 2:11-14, our salvation by grace that keeps us from the judgement set forth for those who are not saved and refuse to repent. God's judgement begins with the opening of the first seal in Chapter six. Because the church is not under judgement we will not enter the tribulation but will be raptured before hand.Some people say the horses/seals started shortly after John wrote the book of Revelation. Some try and tie it into more later events...or even current events.
I really, honestly don't have a SPECIFIC answer of where we are in the "horses and seals"
I can say that I own the following website AND the most visited page [and I've been told there are "alot" of pages] used to be the "End Times" page :
As far as a time line goes, people say we are in the End Times, so where about do you think we are timewise in the Book of Revelation? In terms of horses? Seals?
Yet Jesus says the resurrection is at the last day. Sad to see you really think you know better.The church is mentioned in the first four chapters in the book of Revelation. After that the church isn't mentioned again until the 19th chapter at the marriage supper of the lamb. The church doesn't go through the tribulation. The tribulation is "Jacobs trouble" For Israel for the purpose of their repentance and to finally accept Jesus as their Savior. Luke 13:35 Jesus tells the Jews they will not see him again until they say "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord" and this will take place during the second half of the tribulation and scripture says when they see him coming in the clouds and they will mourn when they see the one they pierced. The church has been promised to be kept from the hour of trial, the tribulation. Revelation 3:10. When believers are saved, we are saved from the wrath of God. The tribulation is the period of God's wrath. We are saved by grace and don't need to go through the tribulation for salvation. This is the blessed hope that is spoken of in Titus 2:11-14, our salvation by grace that keeps us from the judgement set forth for those who are not saved and refuse to repent. God's judgement begins with the opening of the first seal in Chapter six. Because the church is not under judgement we will not enter the tribulation but will be raptured before hand.
1 Thessalonians 2:13-18. Like verse 18 says, keep encouraging one another with these words.