JC4ME said:
I do not own a bible, and I am looking to purchase one. I came across a web site that sells them and I'm very confused. It seems as if there is no such thing as "THE BIBLE". Here's the list of books offered:
Let me start off by saying your confussion and concern are both understandable and common amung new believers.
There are several hundred variations of the bible in the english language alone.
Now before you pannic, let me assure you that what ever translation or version you choose God will communicate His message to you through it.
The power and authority is in God ,not the book.
With that being said, the most popular is the King James Version (KJV).The "King James" is the oldest translation. Printed in kings english along the times of Shakespere. It was commitioned by King James the second of England Thats the reason for the old english language and the name. It is concidered by some to be at a 12th grade reading level and often found hard to read.
Some prefer it simply because of it's longevity and others because the language seems to add a sence of spirituality to the message.
The next in popularity is the NIV (New international version). It is translated in modern language, easier to read and second only to the King James in popularity. It is said to be at an 8th grade reading level.
The King James, New International Version and Modern King James and a few others are deemed to be more accurate as they were translated from the original manuscripts. This accounts for the unusual sentance structure that many find hard to read.
Most of the others are what is called "paraphrased". That means simply that they were not translated directly from the original manuscripts. Most have more common sentance structure and modern cultrial language. They often range from about 5th to 8th grade reading levels with the "New Century Version" and the "Contempory English Version" being the easiest to read.
Then we have (what I call) the designer bibles.
These are the various specialty bibles with comentary or other features that appeal to specific groups or intrest.
Womens devotional bibles, Mens study bibles, teen bibles, Promice Keepers,
John Mcarthur has a Modern King James that contains comentary from a historical perspective that I refer to quite often.
For starters I recogment either the King James, NIV or Modern King James. The reason being that they are most common. This reduces confussion when in group setting were following along with some one reading can be a distraction when using muliple translations.
I would also suggest that you go to a near by christian book store and check out the bibles there to get a feel for which one best suits you.
Or possibly surf the internet.
E-Sword has a bible program that allows looking at and down loading several bible translations. The "Blue Bible" and several other websites allow for reading and or examinig various bible translations.
If cost is an issue, You can pick up a NIV or KJV bible at Walmart for about $7 or ask at most churches and receive one at no cost at all.
All said and done the message is the same, though the wording and format might be differant.
That God communicates to you through it is the important thing.
One more question... why are there so many variations of God's word?
IMHO (in my humble opinion)
Over the centuries many men have been compelled to make the word of God understandable to others. The translating from the original languages to the modern languages has done that. God through these translations has placed the availibility of his word into the hands of the people of every nation of the world.
But our present culture has found that there is a market for the word of God. More and more man (especialy in America) is slanting (in commentary) the message given in scripture to particular desires, or applications. They are given to manipulating the words to justify or fit their particular beliefs.
Don't let this scare you!
God has always and will always have power and authority over his word. And though in some cases it can be said that man has corrupted the bible, God uses mans corruption of His word to fulfil His purposes.
If your heart is with Jesus ,your soul is safe with what ever you translation or version of the bible you lay eyes upon.