I posted a question to see what some of our brothers and sisters think concerning sex offenders who are registered and who are saved. My question was "can sex offenders be saved?" Now, I know they can and most of us know that as well. I have personally met some folks who say, (I've seen them saying it and my ears are still in great working condition), that they will have a place in hell or that God hates them and won't allow them into heaven. That's not what my Savior tells me. When I hear someone talk like that, it breaks my heart to think that some of us are hurting so bad that we won't allow Jesus, our Savior to take all that kind of thinking out of us. Even in a church that I was attending, the Pastor would not even let the other three pastors, (Associate, Administrative and Youth) nor any of the elders know about an individual who had been attending there for two years and just two weeks into going to this church for worship with fellow believers, the sex offender told him his current condition. It was only when one of the preschool teachers found out that a sex offender was attending their church, was there a great big to do about it even though the sex offender was doing absolutely nothing wrong. The other pastors and elders decided to really clamp down on this person so bad that he decided to go to another church. The pastors and elders said that they didn't trust him to be there but it was eventually found that the churches insurance didn't want that kind of liability and the pastors caved under the pressure. Today in this time and age, sex offenders are considered the modern day leper and with all the hype about sex crimes in the media, it's no wonder that society, including the body of Christ is caught up in this. This man who is deemed a sex offender did not violate any person nor did he do anything violent. His crime was what is called, non-violent-non-victim but he is still looked upon as a monster.I have all the facts and numbers concerning sex offenders according to the Dept. of Justice statistics and they are way way lower than other repeat offenses but the media won't let you know that and we as people, (humans) are twice as likely to enjoy hearing bad news than good...awful isn't it? When the body of Christ has folks who hold anger and hate for a certain class of their own brothers and sisters who have already been forgiven their sins by the same blood that have forgave you and me, there certainly is something wrong about it, don't you think?ThanksMozP.S. 95% of all new sex crimes are committed by a person not on any sex registry.Praise the God of Israel!