resent: Heavensound, it might have been your birthday, but you are truly a gift to your dad and me.
For anyone that does not know Heavensound is my daughter. She is truly a gift
resent: from God.
When I was just 18 years old, the doctors found dermoid cysts on both of my ovaries. I had surgery a week later and they removed parts of both my ovaries. At that time they said they didn't know if I would ever have a baby. Despite knowing this Brother Mike married me anyway. 3 months after we were married we found out I was pregnant with our son Mike jr. (who is now 24)
A few years went by and I was not able to get pregnant again. Than I got saved and a few years later Brother got saved. Than we received the news I had more cysts. We prayed and believed God would touch me. The Lord healed me this time and the surgery was aborted.
A few more years went by and once again the cyst returned. This time the Lord did not heal me as before. It was 1990 and once again I needed surgery. This time they removed the rest of my left ovary and the left tube. On the right side they removed all but 1/4 of the ovary. The doctor told us there was alot of scar tissue from the first surgery and they tried to remove as much of it as as possible. He said that my body would scar just as much with this surgery as with the last one. So I would not be able to have any more children.
Two years later I became pregnant with Heavensound. I was about 6 months pregnant when we left our church and started attending a new church. After the first service, one of the deacons walked up to me and said God had showed him that this child wasn't meant to be, but that God was blessing us and that God showed him it would be a girl. That this girl would be used to soften her daddies heart. All of which came to past.
So you see she has truly been our present
resent: from the Lord.
I have to say it was also a blessing to bring her to this woman's conference this year and to be able to see her learning about her heavenly Father. We were there Friday night and all day Saturday. We worshipped together and heard the Word being preached and heard a concert by Natalie Grant and Nicole Norderman.
I truly was blessed.
Your sister in Christ,
AlabasterBox :girl: