Indeed it is hard kicking against the pricks. We are to be Christ like none the less and in some instances in our word Christ seemed rude or "short with people"; hence even screaming at them in the synagogue.
Most will stand up and fight because "joe blow" has hurt or mistreated, a loved one very close to us and we sit on our tongue in the house because of what those folks will think of us if we speak up in God's defense. Ouch.
Christ our Lord put Father first and foremost, and took no worries about our personal sensitivity or that we would be "butt hurt" by His words.
We need to be MORE Christ like, and a whole lot less like "us". Do we know the character of God yet? He is unchanged. We coddle those and step on our tongue, because... we know the wolf pack will seek death upon us too...? Ouch.
Many things has happened in my life over the last 5 yrs. Do I blame those for their malicious behavior? Sure i do, and want to say i dont understand why. Well, thats a lie. I do understand why. God just answering my prayers. Lord, remove anything in the way of me doing your will, that i will pick up my cross and follow you; with you, in you, by you, for you. And so it is. Now when my prayers started being answered, I ran from God. Yes Jonah and me know each other very well also. I still confessing the Lord to the world and they would take me in and entice me with their way of life. Did it hurt me? No, but it has hurt them. Because I was running, i put the whole ship in fear of sinking; seeing the turmoil coming upon them I would run again.
My only begotten doing life, my grand daughter being withheld from me, my mother passing on, now my cabin has burned. And just before the cabin burnt God telling me to unload the baggage. What I couldnt walk away from isnt in my way anymore. The devil has a job to do too, he is the prince of this world.
Now, God asking me "doest thou well to be angry?"
My giant whale called the world that i tried to put back on has vomited me out on dry land. It sure is desolate out here. And i have returned to go forth and do His will, yet slowly, kicking against the pricks but not angry about it, just alittle scared perhaps because i know how the flesh will end. And the devil knows he has a short time left, so he wants to hold me captive, and even that can only hold me until God delivers me.
My dear friend Job, well I know him too; and his many sorrows. But these days nobody came to sit in the dirt with me, I was alone with God in sorrows. Then I remember you, my brothers and sisters, who may sit in the dirt with me and give me the chatter I need.
I suppose I have written to you about this in confession of running away. God forgive me. I have sit under His grace and mercy, just as Jonah has done, mad about it; and Job in great distress of all that he lost, full of sorrows; the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.
I have learned take no thought of tomorrow, or what I will eat or drink or wear, or where I may be; God has got this (me) and I wait for one who will believe with me so I may start my journey and speak forth the many testimonies He has given me to speak. Be a light unto all the world He says, and yet i am being hid away. Why? because nobody believes? or because everyone fears the truth and our personal sensitivities may get stepped on? It burned through the messenger too. I fear standing up front speaking what "i ought to say" but i fear Him more if I don't.
Wow, that was deep Lord.
All praise, glory and honor be unto God. Amen