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What Does The Bible Say About ABORTION?

Show me the scripture. I have previously proven my point with scripture, and only the Word of God matters, period.

I would be interested to know what scripture you are thinking of.

As for me, six passages given in the OP of this thread, Mortal and Venial sins

Then, in addition, we just need to read the OT for the times differing punishments were dished out and grasp that God does not change His mind Num 23:19. Some were punished with warnings, lashes, excommunication, death by stoning, death by decapitation and death by fire.
God, Yehovah, said we are not to murder the Image of God when He said, "Thou shalt not murder." That image does not appear there a some point. All of it is there when the seed is joined to squiggly. You can dance until the band goes home but it will not change the black and white of God's Law and His judgments.

What I do find interesting on the topic,

A. Not until recently has a woman been able to take a 'morning after pill'.

Throughout history, the effective abortifacients were mostly poisonous and deadly to the girl.

The evidence does point to God not wanting any sort of abortion.

But today we do have a 'morning after' pill that is effective only in the germinal stage. We are able to abort effectively very early before even an embryo is formed.

B. A man's ***** is alive for six days in the fallopian tube. That would mean that if you waste your seed, you are also at a certain degree guilty of ending something that could have been.

And yet, we want to accuse a girl that is only a day or two late in also 'wasting' her seed, of first-degree murder? That is insanity.