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What Does The Bible Say About ABORTION?

What does the Bible say about abortion?

Seems simple enough, Thou shall not kill.!!!!

The law is 'shall not murder'. You can kill in self-defence. You can kill someone in an accident. You can debate killing like gerontocide and euthanasia. You can kill someone who is found guilty of a capital punishment.

Every instance of 'killing' needs to be properly cross examined.

When someone shouts 'murderer' they are usually a fool who is calling for a capital punishment with no cross examination. Imagine someone did that to you?

Everyone deserves a proper and thorough judgement before they are accused of 'murder'.

In the OT murderers would receive a graphic and violent death by stoning. Today you can receive the death penalty or life imprisonment. Is this what you are advocating for?

Christians need to properly clarify what exactly they are implying when making their candid statements.
But, what of the baby, the child, the person? Why should they be denied to justify other's decision of virtue and morals?

Before much else gets said, should we start telling a new born to repent? Of what exactly?

Is there guidance and help to be found in the Bible regarding this?

The bible has an actual age of accountability of twenty. Per Num14:29.

Children and animals are both exempt of judgement. They are both victims of the actions of adults who are not exempt. For example, in Gen 18, when destroying Sodom, God explains to Abraham that there were less than ten righteous in the city. Does anyone think children and babies were less than ten? They were not a part of the count. Abraham instinctively knew God was not a fool that would consider children being guilty of sin. Yet all children and animals would suffer the same fate as the wicked adults as only Lot and his immediate family were spared.

Jesus seems to imply that all children are / will be taken to heaven in Matt 19:14. Then, many scriptures talk of a millennium period where humans will live on earth. Saints will reign with Jesus during this period Rev 20:6. Toward the end of the millennium the devil is released to tempt all mankind for the last time Rev 20:7.

As such, I believe that all aborted babies and children under twenty will get a chance to grow up into adulthood in the millennium.
Abraham instinctively knew God was not a fool that would consider children being guilty of sin.
For I will pass through the land of Egypt that night, and I will strike down every firstborn in the land of Egypt, both human beings and animals; on all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments: I am the LORD.​
(Exodus 12:12 NRSV)

That included babies and animals.

Was Jesus a fool to say this?
And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.​
(Matthew 19:17 KJV)

Was God a fool to say this?
Egypt shall be a desolation, and Edom shall be a desolate wilderness, for the violence against the children of Judah, because they have shed innocent blood in their land.​
(Joel 3:19 KJV)

What could be more innocent than an unborn baby, regardless of the means of conception? Your land sheds innocent blood, claiming to be good by fooling itself into thinking that a fertilized egg isn't human life and that murder is okay because "The mother cannot see or feel a baby in them." What is it, then, a parasite? A piece of garbage to be chemically dissolved?

I said in my country we give rape victims a morning after pill. In this instance I do not believe it is murder.
It does not matter what you believe, it matters what God believes.

As such, I believe that all aborted babies and children under twenty will get a chance to grow up into adulthood in the millennium.
So it's okay to kill unborn babies because they get some absurd "do over" ?? Is there Biblical support for this? No. None. But you could take a stab at that if you want. Show me from Revelation (or any scripture) where "all aborted babies and children under twenty will get a chance to grow up into adulthood in the millennium". If you can't, then it's just vain imagination. And such thinking cannot help but lead to the conclusion that someone who murdered a seven year old child should receive a lesser sentence, because they're not as guilty as someone murdering an adult (since adults can't get a "do over").

As I've often said, I have found nothing good come out the book of Revelation.


It is like going for a tetanus injection after you have an accident on a tar road.
And BANG, there it is.

Imagine that, comparing an unborn child to a disease.
Please realize that one new member (@GracefulJourney) has decided to cease membership and I do think that some of the reason is due to the total unfriendliness shown by members.
Please accept my apologies if his departure was based in any way on what I had said.

I was looking forward to reading more his posts.

For I will pass through the land of Egypt that night, and I will strike down every firstborn in the land of Egypt, both human beings and animals; on all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments: I am the LORD.​
(Exodus 12:12 NRSV)

That included babies and animals.

Was Jesus a fool to say this?
And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.​
(Matthew 19:17 KJV)

Was God a fool to say this?
Egypt shall be a desolation, and Edom shall be a desolate wilderness, for the violence against the children of Judah, because they have shed innocent blood in their land.​
(Joel 3:19 KJV)

You are missing the point of what I stated, please re-read.

What could be more innocent than an unborn baby, regardless of the means of conception? Your land sheds innocent blood, claiming to be good by fooling itself into thinking that a fertilized egg isn't human life and that murder is okay because

Please read my post # 81 to Bill, I explain context needed on a 'murder' charge there.

I have also done so to you probably a hundred times in this thread and yet you still troll hard.

" The mother cannot see or feel a baby in them." What is it, then, a parasite? A piece of garbage to be chemically dissolved?

Garbage / parasite. I personally wouldn't use those terms. But I am sure that a girl raped will use such words if still in the germinal stage.

It does not matter what you believe, it matters what God believes.

As I have explained to you numerous times, God has given us the ability to judge and discern all matters. 'TRY' and grasp that Paul rebukes Christians who cannot judge a matter better than the unsaved in 1Cor 6:1-9.

Then read and meditate on these passages - 1 Cor 2:15, Gen 3:22, Heb 2:7, 1 Cor 11:31.

So it's okay to kill unborn babies because they get some absurd "do over" ?? Is there Biblical support for this? No. None. But you could take a stab at that if you want. Show me from Revelation (or any scripture) where "all aborted babies and children under twenty will get a chance to grow up into adulthood in the millennium". If you can't, then it's just vain imagination.

Post # 82 contains scriptures that can be used to infer such. Outside of those, it is perfectly sane, logical and sound to expect a good God who is just in all His ways to do so.

And such thinking cannot help but lead to the conclusion that someone who murdered a seven year old child should receive a lesser sentence, because they're not as guilty as someone murdering an adult (since adults can't get a "do over").

Not sure where you are getting this from my postings. If anything, it should be a harsher sentence for murdering a seven-year-old.

And BANG, there it is.

Imagine that, comparing an unborn child to a disease.

You are taking the statement out of its context and trolling hard here. Please re-read.


@Rhema, @Br. Bear

I am getting so tired of having to respond to your troll like posts that show you do not properly read a post before you reply. You have insulted and trolled hard in this post to me. This after mods have had to remove posts.

Now granted, this is a sensitive topic, and heated exchanges are to be expected. But our exchanges are not heated, they are me responding to your trolling. You tick all the blocks of trolling according to post # 2 here Are you a troll? Do you like to argue?.

To prove you can add value to this discussion. Please answer the question I have asked you from the beginning of this thread.

Question - Do you believe that all abortionists are guilty of first-degree murder and deserve a capital punishment? IE They should receive the death penalty and or life imprisonment. Start with a YES or NO and then explain.

Do not, answer with ''well God sees unrepentant sin as sin and death and hell''. I am talking about the here and now. A country with a Christian government.

Go floor, is yours.
You are missing the point of what I stated, please re-read.
No, I'm not going to waste my time re-reading what I already understand. My reading skills are quite adequate. If there is a point being missed, then you're not making it well.

and yet you still troll hard.
Just can't help yourself, can you.

Garbage / parasite. I personally wouldn't use those terms. But I am sure that a girl raped will use such words if still in the germinal stage.
And of course who cares what God thinks.: unamused: Conflating the term "germinal" with "germ" rather exposes your lack of understanding of this issue. You might not "personally" use those terms, but you just supported the use of those terms. Anyone who compares an unborn child with a parasite or garbage, whether raped or not, just shows that the Calvinists are right when preaching the Total Depravity of Man.

It makes perfect sense now, that you would link a fertilized egg with germs and bacteria and parasites to legitimize murder when using the morning after pill, comparing it to a mere tetanus shot. And I'm sure I'm not the only one who believes that you need to pray hard and repent for calling this sin good.

God has given us the ability to judge and discern all matters.
NO. God has not given you His sovereignty to change what is evil into good and what is good into evil.

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!​
(Isaiah 5:20-21 KJV)

You Greatly misunderstand Paul, thinking his words somehow make you God, when in fact Paul is teaching the opposite. That Christians are the only people who can lean on the Holy Spirit to ensure that correct judgments are Godly, one of which is... you're still killing a baby.

Then read and meditate on these passages
TRY to grasp that I don't need to....

Post # 82 contains scriptures that can be used to infer such. Outside of those, it is perfectly sane, logical and sound to expect a good God who is just in all His ways to do so.
I've read your scripture references and they say nothing of the kind of thing you "infer." The rest is just your unfounded opinion that feels much like the Jehovah's Witnesses fiction. It is not good to let yourself be led by your personal feelings and ideas.

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.​
(Proverbs 3:5-7 KJV)

Not sure where you are getting this from my postings. If anything, it should be a harsher sentence for murdering a seven-year-old.
And yet in the case of aborting an unborn child, you reduce the sentence the younger the child is.

You are taking the statement out of its context and trolling hard here. Please re-read.
Don't delude yourself. You directly compared taking the morning after pill with taking a tetanus shot, thereby turning a fertilized egg into a disease.

May the Lord lead you into Truth,
No, I'm not going to waste my time re-reading what I already understand. My reading skills are quite adequate. If there is a point being missed, then you're not making it well.

Troll reply.

Just can't help yourself, can you.

Troll reply.

And of course who cares what God thinks.: unamused: Conflating the term "germinal" with "germ" rather exposes your lack of understanding of this issue.
You might not "personally" use those terms, but you just supported the use of those terms. Anyone who compares an unborn child with a parasite or garbage, whether raped or not, just shows that the Calvinists are right when preaching the Total Depravity of Man.It makes perfect sense now, that you would link a fertilized egg with germs and bacteria and parasites to legitimize murder when using the morning after pill, comparing it to a mere tetanus shot. And I'm sure I'm not the only one who believes that you need to pray hard and repent for calling this sin good.

Troll reply.

You are having a discussion with yourself on a rabbit trail you have created all because you cannot read and or troll so hard, you forgot to stop.

NO. God has not given you His sovereignty to change what is evil into good and what is good into evil.

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!​
(Isaiah 5:20-21 KJV)

Troll reply.

I provided scripture for my point which you have clearly not considered.

You Greatly misunderstand Paul, thinking his words somehow make you God,

Troll reply.

You know the context of my statement is clearly judging matters on earth. See the question posed to you in post # 85.

when in fact Paul is teaching the opposite. That Christians are the only people who can lean on the Holy Spirit to ensure that correct judgments are Godly,

Wow, so you can actually read. Yes correct, Christians can better judge because of the Holy Spirit. Now, I guess another 100 posts before you are able to do that with abortions.

one of which is... you're still killing a baby.

Define a baby.

TRY to grasp that I don't need to....

Don't need to consider scripture. Ok, you want to resume discussion on a non-Christian forum?

I've read your scripture references and they say nothing of the kind of thing you "infer." The rest is just your unfounded opinion that feels much like the Jehovah's Witnesses fiction. It is not good to let yourself be led by your personal feelings and ideas.

You are such an epic troll. Does Heb 14:29 say that God spared all under twenty, YES or NO?

(Rhema avoids the question and keeps trolling for another fifty posts)

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.
(Proverbs 3:5-7 KJV)

How is this applicable? You realise I gave scripture?

And yet in the case of aborting an unborn child, you reduce the sentence the younger the child is.

100% LIE. Quote me.

This line is pure evidence of you having reading issues.

Don't delude yourself. You directly compared taking the morning after pill with taking a tetanus shot, thereby turning a fertilized egg into a disease.

Troll reply. You can grasp the context but are purposely trolling.
For I will pass through the land of Egypt that night, and I will strike down every firstborn in the land of Egypt, both human beings and animals; on all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments: I am the LORD.​
(Exodus 12:12 NRSV)

That included babies and animals.

Was Jesus a fool to say this?
And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.​
(Matthew 19:17 KJV)

Was God a fool to say this?
Egypt shall be a desolation, and Edom shall be a desolate wilderness, for the violence against the children of Judah, because they have shed innocent blood in their land.​
(Joel 3:19 KJV)

What could be more innocent than an unborn baby, regardless of the means of conception? Your land sheds innocent blood, claiming to be good by fooling itself into thinking that a fertilized egg isn't human life and that murder is okay because "The mother cannot see or feel a baby in them." What is it, then, a parasite? A piece of garbage to be chemically dissolved?

It does not matter what you believe, it matters what God believes.

So it's okay to kill unborn babies because they get some absurd "do over" ?? Is there Biblical support for this? No. None. But you could take a stab at that if you want. Show me from Revelation (or any scripture) where "all aborted babies and children under twenty will get a chance to grow up into adulthood in the millennium". If you can't, then it's just vain imagination. And such thinking cannot help but lead to the conclusion that someone who murdered a seven year old child should receive a lesser sentence, because they're not as guilty as someone murdering an adult (since adults can't get a "do over").

As I've often said, I have found nothing good come out the book of Revelation.


And BANG, there it is.

Imagine that, comparing an unborn child to a disease.
Something crazy. If you are caught, willfully smashing bird eggs anywhere in the USA, that is an punishable offense against animals. But abortion is ok of our own offspring.
GOD is a jealous god and hates all who worship idols and deny Him so He had no compunction about killing all the evil humans and their livestock during The Flood and later drowning the Egyptian army or striking down 185,000 Assyrians or Nathan and Dothan's families....
During Armageddon all idolaters and deniers will die.
Numbers 16 is a good read of how GOD deals with backbiters.
32 the earth opened its mouth and swallowed them and their households, and all those associated with Korah, together with their possessions.
35And fire came out from the Lord and consumed the 250 men who were offering the incense.
As I have explained to you numerous times, God has given us the ability to judge and discern all matters. 'TRY' and grasp that Paul rebukes Christians who cannot judge a matter better than the unsaved in 1Cor 6:1-9.
I am just floored that you use this passage describing you as a defense. You are allowing scientists that deny God to define truth and in this do err spiritually.
You are welcome to disagree, and I appreciate your statement. But I disagree. I believe you are not properly grasping the point I am making.

There is no naivety in arson, planned murder, assassination, kidnapping, abduction, spouse beating, torture, rape.

For arson you need to meticulously place petrol everywhere and light it. You will see flames and an entire building burn down. Maybe even hear some people screaming and do nothing to help. In planned murder, you need to follow the victim, learn how to use a poison or firearm, research how one dies from this. In kidnapping, you need to follow the victim, get a secret location, tint the windows on your vehicle, buy rope and or cable ties to restrain the victim. With spouse beating, you need to actually muster up the hatred to inflict pain on your spouse. Then once done, you see their bruises and do it again. Torture, you will experience a person screaming and crying in pain as you forcefully remove their fingernails. Rape, same thing.

Now in the case of a morning after pill. You pour a glass of water and swallow it down as you would a painkiller. And that is the A-Z of your experience.

It is like going for a tetanus injection after you have an accident on a tar road.
Naivety is a product of human judges and has zero standing in Yehovah's Judgements. There is the Law and there is lawlessness... black and white.

I am not disputing that they don't know. Abortion is intentional and a sin. The degree of sin however, depends on the week of pregnancy.
Oh really?
So "viability" is your value of human life?
By that then all amputees, blind, deaf, dumb, inbred, retarded, elderly, all in a coma, etc. are less valuable than the rest of us.
Which Bible verses suggest the "Murder of the unborn sin" is LESS if the baby at the earliest stages.
I am just floored that you use this passage describing you as a defense. You are allowing scientists that deny God to define truth and in this do err spiritually.

How is urging Christians to grasp Paul's rebuke in 1 Cor 6:1-9 ''allowing scientists that deny God to define truth and in this do err spiritually''?

I think you are incorrectly assuming myself and Paul believe we need to agree with the unsaved scientists?

1 Cor 6:1-9 is a rebuke to better judge matters. We can judge righteously. Mercifully. Correctly.

Now I have urged I think, every person that has taken part in this thread to answer a question of what their judgement would be of a lady that aborts in a certain week of pregnancy.

What a reader will assume from this thread is that most Christians believe all abortionists are first degree murderers who deserve capital punishment. IE Death penalty or life imprisonment even if the abortion was merely taking a 'morning after' pill in the first or second day of the germinal stage.

Just ridiculous that nobody takes a stab at the question and or ownership of the insanity they insinuating. Paul would not be impressed!!
Naivety is a product of human judges and has zero standing in Yehovah's Judgements. There is the Law and there is lawlessness... black and white.

Stating that sin is black or white is a half truth. Sin also has degrees.

If you believe sin is black and white, do you teach that divorce is fine if one spouse thinks an immoral thought of another person?

Jesus says thoughts are adultery in Matt 5:28. He then qualifies His statement in verse 32, by saying 'do not divorce unless there is actual adultery'.

We need to be careful of half truths. The devil did that to Jesus in the wilderness.
Oh really?
So "viability" is your value of human life?
By that then all amputees, blind, deaf, dumb, inbred, retarded, elderly, all in a coma, etc. are less valuable than the rest of us.

Viability, no. Stage of growth, yes. There is a significant difference between the following:

1. *****. It is an organism that can live for six days in a fallopian tube. Think about that the next time you waste it.
2. ***** and egg joined.
3. Embryo
4. Fetus
5. Baby, child, adult.

Every example you gave is in point 5. A fully developed human. It would be first degree murder in every case.

Things like gerontocide and euthanasia deserve a full and harsh judgement on the specific case. I would err against as God can always do a miracle.

Which Bible verses suggest the "Murder of the unborn sin" is LESS if the baby at the earliest stages.

I can't believe you are actually asking me this.

That is like asking ''which verse says differing punishments were given for differing sins''.

Please read the OP here Mortal and Venial sins. Many examples in the OT and NT where scripture could not be clearer. You could probably also add every single verse in the bible that says we must properly judge matters! Start with Paul's extremely harsh rebuke to Christians in 1 Cor 6:1-9.
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How is urging Christians to grasp Paul's rebuke in 1 Cor 6:1-9 ''allowing scientists that deny God to define truth and in this do err spiritually''?

I think you are incorrectly assuming myself and Paul believe we need to agree with the unsaved scientists?

1 Cor 6:1-9 is a rebuke to better judge matters. We can judge righteously. Mercifully. Correctly.

Now I have urged I think, every person that has taken part in this thread to answer a question of what their judgement would be of a lady that aborts in a certain week of pregnancy.

What a reader will assume from this thread is that most Christians believe all abortionists are first degree murderers who deserve capital punishment. IE Death penalty or life imprisonment even if the abortion was merely taking a 'morning after' pill in the first or second day of the germinal stage.

Just ridiculous that nobody takes a stab at the question and or ownership of the insanity they insinuating. Paul would not be impressed!!
God, Yehovah, said we are not to murder the Image of God when He said, "Thou shalt not murder." That image does not appear there a some point. All of it is there when the seed is joined to squiggly. You can dance until the band goes home but it will not change the black and white of God's Law and His judgments.
Stating that sin is black or white is a half truth. Sin also has degrees.

If you believe sin is black and white, do you teach that divorce is fine if one spouse thinks an immoral thought of another person?

Jesus says thoughts are adultery in Matt 5:28. He then qualifies His statement in verse 32, by saying 'do not divorce unless there is actual adultery'.

We need to be careful of half truths. The devil did that to Jesus in the wilderness.
Show me the scripture. I have previously proven my point with scripture, and only the Word of God matters, period.