If you are born again, then you have Eternal Life.
You are not waiting to get it.
You already have it, in you.
Jesus tells us, the born again...>"ALL that believe in Me, i will give you Eternal Life, and you shall never perish".
This is a wonderful verse, because it teaches us that eternal...
Because Adam fell, ... we are born with a problem.
And soon we commit our first sin that is related to the problem.
We can't solve this problem.
God understands this, and took full responsibility to solve it for us.
God came into this world , born of a Virgin, and died on The Cross...
Biden Says U.S. Killed ISIS Leader in Rare Syria Operation
= ISIS leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi exploded a bomb that killed him and his family once he was surrounded, a senior U.S. official said
Feb. 3, 2022 2:58 PM
U.S. President Joe Biden said on Thursday ISIS leader Abu...
Hebrews 13:9 explains the nature and perpetrators of "heresy".
This verse also tells you something very True..
Its this.....if you do not do what that verse tells you to do, all the time, as your FAITH.... then you will become a victim of heresy and end up in a CULT. And you probably will...
Jesus said.....>"you must be born AGAIN".
Jesus teaches........there is the 1st birth, where you as a baby, are born of water......... your mother's water breaks, and you come out of her womb. This is "born of water" the 1st Birth.
Jesus then says...."you must be...
Inside you, is the real you.
Your body is not the real you... Your body is the container, that the real you......your SPIRIT......lives inside.
This Spirit, is eternal, and your body will die and be buried or cremated. Have you decided on which, reader?
Be thinking about what you...
Does a person need to confess their sin, so that the blood of Jesus is shed for them again and again, every time they sin, again?
A.) No.
This particular theology that you probably have been taught, by a unsaved Legalist, is based on them misapplying 1st John as this idea..
"as long as i...
Your body is going to die.
Do you understand this?
Do you under this fact, this reality?
They are going to dig a hole in the ground and put your dead body in it, unless you have it cremated.
Have you decided on which? You should.....as you have no idea when that moment is going to...
God does not and did not create "evil".
Evil exists, because Adam fell (sinned), and his dominion became the devil's ownership.
When Adam obeyed the temptation to sin, ... he was giving the devil worship, as to sin, is to give the devil his due.
The nature of sin, is the Devil's nature.
Let me show you something interesting....
There are 2 main types of Blasphemy, regarding insulting the Holy Spirit.
One is.......Blasphemy OF
Another is.... Blasphemy Against
Blasphemy of, is to reject Christ, or, its to be involved in the process of trying to block someone from being...
To be reconciled to God, has to be based on God.
Because its God who requires it, and so, its God who came down here and became Christ on The Cross to provide to the world what HE REQUIRES so that anyone and everyone can become reconciled to Him....= ""The Gift of...
The Apostle Paul wrote. " Christ sent me not to water baptize, but to Preach the Gospel".
So, "the Gospel" is..."the preaching of the Cross".
The NT says..>>"its pleased God by the foolishness of preaching , to save them that "BELIEVE"....
To "be saved" is to be "made righteous"= which is...
Let me show you how to see this revelation.
2 Things stated in the Bible.....
One in the OT.....says.....>"my people are destroyed for/by lack of Knowledge".
So, in the case of unbelievers, they have a lack of knowledge of THE Truth......who is Jesus THE Christ. John 14:6
And they are...
Regarding the confessing and repenting failed discipleship situation...
Its better to exist in this situation.....
"Christ always gives me the Victory"... Paul says. so, its better to live in that TRUTH.....then in some sort of confused daily repentance carnal spiritually darkened mindset...
Once agan......Im talking to people here who know some verses., who read their bible...who study it.
If you spend more time reading commentaries or someone's Greek Text explanation, then im not talking to you.
If you only know what the Pope said, or how to pray to Mary, or want to talk about...
Here is how to understand : Salvation.
Salvation is a few things.........
The Blood Atonement
God's Grace
Eternal Life
A Gift
Now, look at this that im about to show you, and SEE IT.... = spiritually.
If you see salvation as you...
Reader....here is something interesting.
"SIN" didnt enter the world or the human race by Satan.
If you have been taught that it did, then you were lied to, and you should not listen to liars.
Now Lucifer/Satan/The Devil.... is a sinner, as he is sin itself. His nature is sin. So, the...
The NT says that to become born again, is to "believe UNTO righteousness". (KJV).
Whats that mean?
It means to become "righteousness", based on believing the Truth.. John 14:6.
It literally means that God, who is Righteousness, recreates you as a "new creation" "in Christ".
You are "made...
What is the #1 disconnect between the majority of believers, and God, that causes and maintains the "sinning and confessing" lifestyle .....that is really a continuing Discipleship failure. ???
What is it?
Its very simple, and this lack of knowledge causes this..... Hosea 4:6.
Hell existed before Adam was created, and it was created for the Devil and His angles and his spiritual family.
Now here is the understanding that you wont be receiving next Sunday in your church, or in the next 2000 Sundays..
Its this... Reader.....
Heaven is for the Child of God
Hell, is...