When we accept God’s invitation to his great salvation by his grace, through faith in Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for our sins, he indwells us with his Holy Spirit. We now have the Spirit of God within us leading, guiding, counseling, helping and directing us in the ways of the Lord and...
Thursday, June 18, 2015, 6:11 a.m. – The Lord Jesus put in mind the song, “Songs in the Night.” Speak, Lord, your words to my heart. I read 1 Thessalonians 1 (ESV).
Paul, Silvanus, and Timothy,
To the church of the Thessalonians in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ:
Grace to you and...
There are times in all of our lives when we feel particularly vulnerable, weak, tired, sad, confused, and hurt; and rejected and/or alone, etc. It is especially in these times when we need to call upon our Lord to save us from ourselves; and to give comfort, encouragement, counsel, direction...
So Eli told Samuel, “Go and lie down, and if he calls you, say, ‘Speak, LORD, for your servant is listening.’” So Samuel went and lay down in his place.
The LORD came and stood there, calling as at the other times, “Samuel! Samuel!”
Then Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant is listening.”...
Someone emailed me the below. Please keep him in prayer.
Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,
Greetings to you in the most precious name from our Lord Jesus Christ!
I am very glad to share with you that our Living God has filled my hearts with His...
Don't turn your back on wisdom, for she will protect you. Love her, and she will guard you.
Proverbs 4:6 NLT
Sometimes, amid the demands of daily life, we lose perspective. Life seems out of balance, and the pressures of everyday living seem overwhelming. What's needed is a fresh...
Friday, April 3, 2015, 7:14 a.m. – The Lord Jesus put in mind the song “Open Your Hearts.” Speak, Lord, your words to my heart. I read John 17 (ESV).
That They Know God
When Jesus had spoken these words, he lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, “Father, the hour has come; glorify your Son...
My name is Dax, and I was raised a Christian and baptized as a child. About a year and a half ago I entered college, and ever since then my life has spiraled down a dark path. My everyday life has been full of depression, sex, men, lust, lies, and confusion. Every day when I wake up, I...
Hi guys I need prayer... a member of my family whom we helped bring to the love of Christ I am certain is going through some vicious demonic attack. He was recently baptized, but since then he has renounced his faith, the church, and is spreading vicious rumours and untruths about us. I think he...
Thinking about doing a scheduled group prayer in the live chat room here sometime. It would be great if you invited people to join us as well through your social media.
For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:20
Blessed is the nation whose God is the...
Amazing sermon by Derek Prince. Only 25 minutes long. Trust me when I say, worth the listen!
This message is one that could well revolutionize your prayer life! Listen and discover that God’s ability to answer our prayers goes exceeding, abundantly beyond all that we ask or think. It begins by...
"But I give myself unto prayer." — Psalm 109:4
Lying tongues were busy against the reputation of David, but he did not defend himself; he moved the case into a higher court, and pleaded before the great King Himself. Prayer is the safest method of replying to words of hatred. The Psalmist...
"Beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me." — Matthew 14:30
Sinking times are praying times with the Lord's servants. Peter neglected prayer at starting upon his venturous journey, but when he began to sink his danger made him a suppliant, and his cry though late was not too late. In...
"I have prayed for thee." — Luke 22:32
How encouraging is the thought of the Redeemer's never-ceasing intercession for us. When we pray, He pleads for us; and when we are not praying, He is advocating our cause, and by His supplications shielding us from unseen dangers. Notice the word of...
Do My Prayers Frustrate God?
I know God is all-knowing, but I wonder if even He has a hard time following my prayers.
by Carol Barnier
Oh Lord, please keep my children safe as they return from camp this week. May the driver’s mind be rested, and may his eyes be sharp. Oh, that reminds me. I...
To be prayerless is to be without God, without Christ, without grace, without hope, and without heaven. It is to be on the road to hell. Now can you wonder that I ask the question, Do you pray?
I ask again whether you pray, because a habit of prayer is one of the surest marks of a true...
"Continue in prayer." — Colossians 4:2
It is interesting to remark how large a portion of Sacred Writ is occupied with the subject of prayer, either in furnishing examples, enforcing precepts, or pronouncing promises. We scarcely open the Bible before we read, "Then began men to call upon the...