How to communicate the emotions I feel from reading your opening post to this thread. The weight of the pain that you experienced, without any help or guidance amazes me that you are presently, as far as I can tell, as well balanced a person at least in the written word as I've seen since the last Atheist, that was present here at Talk Jesus for many a year. Professing Christians, unless they happen to be in the Ministry, for the most part that is, are the only ones who come off that way. The lay people, are normally more passionate in what they believe, and how they communicate that belief, as you can tell from the replies you have received here, and elsewhere!
I realize that what you’re saying by identifying yourself as an Agnostic is that you really don’t know. That all your upbringing in the Christianity environment was not helpful in deducing whether there is a God or not, and adding Jesus to the mix I’m sure didn’t help either.
I mean that is something that Jesus faced all the time himself. Remember Nathaniel, when he said “Can anything good come from Nazareth?” Sense a little doubt coming from Nathaniel there? John 1:46 Did Jesus turn him away?
Matthew 8:23-27 – I mean people did not understand Him, when He did extraordinary things. What was the disciples’ reaction to Jesus after this? Being part of the inner circle and they still didn’t know Him, and guess what, many don’t know Him still.
See, Jesus didn’t condemn them, but rather had them continue on trying to find out who He is. He didn’t tell them to leave, though many left of their own accord, because they not only didn’t know who He was, they also couldn’t accept what they couldn’t understand (John 6:41-69).
I just added a survey in the News Forum, in which Christians were asked questions about Jesus amongst other things. Even with the Word of God in front of them, they still couldn’t get it right!
So, am I surprised that you, regardless of how much you believe you know about the Bible, coupled with the experiences you were brought up in and taught don’t know who He is? Not really. I mean the disciples themselves didn’t know for a long time who He was! Even after the resurrection they had doubts!!
Continue to ask your questions in seeking God, don’t stop in this. Just know that in so doing, that He was pursuing you first. Jesus’ message is really to you as an Agnostic. Be Welcome.
With you in mind I found this (link below), and though a little long, I hope you will take the time to read it. I also hope you’ll be able to access it.
F. W. Boreham
With the Love of Christ Jesus.