do you mind if i call you/address you as Gregory? Or do you prefer Greg?
All fall way short of what is written in the bible.
Surely this goes for you, also?
If not, you are one of a kind.
Point being here is that you will find that a big part of the whole idea of fellowship is to edify one another, to build each other up, to help each other, to encourage each other, to reprove each other, to share with each other the wonderful things of God in Christ Jesus the Lord. Remember, too, that it is the Body of Christ, not a scattered dismembered bunch of misfits who refuse His Grace and Power to fulfill His will. Christ is the Head, so who should we be united to? The Head. What would He have His Body do and be?
Now, this may stir a little 'controversy', but sometimes i wonder what the reformers actually did that was so praised besides creating division and helping to start what we see today with untold denominations all claiming that the god they have in their box is the one everyone else should be believing in. We don't have to go into all the other 'issues' that have come from the 'reform' but they are many and all too often not things to be proudly linked to.
I am not suggesting everyone becomes what is known as 'Roman Catholic' nor that all the ways of the catholic church are correct. Yes, we do have our Bibles today and Bibles are still being smuggled into restricted countries... and on that point, someone should perhaps go to some of those persecuted lands and tell them to stop meeting together and stop encouraging each other and in effect, stop loving one another so much... and that they can get by fine on their own.
Maybe some of the lone rangers around here and the wide world could, perhaps, get busy helping get some Bibles into the hands of the oppressed and persecuted?
Sure, there are a lot of places that i would not recommend to anyone. But, if we are willing to be led by He Who has called us and He Who has the plan, we might find that He will lead us to where He wants us to be, in fellowship. He is the Good Shepherd, you know.
Some folk think that sheep are all fluffy cute little critters that all get on so well. My suggestin is to go shepherd a flock for a while and see for yourself that they all have their 'personalities' and pecking orders ??? [head butting order] and some are quite pesky compared to others. The Good Shepherd knows His sheep and they know Him and follow Him. [He doesn't have a sheep here on this mountain and another on another hill or vale. A flock is a flock.]
Jesus is Lord
Bless you ....><>