Condemn them? Perhaps not. But we should at least warn/educate them of the wrath to come.
There is a fine line between condemning someone, and condemning their sin. Those who push the gay agenda, certainly we should condemn their actions. Not just of being gay, but of teaching others to be gay.
I agree with what you are saying brother, there is a fine line. But we are to love them and make clear what they do is sin, the wages of sin is death, but they can be forgiven if they repent to the Father, through Jesus Christ and 'Go and sin no more'
I feel as you do, they are pushing the acceptance of what they do as natural, they are gloating on the fact it is now law. The media is right behind them, showing it as acceptable in every chance they can, there is no way any born again Christian can accept these practices, most are not that is the big issue. They don't accept it is a sin, they do not agree there is such a thing as sin, they are doing what the world does; homosexuality, lesbianism, adultery, coveting, stealing, killing, the list goes on as we know.
There are some who call themselves Christians, who say they are born again, and some of these are pastors under various names, they are deceived, they are false teachers, they will not accept the Bible says these things are wrong in the eye's of God, they say, don't quote the books of the law to me, we are saved by grace and are free from the law, they quote Jesus never said anything about homosexuality, etc, etc. They are believing what they want to believe, they are veiled from the Truth, they are believing the lie from the father of all lies. Surely God did not say it is wrong... Eden all over again.
It is not the people, it is the enemy of souls, the devil is his name, deceiving and lying is is game.
We are to love the people brother, but in no way can we accept their vile practices, we are to love them but cannot love the sins, we are to share the Truth with them, even though they reject the truth. The problem is sin not the person, we wrestle not against flesh and blood, the battle is with principalities and powers in the heavenly's. The battle is not ours and we should not be surprised at these things in these latter days. Sex before marriage on the up, sex after marriage with others on the up, that is if they get married. Adultery, coveting, greed, hard heartedness, self centredness, wickedness, hard heartedness, all these are on the increase.
There are more lost souls than born again souls in the world, the world follows the world, like sheep to the slaughter, like lemmings dropping off a cliff edge they will be after judgement, they cannot see it, they don't want to see it. But we as disciples of Jesus, have his job to do have we not, we are to reach out to these people in love, explain when possible it is wrong, it is a sin and pray for them. SIN can be forgiven, it just needs a change of heart, that is God's department.