lisette said:
...but I don't think it would be from the devil. I cannot see any profit for the devil in doing that.
This is very disturbing to me. I pray for Lisette to receive discernment from our Lord Jesus Christ. The devil has MUCH to gain by this kind of distraction. It is just that, a distraction. For many who are seeking Gods grace, the devil steps in with 'signs and wonders' to deflect their gaze from the heavens to ANYTHING else. It doesn't matter what, only that you are no longer looking to the one true God, our Creator, and savior, Jesus of Nazareth.
A perfect example is "our lady of Fatima". Millions and millions of pilgrims goto Fatima and drink the water, pray the rosary, ask for forgiveness, and listen the the 'message' of the 'virgin Mary'. I recently visited a website concerning 'our lady of Fatima' and didn't see the name Jesus' anywhere. --> Used with permission from Chad.<--I doubt it can be found considering that the so called prophecies of 'our lady' were unbilical, and at most impossible, as told to us by scripture. She "
apparently" said,
"If My requests are granted Russia will be converted and there will be peace".
But She also warned us, "If My requests are not granted, Russia will spread her errors throughout the world raising up wars and persecutions against the Church, the good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be annihilated."
Finally Her message is a promise of the eventual triumph of
Her Immaculate Heart over evil. She promised that no matter how black it might get in the future (and it seems that is the path chosen by most of humanity today) that in the end
She will triumph and there will be world peace.
HER? SHE? Just read revelations to see how wrong and false this is. It's not even close. Is Mary even mentioned in Revelation? We Christians
KNOW who is going to triumph over evil and it is not Mary. Jesus will ride on the clouds out of Zions hill...salvation comes!
This, along with 'stigmata', and many, many other so called "miracles" are merely another attempt by Satan to pull our gaze away from our true salvation. Jesus, sweet Jesus!
So, can you still not see how the devil would profit from a misdirection of our attention, and adoration?
Go covered in the peace that comes from truth,