Dear Sister,
And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch. Acts 11:26 KJV
Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian. Acts 26:28 KJV
Yet if [any man suffer] as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf. 1 Peter 4:16 KJV
I agree there is a lot of shame to go around, but is it surprising? As we near the end of days, if we're not in them already, it shall be even worse. If they start with YH and make it something untold, do we stop using it? Are we dictated to by the chaff, and no longer are wheat because of their perverseness? I say Anathema!
If you don't want to be associated with that type of Christian, Amen! You are not alone. There are some here that take umbrage at even the suggestion of being called a Christian! Yet I will not allow the chaff (not them) who call themselves Christians to dictate what is acceptable or not as it pertains to the Word of God! Otherwise, should we now remove those 3 above verses from His Word because now the chaff has perverted what we know it is supposed to mean instead of those whose end will surely be burning? Have we stopped being His followers because of it? Do we call each other in greeting "Hi how are you doing Sister Christian, or do we say "Hi how are you my Sister, or Brother? For we know the who we belong to and are so calling each other His follower as in Christian unnecessary! So, it's for others to say and use, "You're a Christian." Amen, if they can tell by our actions that we are His followers and call us Christians! I say again Amen!
If others continue to pollute it's meaning, I'd rather be calling them on their bad behavior, words, etc., then seek to accommodate what the world now sees us as being because as I will say it again, the perverseness of others? Again, I say Anathema!
I hear you, Sister! The pain, the sorrow, that is being brought to associate our Love, our Savior, our King, and God is at times beyond bearing, and surely beyond understanding. Still, we walk rightly and seek to make ourselves less unworthy than we already are, to have such a Holy, Righteous One as Him pick us as Children of God!
So, some would choose just call me a follower of Jesus Christ, which is fine enough. If they say, "So, you're a Christian", and one now should say "No", I'm not, because of others who have turned it into what it originally was meant to be, instead of joy of being identified as a follower of His that it was turned into? Do, we still look at the Cross in the way it was originally meant by the Romans?
If I am a bit harsh, I'm sorry dear sister. My words here are not meant to be. There are so many out there who say they are His and are not. Yet, if there were only one still out there, I would not be ashamed. The shame is those who abuse His name/following, and not ours to take upon us, though the burden is ever present. I will surely try in those times to be as Peter said "..,
if [any man suffer] as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf."
I've always thought of the days, when they start seeking us out, going house to house asking "Are you a Christian?" Knowing that it would be the death knell to say so, would I be of courage to say "Yes, Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior", or would I cower and shake my head no, knowing who they are looking for yet reasoning my way from admitting it! I pray that it will always be the former, rather than ever the latter! God have Mercy on my soul for my weakness should it be otherwise.
With the Love of Christ Jesus dear sister. You are never alone!