Hi, KerimF
This is my first reply to a post, so please forgive any ignorance in formatting.
When I think about rebirth, I must also include thoughts about the death of the first me.
We can't be "reborn" while the first man...the one of the flesh...still lives.
We can't be two different people at the same time.
Rebirth happens after we are crucified with Christ, buried with Him, and raised with Christ to walk in "newness of life". (Rom 6:3-6)
Instead of carrying around the Adamic nature, we can carry the divine nature.
Thank you for raising another crucial points.
On my side, Jesus came to tell me (or tell us, if you like) that if I perceive in me another living being other than my living flesh, I shouldn't be worried and think I am a weird person
As God let my parents help me get my living flesh, God's Spirit gave me also a fresh living soul. But I needed many years on earth since my birth before I was able to perceive, to a good extent, my personal existence then soon later my soul. We will see later how one can perceive the existence of his soul (born of the Spirit, hence it is not the known soul which is assumed giving life to the flesh made of inert substances).
Didn't Jesus have both; a human flesh as mine and Spirit/Soul when he was on earth? You may say He was so because He is the Son of God (by the way, Son of God is not Son of the Father
as we may say this person is a son of evil though we surely don't mean he is the son of Satan
We will also talk about this later).
And Jesus was talking about sons of God, sons of Heaven and even sons of the Father. So how could I live as Jesus did and be a son of Heaven with a living flesh only? If this is possible I wonder why it is not also possible for all other living things, as my pets, to be sons of Heaven? Is it so because humans are more intelligent than all other species and this gives their fleshes the ability to perceive Heavenly things? Nicodemus was surely not less intelligent than I.
In brief, the set of rules that defines a living flesh is different from the one that defines a soul (born of the Spirit).
The living flesh has to look for survival (in this world). To know how, God embedded in its cells the necessary instructions to help it achieve this goal so that it can better serve the world by building it and destroying it as well (starting from being selfish).
On the other hand, the living soul tries its best to be fed properly in order to survive in this world and for eternity. So Jesus came to tell me (tell us if you like) how, by using my mortal flesh, I can protect and feed my fresh soul. And as a king's baby will deserve being a prince later if he follows always the will of his father, also the soul needs to follow the Will of Heaven by living the Unconditional God's Love towards all others; as explained in {Matthew 5:45} for example.
By the way, my Muslim friends think they have to do their best in being obedient slaves of Allah (being a son of God is a blasphemy in Islam, also in Judaism perhaps) so that they can deserve to be Allah's guests in paradise after death. Naturally, they feel sorry about me since, as they believe, I will end up into Allah's hell while they will enjoy living, in paradise and for eternity, all the pleasures which were forbidden (by Allah) on earth.
As you see, the good news is that everyone is happy (or content in the least) the way he is and thinks. Isn't it a great wonder of our creation