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Calvinism - HyperCalvinism - TULIP : Simplified

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Sep 6, 2021

John Calvinism.. Hyper Calvinism.. The "5 Points" "TULIP">... is a Theological blasphemy committed willfully against the Holy Spirit, that is incredible.

ITs an attack on God, personally,...... and an attack against the Cross, Literally.

John Calvin has his deceived believing that God wont let some people trust in Christ.

Now, here is how to SEE THAT... so that you get the idea.... regarding exactly how Satanic it is..

Reader...That is exactly teaching.. = that JESUS wont allow some people, to trust in Him..... That Jesus The Christ wont allow some people to BELIEVE in Him.

So, what could be more SATANIC, then that teaching?... And that is the HEART, the CORE, the Theological FOUNDATION< of Calvinism.. of "TULIP"> of "pre-destined elect" Theology.

Calvinism... HyperCalvinism.. "the 5 Points" .. TULIP..... : is Of The Devil
I am a Follower of Yashuah haḾashiah and not a Calvinist but you slander the Followers of Calvin who sought after Yashuah, and without Scriptural Reference. Sir, that is trolling.
I am a Follower of Yashuah haḾashiah and not a Calvinist but you slander the Followers of Calvin who sought after Yashuah, and without Scriptural Reference. Sir, that is trolling.

I hear what you are saying but I disagree. When you understand that 5 point Calvinist heavily incriminates God as a RACIST you will realize the post is fine.

We can live with a human being a racist. But our Creator? Such an evil teaching will put EVERYONE OFF Christianity!!!!! and they make a complete and utter mockery of the most popular verse from Jesus in John 3:16, by implying He died only for some.

The more you learn about 5 point Calvinism, the more you realize it is a belief system just above satanism. You are better off in any other religion!

Than, my next point, imagine being a 5 point Calvinist who is ''fine'' with serving an evil God.

And, as many have said, IF YOU THINK partiality by God is NOT evil, make it personal!!! Imagine YOUR little daughter being thrown into flames with absolutely ZERO hope of ever being in heaven!!!

Calvinists should be watched and banned on every Christian site. They do more damage to Christianity than anyone else as they come as '''''Christians''''.
Reader...That is exactly teaching.. = that JESUS wont allow some people, to trust in Him..... That Jesus The Christ wont allow some people to BELIEVE in Him.
It's not so much that Jesus won't allow people, inasmuch as Jesus already decided before the world was even created that they couldn't.

(Unless i'm mistaken.)

- NOT a Calvinst.
I am a Follower of Yashuah haḾashiah and not a Calvinist but you slander the Followers of Calvin who sought after Yashuah, and without Scriptural Reference. Sir, that is trolling.
With all due respect Bill, the Yashuah of the Calvinist is not the Yashuah you know.

I mean look at your own words, "the Followers of Calvin"?

Now this I say, that every one of you saith, I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and I of Christ.​
(1 Corinthians 1:12 KJV)

God bless,

John Calvinism.. Hyper Calvinism.. The "5 Points" "TULIP">... is a Theological blasphemy committed willfully against the Holy Spirit, that is incredible.

ITs an attack on God, personally,...... and an attack against the Cross, Literally.

John Calvin has his deceived believing that God wont let some people trust in Christ.

Now, here is how to SEE THAT... so that you get the idea.... regarding exactly how Satanic it is..

Reader...That is exactly teaching.. = that JESUS wont allow some people, to trust in Him..... That Jesus The Christ wont allow some people to BELIEVE in Him.

So, what could be more SATANIC, then that teaching?... And that is the HEART, the CORE, the Theological FOUNDATION< of Calvinism.. of "TULIP"> of "pre-destined elect" Theology.

Calvinism... HyperCalvinism.. "the 5 Points" .. TULIP..... : is Of The Devil
Not sure if you know this but there is a difference between John Calvin's Calvinism and hyper-Calvinism, a big difference.
Not sure if you know this but there is a difference between John Calvin's Calvinism and hyper-Calvinism, a big difference.
Yes, and it is also ignored how much Martin Luther and John Calvin agreed on doctrines, Bondage of the Will, etc. But, so many today who are so busy attacking Roman Catholics, are ignorant of the fact they are following the doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church on the freedom of the will. Oh, if only the Reformers had been as wise in biblical doctrines as these nutcases of today.

John Calvinism.. Hyper Calvinism.. The "5 Points" "TULIP">... is a Theological blasphemy committed willfully against the Holy Spirit, that is incredible.

ITs an attack on God, personally,...... and an attack against the Cross, Literally.

John Calvin has his deceived believing that God wont let some people trust in Christ.

Now, here is how to SEE THAT... so that you get the idea.... regarding exactly how Satanic it is..

Reader...That is exactly teaching.. = that JESUS wont allow some people, to trust in Him..... That Jesus The Christ wont allow some people to BELIEVE in Him.

So, what could be more SATANIC, then that teaching?... And that is the HEART, the CORE, the Theological FOUNDATION< of Calvinism.. of "TULIP"> of "pre-destined elect" Theology.

Calvinism... HyperCalvinism.. "the 5 Points" .. TULIP..... : is Of The Devil
I don't get why so many Christians are focused on the wrong doing in different sections of Christianity instead of focusing n sharpening each other with the Word like His children are told to do He tells us not to concern ourselves with strangers households that He will visit n judge them..

Idk I don't see how this give YH any glory what so ever

I apologize but I really don't understand

¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
I don't get why so many Christians are focused on the wrong doing in different sections of Christianity instead of focusing n sharpening each other with the Word like His children are told to do He tells us not to concern ourselves with strangers households that He will visit n judge them..

Idk I don't see how this give YH any glory what so ever

I apologize but I really don't understand

¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
no reason to apologize.
Not sure if you know this but there is a difference between John Calvin's Calvinism and hyper-Calvinism, a big difference.

This is a discussion forum. explain the 'big' difference. Bethel is referencing 5-point Calvinism. What can be more hyper?
I don't get why so many Christians are focused on the wrong doing in different sections of Christianity instead of focusing n sharpening each other with the Word like His children are told to do He tells us not to concern ourselves with strangers households that He will visit n judge them..

Christians are to expose and rebuke false teachers.

- Eph 5:11 Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.

- Matt 7:15 Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves (@Brightfame52, @Dylan569)

- 2 Cor 11:13-15 For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.

- 1 John 4:1 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.

- Col 2:8 See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.

- 2 Pet 2:1 But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction.

I could go on and on, so much scripture on the topic.

Note the underlined words. Note that 5 Point Calvinists incriminate God. Teach that He is partial. I have asked both @Brightfame52 and @Dylan569 the same question. Brightfame has received the question now 12 times and refuses to answer.

Perhaps, since you seem to not see a fault with 5-point Calvinism, you can answer in their stead?

Question - Cherry picking some is partiality and partiality is wicked, explain to me how it is not! Explain why you teach it when Job said ''Job 34:12 it is UNTHINKABLE that God would do what is wicked'' and David said ''Psalm 145:17 God is righteous in ALL HIS WAYS.......Go, the floor is YOURS.....

Idk I don't see how this give YH any glory what so ever

The heretical message defames YH. Exposing it does most certainly give Him glory.

I apologize but I really don't understand

5-Point Calvinism teaches that God is partial in that He pre-selects some for heaven. Imagine you are not on the short list and never ever had the ability to be on it. They bastardise John 3:16, the most popular verse from Jesus by saying ''Jesus only died for some people''.

In my honest to God opinion ALL 5-point Calvinists NEED TO LEARN TO SWIM!!!

Matt 18:6 If anyone causes one of these little ones, those who believe in me, to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea!
Yes, and it is also ignored how much Martin Luther and John Calvin agreed on doctrines, Bondage of the Will, etc. But, so many today who are so busy attacking Roman Catholics, are ignorant of the fact they are following the doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church on the freedom of the will. Oh, if only the Reformers had been as wise in biblical doctrines as these nutcases of today.

Free will is one of many things the RCC got right. I would also not credit the RCC with it. I would think that any person on this planet with a 'working' brain be able to grasp it.

The fact that 5-point Calvinists don't, is more a nutcase / DUH!! space.
Free will is one of many things the RCC got right. I would also not credit the RCC with it. I would think that any person on this planet with a 'working' brain be able to grasp it.

The fact that 5-point Calvinists don't, is more a nutcase / DUH!! space.
Calvinists don’t believe in free will? huh, since when?
Are you making false accusations?
Calvinists don’t believe in free will? huh, since when?
Are you making false accusations?

Why don't you clearly state where you want to place the goal posts. Unless you are just here to clown around and use this site as one-liner X platform.

When a person with a brain hears the teaching of unconditional election and limited atonement it does not appear as all have true free will, no. I am open to correction. Go, FLOOR IS YOURS....
Why don't you clearly state where you want to place the goal posts. Unless you are just here to clown around and use this site as one-liner X platform.
Well why don’t you prove your accusations? Give me something to talk about?
It should become a good discussion.

Consider your one liners.
Well why don’t you prove your accusations? Give me something to talk about?
It should become a good discussion.

Consider your one liners.

Glad you up for discussion. Can't say the same for the other two Calvinists we have here.

Before we talk about free will. Please take a stab at the question in post # 11.
Glad you up for discussion. Can't say the same for the other two Calvinists we have here.

Before we talk about free will. Please take a stab at the question in post # 11.
Okay, but please refrain from tagging me a Calvinist, Arminian or any other title you can think of. Okay.
Christians are to expose and rebuke false teachers.

- Eph 5:11 Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.

- Matt 7:15 Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves (@Brightfame52, @Dylan569)
Before we go any further, I believe you owe these two people an apology. And repent of the fact that you are using scripture out of context for your benefit.

This is a bad practice.
I hear what you are saying but I disagree. When you understand that 5 point Calvinist heavily incriminates God as a RACIST you will realize the post is fine.

We can live with a human being a racist. But our Creator? Such an evil teaching will put EVERYONE OFF Christianity!!!!! and they make a complete and utter mockery of the most popular verse from Jesus in John 3:16, by implying He died only for some.

The more you learn about 5 point Calvinism, the more you realize it is a belief system just above satanism. You are better off in any other religion!

Than, my next point, imagine being a 5 point Calvinist who is ''fine'' with serving an evil God.

And, as many have said, IF YOU THINK partiality by God is NOT evil, make it personal!!! Imagine YOUR little daughter being thrown into flames with absolutely ZERO hope of ever being in heaven!!!

Calvinists should be watched and banned on every Christian site. They do more damage to Christianity than anyone else as they come as '''''Christians''''.
II am sorry that I need to answer another baseless post. I did not refute his post any more than he and now you troll for argument instead of discussion. Unbased discussion begins and ends with baseless argument and such has never been "of God."

The Wolf in sheep's clothing has invaded the Church, Christian Business', Christian Schools and, Christian Forums. I do not follow any person that lived after about 33 AD but even I might be interested to see a Scriptural Case presented against the Following of Calvin. Show me these Great Heresies with Scripture that is in the Greatest Context of Yehovah's recorded letters to us.

Now, if any should choose to make such a case against any movement wearing the Christ Tag, please remember there are no chapters and no verses in the scriptures. The numbering and thus, division of God's Word began in 1382 with the Wycliffe Translation and do not belong there.
With all due respect Bill, the Yashuah of the Calvinist is not the Yashuah you know.

I mean look at your own words, "the Followers of Calvin"?

Now this I say, that every one of you saith, I am of Paul; and I of Apollos; and I of Cephas; and I of Christ.​
(1 Corinthians 1:12 KJV)

God bless,
Rhema, your reply, like KJ's is not in the context of my reply.
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