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- Jun 28, 2021
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Certain words are extremely interesting. In Koine Greek as in Modern French, one cannot say "to know" without being able "to do." One cannot speak of having GNOSIS without being able to accomplish or perform that of which GNOSIS instructs. One cannot say, "I know Chemistry," without being able to mix up chemicals. There exists no concept such as "knowing about." ( I know about Chemistry, ... I know a lot about Chemistry, but you wouldn't want me to be mixing stuff up.)that word, 'belief' is in itself quite 'interesting', especially in the Light of the Gospel.
In the same light, one cannot say they PISTEUO ( Believe ) something unless that belief forms a commensurate action. And one can tell what one believes by what one does. It's all part of the same concept. My point was that we need to use the verb / noun pair (Believe / Belief) in the same manner as it was 2,000 years ago. Otherwise we're just making stuff up.
The word Faith is almost as useless as the word God or Love.