I really hope... I can't help it sometimes. I love her so much that it feels so right within my heart but then I notice the gap between there and my head. Then I fret over what I should REALLY do because I DO honor my partner, my companion. She is the love of my life. I would be useless without her taking care of my worries and afflictions. I love her to death. I look to Jesus for guidance. He gives me discernment. The devil is an ongoing problem that people have to face - that's a fact. If you are holy enough to never have to be near that presence, then Blessed are we to live by such a figure. In this moment, I am holy for writing this. I know the almighty I AM that I AM who saves even YOU. God gives us permission for ANYTHING OUR HEARTS DESIRE - for only HIS timing is perfect and righteous. If God wants me to have sex, then I WILL because I AM and his will is good! I am standing up for myself, I AM working in accordance to his will and the discernment of brothers. I confess all things before the throne for it is God's righteous fury that purifies in depth, the blasphemy that we encounter. PRAISE BE TO HIM! HONOR HIM. I trust your words brothers. I believe you trust his word, but I AM and I KNOW HIS WILL FOR ME WHEN I AM WITH HIM. AMEN!!!
Cote Dawg: Friend, you deeply in love or lust, and either one can bond you so close to each other. True love is exciting and takes our breath away at just the thought of her. Nothing can explan how wonderfully the joy of being together in every way. Real love wants to do whatever it takes to make our mate happy. God intended for a man and a women to be this way, it is what makes the "cleaving" become a solid foundation so when things get difficult between you, that bonding keeps you together. In nearly 44 years of marriage I know how it works.
God designed a man and a women to stay together for life, that's His plan. Bonding with a man and a woman thake place in a couple levels and it is important these steps of bonding take place or the cord which holds a couple together will brake, The first step in a couple's life is to have an intrest in each other. That's when you just seem to have a lot of the same interests and just "click" together. This is also a time to allow trust in the other person, to prove worthy of each other's trust. If trust is not established it's over. The trust factor means I can relax with you and let you see the real me, that I don't let other's see, because if some people saw the real me they might not like me. Time is what builds trust, there is no short cut to keep building trust. Trust can move into love, here again is where trust is binding together with love. Now we have a cord made of two stands. This is where emotional bonding comes into being, the feeling of love sparks a fire in your gut that is a high that's wonderful and WOW it's fantastic, and can bring a feeling in your gut that awesome.
Emotional feelings is when love blooms and you can't stand being apart. The holding hands and kissing are like nothing else. Some couples get engaged at this point and this is very good. At this point is where some christians make a mistake. The unengaged couples go on feelings, and kissing and holding hands soon don't feel as good, and they want more excietement. Lite petting increases the excitement level, that holding hands and a kiss once had. This is where marriage should happen. For the married love and sexual love is fulfilled and the Godly bonding continues as a cord of three God, her and him. However, for those fueling the fire within soon lite petting looses the level of excitement too. Here is the turning point, the "Y" in the relationship road that many people take the worng direction. Even if you have been praying in you dates, going to church and reading your Bible trying to be a good christian, there is a direction all must take. This is where even some nonchristians get married. No matter who the couple is at this point the sexual fire is lit and few can resist the need to have sexual desire satisfied. Some couples expereince guilt but the longer they remain sexually active the guilt can become tollerable or even diminish. For most, pregnancy is always and issue, and for some it becomes a reality. In marriage pregnancy is a joy and a blessing from the Lord within their marriage. No matter what anyone says for the unmarried woman pregnancy has quilt, and latter on at some point resentment that the man did not love her enought to marry her before this.
Dawg, God does not change His written for anyone, there are no exceptions. If God made exceptions, then His WORD would not be trustworthy or to be trusted. Here is some of what the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, the I AM, says. Hebrews 13:4 "Marriage is to be held in honor among all," (not just christians) "and the marriage bed is to be undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge." NASB 1 Crrinthians 6:18-20 :Flee immorality. For every other sin that a man commits is outside the body, but the imoral man sins against his own body. Or so you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price: there fore glorify God in your body." 1 Corinthians 7:2 " Because of immoralities, each man is to have his own wife, and each woman her own husband," Matthew 15:18,19 "But the things that proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, that defile the man. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts,, false witnesss, slanders." Romans 13:13,14 "Let us behave properly as inthe day, not carousing and drunkeness, not in sexual promiscuity and sensuality, not in strife and jealousy. But puton the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh in regard to ots lusts." 1 Thessalonians 4:3-7 "For this is the will of God, your sancyification; that is that you abstain from sexual immorality: that each of you know how to possess his own vessel insancitication and honor, not in lustful passion, like the Gentiles who do not know God; and that no man transgress and defraud his brother in the matter because the Lord is the avenger in all these things, just as we also told you before and solemnly warned you. For God has not called us fro the purpose of impurity, but in sanctification."
I believe sexual desire is so intense and builds within us that men and women are willing lie, hide, risk sneaking around and even destroy a marriage, because lust is a very strong emotion, and the evil one takes a spark that turns ino a blazing lustful fire. When people take the next step up in the sexual ladder, the next offeres more excitement and sin seems pleasureable for a time.
I am sure there are those who have made the wrong turn at the "Y", andthere are those who made the moral purity choice. It is never too late to confess our sin and get our self down off the sexual ladder. God loves us and it is for the best He has for us that we flee the lusts of the flesh. Please take time to rethink what the I AM really says. Only satan wants you to consider sexual sin as being well with God. Blessings.