Dear Farout,
Just to let you know i am not KJV Only, neither do i in any way condemn for the older women to teach the younger women. (which is good: how to keep home and love their husbands etc)
But the position of pastor in the church is not for a woman (the husband of one wife)
Now the main point is, is that Kay Arthur has signed in full agreement to that ecumenical compromise treaty and she supports it -that should give you a MAJOR Red Alert! BIG Time Warning! Sign as to what she is doing (maybe she is doing that unawares but nevertheless is Promoting ecumenical compromise, and this in any way is pure evil!)
i have shared my warning with you and you should not defend Kay Arthur in any way! lest ye share of and end up in partaking of her ecumenical compromise together with her!
Ask The Lord for Discernment!
Stop reading the materials of Kay Arthur! Do not support her!
And besides that Catholism is not just another denomination (if any man think that) as mind you: It is completely FALSE!
But according to Kay Arthur Catholics are supposedly part of the body of Christ as she would refer to Catholics as "Christian brethren".
2 Corinthians:
14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
What has Catholicism to do with the True Gospel of Jesus Christ?
If to think that there is any unity between those is saying hello to the devil and darkness and welcoming them into the sheep fold!
Further i would like to point you to the fact that Kay Arthur signed in agreement with this:
The Manhattan Declaration
is an ungodly manifesto, contemptuous of the blood and righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is an ecumenical treatise, complete with a Romish gospel and shot through and through with popish error. Those evangelicals who have authored this document and who have led the way in signing it show themselves to be in rebellion to God. It is, in their case, a brazen manifesto of treason against the Lord Jesus Christ. And they are not friends but rather are enemies of Christian liberty in that they disobey and provoke the Author of liberty with their spiritual fornication, even wresting His word and corrupting His blood-bought church. It is the biblical duty of all faithful Christian pastors to stand against the evangelical authors of the Manhattan Declaration and all evangelicals who sign it or promote it in any way. Such betrayers of Christ and His church must be separated from and called to account by all faithful Christian ministers and people. (Quote from: Ralph Ovadal)
Why would anyone want to defend someone who signed something alike of that?
DutchChristian: "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are my dsciples if you have love for one another." John 13:34,35. NASB