Ive just read through these; Read through 1 Corinthians 10:6-10, 1 Corinthians 11:28-30, 1 John 5:16-17 and the story of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5. In each of these cases sin resulted in death
From what I can see in each of these cases there was no repentance happening. Could any one confirm this? I would be so grateful. I do my best but sometimes misinterpret scripture because of the wording
What do you notice in Acts 5? Why would God kill those 2? Surly worse sins have been committed by believers. The answer I believe is this:
When believers do something that affects the purity of the church, or a particular church, the church may be better off with that believer dead, so God kills them. Now notice in Acts 5 this was probably one of the first EVER Christian churches. So it is likely that God was making an example of them. A Pastor who has a problem of stealing from his church, well, the church might be better off without him.
I believe this is the type of sin being talked about in 1 John 5, "The sin leading to death". It is not a particular sin, per say, but maybe the final sin that a believer committs in which God decides that his church body is to be better off without him.
Anyway that is one view on the subject of "sins leading to death".
Slim I wonder if you couldn't greatly benefit from a study bible. Do you have a particular minister you like? Do they write commentaries? The bible has books as old as 4000 years now, and although God's Word lasts forever, the language involved can present to be an interpretive challenge.
I would highly recommend a Macarthur study bible. He is most in-line with what I believe, and his notes on each verse are extensive and reliable. I don't know how old you are, but you may think about investing in some bible studying tools, like a study bible, or if you have a particular book that you are struggling with maybe purchase a commentary on it by someone you trust? If you are younger maybe ask your parents for a study bible
I would love to help you brother as much as I can. Send me a private message and I'll let you know where you can get a study bible (I can't post the link here, the system won't let me).
Also, you have to understand that God takes your disorder into account when he judges your actions. He judges your heart. I had a minor OCD problem when I was a kid. I did maybe the same thing you are doing where in my head I would say, "I swear to God that I....", and I would just do it all the time. It was like I was scoring points or something when I swore to him and then it happened or I followed through. Also I had to pet my dogs the same number of times I assure you he understands. Anyway feel free to contact me or continue posting here if I can help you any further.
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