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Don't be deceived by amightywind ministry cult


Mar 2, 2025
Dear brothers and sisters,

To be honest, I used to be a blind follower of a cult called amightywind ministry and a false prophet Elisheva eliyahu (Elisabeth Elijah Nikomia) who has changed her names several times to fit her evil purpose. This woman is a witch with Jezebel spirit and forked demonic tongue, but pretends to be a true holy prophet. As a matter of fact, she is mixing some truth with deadly lies, leading so many christians astray all over the world. She claims that she is a Jew, and is not, but is the synagogue of satan. Her believers are requested by her to defend her and her amightywind ministry cult. She is preaching that the Holy Spirit is female and the queen of heaven , and the wife of the Heavenly Father, which is blasphemy. She is preaching strange soulmate doctrines and has caused her believers to divorce and commit fornications with their so called soulmates. She gave herself many false titles, such as Pastor, Apostle, the Ringmaiden of the The Most High, the New Elijah, and so on. She knows very well how to use sorcery and witchcraft to do her bidding and often asks her believers to send their latest photos enabling her to cast spells on them for mind manipulation. If anyone speaks against her, she would usually call him a reprobate, and ask her secret prayer group members to curse him and pray for his death in agony and burning forever in hell and the lake of fire! She already had several husbands, and is still waiting for her new soulmate to join this amightywind cult as a co-leader. She even asked her cult members to curse her Ex-husband Nikomia for his death, who left her after he decided to turn away from his sins. She has a satanist background and is even wanted by FBI of U.S.A. for using sorcery and witchcraft to illegally obtain someone’s pension, which is one of the important reasons why she chose to hide her real name Sharon Sobczak and never showed her real face publicly while pretending to be humble. She successfully fled from America and is hiding somewhere in Ireland, while pretending to be in New Zealand. Though she pretends to love her cult members as their spiritual mother, she cares nothing about them but their donations and their defence of her and her amightywind ministry cult. Her cult members are so much blinded ,deceived ,and fooled by her that they regard her words and teachings as that of the Almighty God Himself and any doubt about her words or teachings or disobedience to her will be taken as a rebellion against the God Almighty, as it is told by her prophecies, no lies are allowed in this amightywind ministry. She is a real master of mind manipulation and mind control. Every move of her cult members must be reported to her first for her approval. In one of her prophecies, she says her prophecies are spiritual meat for spiritual adults while the holy Words of the Bible are only spiritual milk for spiritual babies. As a result, her cult members regard her false prophecies more important than the holy Bible! She actually has replaced God’s position in their hearts. She requests her cult members to celebrate her birthday and the anniversary of amightywind ministry online at the same time by thanking, encouraging her , but even actually praising her in those ungodly videos posted on Youtube. They can not see that this is just another form of idol worship. Needless to say, birthday celebration has pagan origins. Oh, they also can not find there is an obvious upsidedown cross in the logo of amightywind ministry, which speaks itself whom she serves and belongs to. She is very cunning. If any words of her prophecies failed to come true, she would modify or delete these words by updating prophecies. She pretends to be holy,brave, humble, righteous, and pretends to have suffered a lot for the Lord Jesus. There are many empty words of praising her for being holy, humble,brave , being badly persecuted for the sake of the Lord Jesus Christ in her prophecies. Actually, she lives in great sins and luxuries since she has got millions of dollars in donations from all over the world. Her false prophecies have been translated into various languages and so many christians have been led astray by her and are heading towards hell and the lake of fire because of that. She just sacrifices souls of her amightywind cult members to satan for her worldly gains. She has paid a lot of money to censor and delete any information that exposes her and her amightywind ministry cult to prevent her cult members from getting to know the truth, which can set them free. What’s more, her cult members are isolated spiritually by her instructions so that they would be more easily deceived, controlled , and fooled by her. She threatened in one of her prophecies that anyone reading any information against her was testing God and would be called a reprobate. In the hope of snatching some of them out of hell and the lake of fire, I have to unmask this false prophet Elisheva eliyahu before the whole world. She might deceive and fool others, but she can hide nothing from the God Almighty. May our Heavenly Father’s will be done on earth as in heaven. May our Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on as many cult members of amightywind ministry as possible and their eyes be opened wide by Him as He has done the same to me and they wake up to the core and flee as fast as they can from amightywind ministry cult after recognizing Elisheva eliyahu is a wolf in sheep clothing. She was casted on a bed of suffering by our Lord Jesus, but she hardened her heart and refused to humble herself to repent. Thus our Lord Jesus is through with her, as you could pray and confirm this with our Lord Jesus. In this case, she will reap what she has sowed. To my regret, Katherina shall also reap the same because she shares very part of her sins. But the other cult members still have a chance to repent. Although she has brought me so much harm ,loss, and pains, troubles,and she even hates me with a perfect hatred, I already chose to forgive her completely because our Lord Jesus has forgiven all my horrible sins. I am also a sinner of sinners and I am no better than her. The only difference between she and me is I decided to repent all my sins once I waked up to the truth by the great mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ. I don’t hate her at all, instead my heart is filled with regret that she has missed her very last chance to repent! By the way, she knows exactly what she is doing, and where she shall spend her eternity. Instead of being thankful, she is very angry with those who pray for her repentance and speaks evil of them in her prophecy. These are the bad fruits of this amightywind ministry cult and this false prophet Elisheva eliyahu. Please pray and confirm if it is true. Trust no man but only Jesus Christ. Follow no man but only Jesus Christ. Not all those who preach holiness, righteousness, or repentance belong to our Lord Jesus Christ for satan also pretends to be an angel of light. May God set the captives free for His own glory!
Dear brothers and sisters, let us unit together and fight together against the evil forces! Please pray that our Lord Jesus will tear down this demonic amightywind ministry and shut her mouth in His perfect timing so she can't deceive more people anymore. Please pray that all the sheep and lambs that she led astray will repent and come back to our good Shepherd Jesus Christ. Amen!

For your reference, her cult ministry website is www. amightywind.com , this false prophet Elisheva eliyahu’s youtube channel is yahsladyinred or yahsladynred.

God bless you!

A former cult member of amightywind ministry

The website looks like a Monty Python sketch.

I used to be a blind follower
I praise God your eyes were opened.


I'd like to recommend the short 12 minute YouTube videos on Narcissistic Personality Disorder by Dr. Les Carter.
Please let me know if they are relevant or not. TIA.
$502 for her book!
SECRETS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT(RUACH HA KODESH) 2nd Edition Edited/Expanded Version 2014 by Apostle & Prophet Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah Nikomia (2014-05-03).
US$502.99 ·
Qhote from website: 'He will save our souls and take us to Heaven when we die or are raptured.' She is no BIble scholar.

From her name I was expecting an obese black woman not the prettiest white princess Disney every had in his movies!
In the bit of website about her amazing painting her voice is not that of a Disney princess but an old woman.
Scrolled though the site with lots of pictures of the Disney princess but none of the voice.
Then I see they operate from New Zealand and have done so since 1994 which makes princess a minimum of 50 years old.
She doesn't exactly say 'Gimme the money!' like Paula White but that message is quite clear!
I looked on youtube for the 'yahsladyinred' website but nothing but more and more the purest white Disney princess.
Yep, Brother. They are in a lot of lies. But of course just as you are they all able to be Saved by the Living God. But only those who really desire to enjoy Relationship with them. Since you are now saved your Joy is now in being a Child of the Living God, Jehovah, growing up in the Name of Jesus in being raised by Him. And of course His New Born Babies needs a desire from Him and Ability from Him to drink their Milk.

1 Peter 2: 2 As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:

So of course drinking your Milk and telling those you know and love in that cult about it will save the elected there too. But first you have to enter this "Baby Life" to be able to witness to them about it.
$502 for her book!
i've got a better deal here

only 10$ for 500 pages of.. either truth or complete insanity. i don't even know for sure. dude has some pretty unique ideas that are likely totally true.. however... he has to be on the spectrum of skitzophrenia.

he says there's a difference between Jesus Christ... and Christ Jesus.

yes. really. i do like his ms paint diagrams. ..and yes i read a good bit of his book before he started selling it and pulled it offline. it used to be free.

if you can handle 15 minutes of that... read his 500 page book, you will be entertained.
he says there's a difference between Jesus Christ... and Christ Jesus.
To some extent that is true. It depends upon the declension of the noun - Jesus the Christ, and the Christ of Jesus.

Christ is not an English word. It is a Greek word that was left untranslated and merely copied into English letters.

When understanding that Christ is the Greek for Messiah, and Messiah just means "anointed" or "anointing" then one can speak of the Anointing (christ) of Jesus, which would be the Holy Spirit. I was a bit surprised when Kenneth Copeland figured that out. Now since I plan to never read the book, perhaps the author was heading in that direction? Let me know if you wish.

it used to be free.
Well... DARN that the electric company wants their bills to be paid. ;)

i do like his ms paint diagrams.
That said, it's rather hard to diagram a four dimensional reality on a two dimensional piece of paper.

But thanks for the link. I might have 15 minutes sometime this week.

now its all advertizements
Just think of the electric bill that Google (owner of YouTube) has to pay. :scream:

Kind regards,
My Bible says Anglo-Saxon English are the Lost Tribe of Ephraim.

No Bible says anything about the Anglo-Saxon English.

There were no Anglo-Saxon settlers in Britain until the mid-5th century AD.

But as you wish...

(and you're welcome)

No Bible says anything about the Anglo-Saxon English.

There were no Anglo-Saxon settlers in Britain until the mid-5th century AD.

But as you wish...

(and you're welcome)
The Anglo Saxons came to England in the late 300s just as the Romans were pulling out.
But as you wish....
You're American - if you are Anglo-Saxon you are a descendant of the tribe of Manasseh.
If you are black or Jewish you're not Anglo-Saxon.
The Anglo Saxons came to England in the late 300s just as the Romans were pulling out.
So when did these tribes get lost?
(I'm too lazy to do the math right now.)

And to think Moses only wandered around for 40 years.

YOU said it was in your Bible. I just kindly asked where. So I guess you can't show me?

Not all the Germans in Saxony went to England, nor did all the Germans who lived in Angles. So the primary well source of the lost tribes would be white Germans.


So when did these tribes get lost?
(I'm too lazy to do the math right now.)

And to think Moses only wandered around for 40 years.

YOU said it was in your Bible. I just kindly asked where. So I guess you can't show me?

Not all the Germans in Saxony went to England, nor did all the Germans who lived in Angles. So the primary well source of the lost tribes would be white Germans.


Germans are Assyrians - that's why they like making war against Anglo-Saxons and the Ten Lost Tribes.
Your simplistic map is for non-believers.
Try read and understand the BIble.
But if not try this children's guide to Anglo-Saxons in England:
'The Romans had been troubled by serious barbarian raids since around 360, with Picts (northern Celts) from Scotland, Scots from Ireland (until 1400 the word ‘Scot’ meant an Irishman) and Anglo-Saxons from northern Germany and Scandinavia. With the legions gone, all now came to plunder the accumulated wealth of Roman Britain.
The Romans had employed the mercenary services of the pagan Saxons for hundreds of years, preferring to fight alongside them rather than against these fierce tribal groups led by warrior-aristocrats under a chieftain or king. Such an arrangement probably worked well with the Roman military in place to control their numbers, using their mercenary services on an ‘as required’ basis.'
Germans are Assyrians - that's why they like making war against Anglo-Saxons and the Ten Lost Tribes.
Your lack of accurate historical knowledge is as galactic as it is absurd.
But if not try this children's guide to Anglo-Saxons in England:
Bizarre, meaning that your source proof blurb says absolutely nothing to support your assertions.
Try read and understand the BIble.
An idiotic response to my request here:
My Bible says Anglo-Saxon English are the Lost Tribe of Ephraim.

So let's try this again:

My Bible says Anglo-Saxon English are the Lost Tribe of Ephraim.
when God said they would be dispersed among the nations if they did not repent... it means as straw blown by the wind...gone.
when God said they would be dispersed among the nations if they did not repent... it means as straw blown by the wind...gone.
Rhema has problems with understanding...or more like lacks the gifts of wisdom and knowledge given by Holy Spirit.

Germans are Assyrian just as English Anglos are the Lost Tribe of Ephraim.
A plethora of secular and biblical evidence shows us that the Germans are identified as Assyria in the Bible. The Classical Dictionary (Smith) states, “There can be no doubt that they [Germans]… migrated into Europe from the Caucasus and the countries around the Black and Caspian Seas
Please don't divert from the topic of the thread.
If you want to discuss something else, please go to a thread on that subject or create one of your own.

With the Love of Christ Jesus.