When faith in an invisible, intangible, and inaudible being is required, how do you force yourself to believe? Do you believe in aliens? Ghosts? Fairies? God? If you do believe in these things, what makes you believe? If you don't believe what would need to happen to make you believe?
I do not believe. It would take a physical manifestation of any one of those beings to prove to me they existed at all. I could pretend to believe just so I would be saved, but who would I be fooling? Myself? God? Who? And would trying to fool anyone benefit me? Would it save my soul?
The Christian Bible (66 canonized books that corroborate each other, not a single book like most non-Christians believe) is a recorded revelation from a Supreme Being who claimed to be the God, Creator and Sustainer of the universe.
This Creator tells us that humans were created to worship and glorify Him, and that He blessed us abundantly. But we all have missed the standard that He establishes when we rebel against Him with the choices we made. That we are all condemned to be separated from Him for all eternity. That's the bad news.
But The Creator also tells us that because He loves us enough to send His only Son to become human, fulfill hundreds of ancient prophecies about Him, and die on the cross so you and I can be reconciled with Him. That's the good news.
Now whether or not you believe those, it is absolutely yours to decide. None of us Christians could or should coerce you into believing anything that you don't.
But please decide *after* you read and study the Christian Bible with a searching heart, not before.
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