Word of Life said:Thanks you DanV for posting that and doing a study on this too. That was very informative and has given me a much clearer picture on all things. I understand it much better now, as I read all the scriptures that was quoted in your above post.
I carried on reading upto chapter 6
Gen 6:5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Gen 6:6 And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.
Gen 6:7 And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.
If God was grieved what was going on in those days, its probably breaking His heart seeing what’s happening down here now and today. It certainly breaks my heart.
God Bless you
Let's continue on, if you like, with The Book of the Generations of Adam - Genesis 5:1 to 6:8; the 3rd document composing the book of Genesis as indicated below:
The age-old Hebrew and Christion tradition is that Moses, guided of God, composed Genesis out of ancient documents existent in his day. The book closes something like 300 years before Moses. Moses could have gotten this information only by direct revelation from God, or through such historical records as had been handed down from his forefathers.
Opening with the "Creation Hymn," there are then given ten "Books of Generations" which constitute the framework of Genesis. It seems that they were incorporated bodily by Moses, with such additions and explanations as he may have been guided of God to make. These eleven documents are as follows:
"Creation Hymn" - Genesis 2:1--2:3
"The Generations of the Heaven and Earth - Genesis 2:4--4:26
"The Generations of Adam" - Genesis 5:1--6:8
These documents may have been started by Adam, continued by Enoch and Methuselah, and completed by Noah. Copies of The Generations of Adam and the two previous documents may have been made by Noah on clay tablets, and buried, as the tradition says: [Copies may have been taken into the Ark).
"Until recent years it was commonly believed that Writing was unknown in the early days of Old Testament history. This was one of the bases of the modern critical theory that some of the Old Testament books were written long After the events they describe, thus embodying only Oral Tradition. But now the spade of the archaeologist has revealed that WRITTEN records of important events were made from the dawn of history."
Genealogy from Adam to Noah - Genesis 5
Their ages are listed as follows: Adam, 930 years, Seth, 912 years, Enosh, 905 years, Kenan, 910 years, Mahalalel, 895 years, Jared, 962 years, Enoch, 365 years, Methuselah, 969 years, Lamech, 777 years, Noah, 950 years.
The Great Age to which they lived is ordinarily explained on the theory that Sin had only begun its malign influence on the race.
Figures in this chapter, with Genesis 6:6, indicate that there were 1656 years between Creation of Man and the Flook. Some think that, inasmuch as this genealogy, and that in chapter 11, each have 10 generations, they may be abbreviated, as that of Jesus in Matthew 1. But the formula, "lived--years, and begat--," is against such a theory.
Enoch - Genesis 5:21-24
He was the Best of Them. In a society of unspeakable wickedness, he "walked with God." Born 622 years after the creation of Adam, he was contemporary with Adam 308 years. "God took him" 69 years before the birth of Noah, while he was only 365. The one other to be thus Translated, without having to die, was Elijah - 2 Kings 2: Enoch and Elijah, perhaps, being intended of God to be a sort of fore-picture of the happy fate of the saints who will still be in the flesh when the Lord Returns - 1 Thessalonians 4:17.
The New Testament refers to a Prophecy of Enoch - Jude 14,15
Methuselah - Genesis 5:25-26.
He was the Oldest of the ten (969 years), son of Enoch. His life overlapped that of Adam by 243 years and that of Shem by 98 years, thus forming a connecting link between the Garden of Eden and the Post-Flood. He died the year of the Flood.
Pre-Flood Wickedness - Genesis 6:1-8
The "sons of God" - Genesis 6:2 are thought to have been either fallen angels, to which there may be reference in 2 Peter 2:4 and Jude 6, or leaders in Sethite families who intermarried with godless descendants of Cain. These abnormal marriages, whatever they were, filled the earth with corruption and violence.
Jesus regarded the Flood as an Historical Fact, and likened the time of His Coming Again to the days of Noah - Matthew 24:37-39. What is going on in the world at the present time, makes us wonder, if, even now, those days may be returning.
The "120 years" - Genesis 6:3 seems to mean reduced span of life.
God Bless
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