Anyone and I repeat anyone who is against speaking in tongues and or prophecy today is against anyone and everyone becoming built up in the Lord Jesus Christ , period, and that makes them against the Holy Spirit and Christ Himself.
I certainly wont disagree with this.. I will agree with it, but not when it means I have to agree with your translations of the Greek words, which I do not feel to be accurate.
Nothing would make me happier than to see the church grow so don't misinterpret what I am saying.
I am fairly sure now that my belief is a minority amongst the Christians on this site, and likely you see me as "not one of us" for my holding this belief. DanV may be the only other Christian I have seen on this site who isn't of a Pentecostal or similar denomination. I would like to think that our beliefs being different on this one subject really should not be a problem, but I am not sure you all will feel the same, as you seem to point out that if I don't believe in your speaking in tongues then I am against Christ.
I am all for anything the Bible says. I believe in the one true God of the bible, and I believe these verses in debate are God inspired. I have tried to take your view as openly as possible and prayed before posting, but I can not agree with your interpretation of these passages on one simple principle:
The majority of the New Testament indicates to me that God doesn't work in ways we see straight in front of our face. It is more glorifying for him to work in much subtler ways, and makes our faith that much more valuable when we trust not in physical experiences, but simply in his promises. Of course Christ’s life was full of miracles and the supernatural because he was the son of God, but to extend that type of miraculous and supernatural phenomenon beyond his time here on earth, and the time shortly after with his chosen 12(13), takes away from the glory of Christ's life and the significance of that time period.
I would like to finally add that my father's salvation came largely in part by a woman who was of a Pentecostal denomination, so I tend to think of people of this belief as brothers even if we disagree.
My brother,
I see that its been some time since you posted this, but I hope that you are still around.
I am of the Pentecostal persuasion, however, you might find me a little different. Please permit me to explain the way that I understand the "speaking in tongues" issue.
First of all, it is a shame that this issue is so divisive in the Body of Christ. To those who make it such, I direct them to the Scripture (they can find it on their own) where the disciples came to Jesus concerned about some people who were going around preaching, teaching, and doing miracles, all in Jesus' Name, but these people were not in their inner circle. Jesus said, "Leave them be. If they're not against us, then they are for us." If I may put it in my words and hopefully not take liberty, these others had likely heard Jesus preach and teach, and were so moved by Him, they just had to act upon the inspiration. So, they were responding to God, whether it was within the structure the disciples were in, or not, God honored it and used those others.
So, here's my point about the controversial issue. Jesus told the disciples and all who read the Word thereafter and believe, that they and we would do greater works than He did. The greatest miracle of all is something that so many people don't even see as one- A CHANGED LIFE BY THE POWER OF GOD. That is the core of the Gospel. We can be changed, and when we are changed, we can then be used by God to fulfill His purpose. And if we are submitted to His purpose, we will do great miracles as the Lord empowers and enables us to do His work. His work will not fail, and He supplies WHATEVER we need in order to fulfill it.
So, if God the Holy Spirit decides that we need to speak in a foreign language that we never learned in order to fulfill that purpose that we are submitted to, then HE manifests it at the time of need, according to HIS wisdom. Or any other karismata, or whatever HE decides is necessary. Our job as believers is to first, be submitted wholly to God and His purpose. (By the way, His purpose has never changed, and does not change) And secondly, to be willing to be used by the Lord
in whatever way HE wants to fulfill that purpose.
We need to lay aside our theologies, ideas, and many of our towers need to be torn down. Traditions may not apply, and can keep us from the things God wants for us to do. Again, I state that God's purpose does not change. However, if God wants to use a different method of achieving it, it would not be the first time in history, and is not inconsistent with Who He is.
But the Karismata ("gifts" of the Spirit) are not even a new method. They've been around for 2,000 years. They were a new method on the Day of Pentecost in Acts chapter 2.
In conclusion, I believe that God is God. If He wants someone to speak in tongues, (whether a prayer language, heavenly language as a sign to unbelievers, or an unlearned language to reach the lost, or any other
various kinds of tongues), prophecy, words of knowledge, words of wisdom, interpretation of tongues, faith, healings, miracles, discernment of spirits, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors who are teachers, helps, administration, or any other way HE wants to manifest His presence and power in the life of a yielded believer in order to fulfill HIS purpose,
who are we, the clay, to tell God, the potter, how to use us?
I hope you haven't been discouraged by some of our brethren who might have suggested that you're not a Christian because you believe that the manifestations of God are not for His church today. I want to suggest that they are zealous for you to experience a fulness of God that they know (that's not to say you don't know a fulness of God, but rather a different experience).
To my Pentecostal brethren, I want to caution you of something: Jesus said many would come to Him saying, "Lord, Lord, didn't we [then they list several things that we Pentecostals do] in Your Name?" [In other words, they were believers, and did these miracles in the Name of Jesus] and on that day, the Lord will say to these: "Depart from Me. I never knew you, you doers of lawlessness!" Now, there was nothing wrong with the miracles they had done, or how they were done in the Name of Jesus. The issue that caused the separation between them and the Lord was lack of relationship (He didn't know them). Jesus said several times that those who do the will of His Father are His. What's the will of His Father? To reach the lost unredeemed of the world and restore them to Him. What is the biblical reason for the baptism of the Holy Ghost (which Scripturally, results in the manifestations, or
gifts)? To empower and enable believers to reach the lost unredeemed world and restore them to HIM. What's the purpose for the existence of the church of Jesus Christ (not a denomination) in this world? Guess what- same purpose. It has never ever changed. Now back to these poor believers... They thought that all these miracles and signs were evidence that God was in their midst and working through them. They focused on the miracles and signs and gifts, as is evidenced by that being the thing they say to the Lord. When the gifts become the focus, and the purpose for those gifts loses importance, maybe even gets laid by the wayside, then are we still doing the will of the Father, or are we putting on a show? This is a very serious concern that I have for my Pentecostal brethren. STOP FOCUSING ON THE GIFTS AND FOCUS ON SUBMITTING TO GOD'S PURPOSE. LET HIM DECIDE WHAT YOU NEED TO FULFILL IT. HE'LL GIVE WHATEVER IS NEEDED TO THE YIELDED VESSEL, THEN USE IT FOR THE PURPOSE IT WAS DESIGNED FOR. IF YOU DON'T DO THIS, YOU ARE IN DANGER OF BEING ONE OF THOSE MANY BELIEVERS WHO CALL JESUS LORD AND DO MIRACLES AND SIGNS IN HIS NAME, BUT DO NOT DO THE WILL OF THE FATHER, AND THEREFORE JESUS DOES NOT KNOW YOU!