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God's will in a financial situation.


May 31, 2006
I bought a car about a year ago, I always felt that God wanted me to have a car. But after owning it a almost a year, I'm coming to a realization I can't afford it. I bought it with a line of credit I got from a bank, with a very good interest rate. The problem is that my income doesn't pay for the upkeep of the car and my other bills. I have been using the line of credit to help pay my bills. This makes me very nervous, as I know I can't continue much longer in this manner. I think I made a huge mistake buying this car and I'm going to end up paying back that line of credit for years. I'm almost at the point of selling the car. I was saved many years ago but have not really been serving the Lord for years. I go to church occasionally.

I feel like God is telling me to trust Him with the finances of the car but I'm not sure how I can do this, as the longer I own it, the deeper I am going into debt!!! To be honest, I am so far away from God not sure if I know what his voice sounds like any more. I know I have to repair my relationship with God but my most very pressing concern is what should I do with my car.

It's an older Toyota Camry 2004 and it's in very good shape but the longer I go without selling, it the harder it will be to sell it. I feel like when David was told not to count his armies but trust in God. But it is so very hard, when I have a low paying job and what I do in this circumstance, is going to have consequences. I always thought God wanted me to have the car, for any future ministry that I might be involved in. But again, to me that seems like something far off in the distance. If I get more involved in my local church, there are street ministries that I would like to get involved in.

So here is my problem, is it God telling me to keep the car, to trust Him or do I just really like the car, which I do and am trying to justify keeping it, when I know I can't afford it. If I do sell the car, I'm going to be seen as a failure in this matter, by my family and friends and this is really bothering me as well!!!

So I covet your prayers, so that I might have wisdom in this area and if God speaks to you concerning my situation, I would love your counsel!!
Thanks so much for hearing me out!!
Well, here is my counsel on this situation...and God has not given me a word on it, just to clarify.

Personally, I take the "Dave Ramsey" approach to all matters financial. He's a fav. of mine, a Godly man who dispenses very valuable financial advice, using the Bible as a standard. I've been where you are, and many years ago, I let a car go back to the bank. I went into ownership under emotion, and did not really listen to the wise counsel of others around me, or my own common sense for that matter.

I feel you have already answered your own question, reasoned it out in your first few sentences in your post. Simply put, you cannot afford it. You realize that. As Dave (Ramsey) says, there will always be other cars, guitars, motorcycles, boats, etc., but get yourself on a solid financial footing first by following the principles of the Bible.

To add to all of this, even with a great interest rate, you will probably end up paying four times more back to the bank over the value of what the car is worth. I personally buy all my vehicles with cash (didn't used to do it this way), because cars are such a poor long term investment anyway, I hate losing extra money on finance fees, interest, etc.

As an example, the amount that we purchased our home for, until we get the 30 yr. mortgage paid off, we will have paid back almost 4 1/2 times what we borrowed to purchase it! Crazy! With God's help, and wise decisions on our part, hopefully we will be able to shorten that amount of time and not give the bank all that extra cash!

I would feel that your friends and family would be proud of you for coming to grips with the fact that owning a car at this time, in your present financial situation may not be the best thing for you.

I sincerely hope that I put all that out there in a non-confrontational manner, I do not mean for it to sound harsh at all, but sometimes in the 2-D internet world, words may not come across as gentle as they are meant to be.

Blessings to you.
Glad to pray for you brother, that God would make clear the path for you to take in this.
Every time we take our heart from God and give it to something else, we get into trouble.

When God blesses us, He freely hands it to us.

You can see in the figures before you that you are in financial trouble, however, you remember God. The lesson continues and I believe a great testimony is ahead.

God knows all about it, now ask Him for guidance in what you must do to not end up upside down in this matter. He has the perfect answer, ask Him.
Here is a question or two for your answer.

Do you hear God when He speaks to you?

Do you trust God Totally in all things?

Will you be willing to be willing to be obedient?

Do Not make your choices from what God directed another believer to do. Find out what He wants you to do and do it and don't look back.

In what ever He directs you in, He had authorised you to do so and has all things covered.

I am praying that God will have His will in your situation. You also need to pray for God to lead you to His Way on this which may be a painful one indeed.

There is really something more important than the blessings we receive in this natural life. Ask God to help you understand that and to act accordingly.
Thanks all of you for your very sincere answers and I really appreciate them!!! I'm a bit tired today but I will come
back and answer your posts in more detail.
Well, here is my counsel on this situation...and God has not given me a word on it, just to clarify.

Personally, I take the "Dave Ramsey" approach to all matters financial. He's a fav. of mine, a Godly man who dispenses very valuable financial advice, using the Bible as a standard. I've been where you are, and many years ago, I let a car go back to the bank. I went into ownership under emotion, and did not really listen to the wise counsel of others around me, or my own common sense for that matter.

I feel you have already answered your own question, reasoned it out in your first few sentences in your post. Simply put, you cannot afford it. You realize that. As Dave (Ramsey) says, there will always be other cars, guitars, motorcycles, boats, etc., but get yourself on a solid financial footing first by following the principles of the Bible.

To add to all of this, even with a great interest rate, you will probably end up paying four times more back to the bank over the value of what the car is worth. I personally buy all my vehicles with cash (didn't used to do it this way), because cars are such a poor long term investment anyway, I hate losing extra money on finance fees, interest, etc.

As an example, the amount that we purchased our home for, until we get the 30 yr. mortgage paid off, we will have paid back almost 4 1/2 times what we borrowed to purchase it! Crazy! With God's help, and wise decisions on our part, hopefully we will be able to shorten that amount of time and not give the bank all that extra cash!

I would feel that your friends and family would be proud of you for coming to grips with the fact that owning a car at this time, in your present financial situation may not be the best thing for you.

I sincerely hope that I put all that out there in a non-confrontational manner, I do not mean for it to sound harsh at all, but sometimes in the 2-D internet world, words may not come across as gentle as they are meant to be.

Blessings to you.
What you are saying makes a lot of sense, it was a very emotional purchase for me. But it was the bad advice of family and friends that did not help me. So I was actually going on the advice from people I knew and trusted to some degree. I should've never used the line of credit to buy the car but I was convinced that was the best way to go, that financing would cost too much in the long run(as you have said as well). But if I had financed it, I would have had one fixed payment, whereas with the line of credit I have a steadily increasing payment. Having financed it, I was going to use the line of credit for any major repairs that needed to be done.
Would it have mattered, if I had financed it, I'm not sure, I still might be in the same boat.

I'm still wavering on whether to sell the car. But I just checked my bank account, I have to sell the car. But I got more bad news today, my brother found a cracked motor mount on the car and it could be an expensive fix and I have to get that fixed before I could sell the car. I'm going to get a trusted mechanic to look at it and get an estimate.

So thanks for your advice, looks like this is going to a very hard lesson for me. It seems like God blesses many people, of all different levels of faith around me and many with no faith but never ever me. Seems like every lesson He wants me to learn is a hard one. I've even left full time jobs for ministry, traveled half way across the country to do it. But all I ever end up with is grief. So a car that is going to end up costing me thousands of dollars is par for the course, God never gives me a break!!

I am praying that God will have His will in your situation. You also need to pray for God to lead you to His Way on this which may be a painful one indeed.

There is really something more important than the blessings we receive in this natural life. Ask God to help you understand that and to act accordingly.

Thanks for your remarks!!
Here is a question or two for your answer.

Do you hear God when He speaks to you?

Do you trust God Totally in all things?

No but who in all honesty does, very few Christians I think. We are human after all, not divine beings, we makes mistakes!!

Will you be willing to be willing to be obedient?
Not really a choice, I'm at the point that I have to sell the car!!

Do Not make your choices from what God directed another believer to do. Find out what He wants you to do and do it and don't look back.

In what ever He directs you in, He had authorised you to do so and has all things covered.

I'm 59, most people are retiring at my age and what God wanted me to do is more than likely not a possibility now!!
Thank you so much for taking the time to respond, I really appreciate it!!!!

Every time we take our heart from God and give it to something else, we get into trouble.

When God blesses us, He freely hands it to us.

God has rarely if ever blessed me.

You can see in the figures before you that you are in financial trouble, however, you remember God. The lesson continues and I believe a great testimony is ahead.
I have to sell the car, I know that and it is going to leave me with a financial burden, which is going to be very hard "lesson", which seems to be the only type God teaches me. I'm 59 now and will have to work to 65 in a physically demanding job. Everyday is hard physically and I have 6 more years to look forward to, this is how God "blesses" me. I have 8 sisters and brothers who are all retired enjoying life and not one knows the Lord. I have a Christian friend who has been married for almost 30 years and doesn't love his wife and will soon retire with a full pension. I look around and wonder why when God blesses so many, he never blesses me. I'm tired and wore out and now will have a new financial burden laid at my feet!!

God knows all about it, now ask Him for guidance in what you must do to not end up upside down in this matter. He has the perfect answer, ask Him.
See above answer!!

Thank you so much for replying, I really appreciate it!!
What you are saying makes a lot of sense, it was a very emotional purchase for me. But it was the bad advice of family and friends that did not help me. So I was actually going on the advice from people I knew and trusted to some degree. I should've never used the line of credit to buy the car but I was convinced that was the best way to go, that financing would cost too much in the long run(as you have said as well). But if I had financed it, I would have had one fixed payment, whereas with the line of credit I have a steadily increasing payment. Having financed it, I was going to use the line of credit for any major repairs that needed to be done.
Would it have mattered, if I had financed it, I'm not sure, I still might be in the same boat.

I'm still wavering on whether to sell the car. But I just checked my bank account, I have to sell the car. But I got more bad news today, my brother found a cracked motor mount on the car and it could be an expensive fix and I have to get that fixed before I could sell the car. I'm going to get a trusted mechanic to look at it and get an estimate.

So thanks for your advice, looks like this is going to a very hard lesson for me. It seems like God blesses many people, of all different levels of faith around me and many with no faith but never ever me. Seems like every lesson He wants me to learn is a hard one. I've even left full time jobs for ministry, traveled half way across the country to do it. But all I ever end up with is grief. So a car that is going to end up costing me thousands of dollars is par for the course, God never gives me a break!!
You make it sound like your decisions are his fault. If you learn from questionable decisions on your part and all it costs you is money. Then be grateful that it was the only price you in the end pay. Humble yourself before the Lord and trust his will that sees you through all trials and tribulations. Which should not be unexpected in any believer.

Venting as a way of releasing the frustration you feel is okay. Just don't dwell in that state. Looking always to moving past it. While learning what God has set for you to learn.
Not easy at all to do but comparing what you go through to others around you will only prolong the time it takes you to moving past it.
Love you brother and I 'll be praying for you.
With the love of Christ Jesus.
So thanks for your advice, looks like this is going to a very hard lesson for me. It seems like God blesses many people, of all different levels of faith around me and many with no faith but never ever me. Seems like every lesson He wants me to learn is a hard one. I've even left full time jobs for ministry, traveled half way across the country to do it. But all I ever end up with is grief. So a car that is going to end up costing me thousands of dollars is par for the course, God never gives me a break!!

Psalm 88

A Song. A Psalm of the Korahites. To the leader: according to Mahalath Leannoth. A Maskil of Heman the Ezrahite.

O Lord, God of my salvation,
when, at night, I cry out in your presence,
let my prayer come before you;
incline your ear to my cry.
For my soul is full of troubles,
and my life draws near to Sheol.
I am counted among those who go down to the Pit;
I am like those who have no help,
like those forsaken among the dead,
like the slain that lie in the grave,
like those whom you remember no more,
for they are cut off from your hand.
You have put me in the depths of the Pit,
in the regions dark and deep.
Your wrath lies heavy upon me,
and you overwhelm me with all your waves. Selah
You have caused my companions to shun me;
you have made me a thing of horror to them.
I am shut in so that I cannot escape;
my eye grows dim through sorrow.
Every day I call on you, O Lord;
I spread out my hands to you.
Do you work wonders for the dead?
Do the shades rise up to praise you? Selah
Is your steadfast love declared in the grave,
or your faithfulness in Abaddon?
Are your wonders known in the darkness,
or your saving help in the land of forgetfulness?
But I, O Lord, cry out to you;
in the morning my prayer comes before you.
O Lord, why do you cast me off?
Why do you hide your face from me?
Wretched and close to death from my youth up,
I suffer your terrors; I am desperate.
Your wrath has swept over me;
your dread assaults destroy me.
They surround me like a flood all day long;
from all sides they close in on me.
You have caused friend and neighbour to shun me;
my companions are in darkness.

With prayers for you
You make it sound like your decisions are his fault. If you learn from questionable decisions on your part and all it costs you is money. Then be grateful that it was the only price you in the end pay. Humble yourself before the Lord and trust his will that sees you through all trials and tribulations. Which should not be unexpected in any believer.
I think only someone with money or just plain ignorant of the stress that debt can bring would say, "all it costs you is money". I'm not a rich person, once I sell the car, it will take me literally years to payoff this debt. So to say that debt is not a big deal to people, is a little disingenuous to say the least. I know what you mean but I felt it was insensitive and not very caring, which is not what I expect from a "Christian"!!

Venting as a way of releasing the frustration you feel is okay. Just don't dwell in that state. Looking always to moving past it. While learning what God has set for you to learn.
I know that is what I'm doing and your right I have to get past it!!

Not easy at all to do but comparing what you go through to others around you will only prolong the time it takes you to moving past it.
Love you brother and I 'll be praying for you.
With the love of Christ Jesus.

Thanks for your remarks!!

Psalm 88

A Song. A Psalm of the Korahites. To the leader: according to Mahalath Leannoth. A Maskil of Heman the Ezrahite.

O Lord, God of my salvation,
when, at night, I cry out in your presence,
let my prayer come before you;
incline your ear to my cry.
For my soul is full of troubles,
and my life draws near to Sheol.
I am counted among those who go down to the Pit;
I am like those who have no help,
like those forsaken among the dead,
like the slain that lie in the grave,
like those whom you remember no more,
for they are cut off from your hand.
You have put me in the depths of the Pit,
in the regions dark and deep.
Your wrath lies heavy upon me,
and you overwhelm me with all your waves. Selah
You have caused my companions to shun me;
you have made me a thing of horror to them.
I am shut in so that I cannot escape;
my eye grows dim through sorrow.
Every day I call on you, O Lord;
I spread out my hands to you.
Do you work wonders for the dead?
Do the shades rise up to praise you? Selah
Is your steadfast love declared in the grave,
or your faithfulness in Abaddon?
Are your wonders known in the darkness,
or your saving help in the land of forgetfulness?
But I, O Lord, cry out to you;
in the morning my prayer comes before you.
O Lord, why do you cast me off?
Why do you hide your face from me?
Wretched and close to death from my youth up,
I suffer your terrors; I am desperate.
Your wrath has swept over me;
your dread assaults destroy me.
They surround me like a flood all day long;
from all sides they close in on me.
You have caused friend and neighbour to shun me;
my companions are in darkness.

With prayers for you

Thank you that is exactly how I am feeling!!
dpg3: It seems like God blesses many people, of all different levels of faith around me and many with no faith but never ever me. Seems like every lesson He wants me to learn is a hard one. I've even left full time jobs for ministry, traveled half way across the country to do it. But all I ever end up with is grief. So a car that is going to end up costing me thousands of dollars is par for the course, God never gives me a break!!
Nick: You make it sound like your decisions are his fault. If you learn from questionable decisions on your part and all it costs you is money. Then be grateful that it was the only price you in the end pay. Humble yourself before the Lord and trust his will that sees you through all trials and tribulations. Which should not be unexpected in any believer.
dpg3: I think only someone with money or just plain ignorant of the stress that debt can bring would say, "all it costs you is money". I'm not a rich person, once I sell the car, it will take me literally years to payoff this debt. So to say that debt is not a big deal to people, is a little disingenuous to say the least. I know what you mean but I felt it was insensitive and not very caring, which is not what I expect from a "Christian"!!

That you know what I mean is sufficient to the end that you realize the truth of my words shared with and for you.

As far as what you expect from a "Christian". Sensitive I can be, but the specific words you used that I quoted did not require that. Just like Jesus had to bring it to Peter's attention more than once. He has also done that with me as well in my life. Count yourself blessed as I do! I had no brother or sister in Christ Jesus to either pat me on the back for the woes I was going through or in the back of the head when I needed it. Might be hard to see it this way, but I'm just sharing the love that I myself have received from the Lord to you. That in it you may grow in Christ Jesus even as the pruning is happening.

With the Love of Christ Jesus.
Praying for you brother.