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Healing from the most modern poison

There are a couple of dated vid's that I won't link to here, where the WW2 brain damage issue is admitted. Here at New Zealand, 20+ years ago, we had telecom workers trying to get compensation for EMF injuries. Recently, even firefighters are filing lawsuits for the same reason. Finally, the perp's themselves have published white papers and medical reports that document the deleterious nature of EMF's on the human body.
What about Old Nikola and all the years he spent messing about with highpower highfrequency electric? He got to 87.
As Christians we ought to remember that before The Flood Satan was messing about admixing - crossbreeding? - humans and animals until all life was polluted.
Genesis 6:12; 'And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.'
Genesis 6:12 - Noah's Favor with God has lots of variations of corrupted with some suggesting humans had become evil and degenerate.

GOD several times caused instant deadly plagues to kill large numbers of people.

Now in these last 75 years Satan's UFOs have been abducting humans and cows in high numbers and whisking them off to his Moon laboratories.
Is he concocting virusless epidemic 'magic dust' to sprinkle around us?

I never had all the usual childhood diseases perhaps because I was last born of 9 kids in our little remote hamlet and all the others had started school and were passing the usual bugs around before I was born.

I do remember we were 'forced' to line up and get polio jab around age 11-12. A team turned up at school and we were lined up and jabbed but I don't know if parents were aware of the day as it was a national vax scheme.
What about Old Nikola and all the years he spent messing about with highpower highfrequency electric? He got to 87.
Yeah, the guy seems to have a sketchy past - channeling, hanging out with spooks, etc. But if he made it to 87, he surely beat the odds.

Genesis 6:12 - Noah's Favor with God has lots of variations of corrupted with some suggesting humans had become evil and degenerate.
Noah was not sinless. But his family, his genealogy, was "perfect." IOW, his had not intermingled with the corrupted ones.

Now in these last 75 years Satan's UFOs have been abducting humans and cows in high numbers and whisking them off to his Moon laboratories.
Is he concocting virusless epidemic 'magic dust' to sprinkle around us?
Satanic rituals and more.

I never had all the usual childhood diseases perhaps because I was last born of 9 kids in our little remote hamlet and all the others had started school and were passing the usual bugs around before I was born.
Good bugs are, well, GOOD! However, Satan perverts every good thing the Father gives us, so we must be wise about our involvements...

I do remember we were 'forced' to line up and get polio jab around age 11-12. A team turned up at school and we were lined up and jabbed but I don't know if parents were aware of the day as it was a national vax scheme.
Same here. I got jabbed up by my well-intentioned but ignorant and guilt-tripped parents. And again, when I joined the US Marine Corps, came another round of jabs. But, it's never too late to do the right thing. NEVER GRANT INTERNAL CONTROL TO AN EXTERNAL SOURCE.

There is no good vaccine - NOT A SINGLE ONE. There is no record of a vaccine ever saving a single life. They were invented to gain access to the temple.

The polio hoax, with its iron lung scare tactics, was of the same genre as the Spanish Flu hoax. Modern electrical diseases and radiation toxicity are the new normal.
The BIG PROBLEM we have in UK is The Official Secrets act which the Gov't uses to hide anything serious from us.
They can issue a 'D Notice' to all the media making them desist from any mention of anything the Gov't wants to cover up.
There's no telling what investigators have discovered but cannot publish.

Read this long piece about what happens to people who fall foul of the UK Gov't:
David Kelly, the world’s leading nuclear, chemical and biological weapo ns of mass destruction inspector supposedly killed himself after being revealed as the source of false claims about Saddam Hussain's weapons of mass destruction.
Read this long piece about what happens to people who fall foul of the UK Gov't:
Nothing new about being suicide'd. They clean house and take care of their own as they see fit. There is no honor among thieves.

The takeaway is that we're not supposed to be giving allegiance to pretender governments. But we're up to our eyeballs in contracts with the wicked thing. That dude paid for it with his life. And what will the current purported "government" do with us, its "subjects"???

We're to come out from among them and touch not the wicked thing, and then the Lord will receive us. There is no better time to do so than NOW.
The vaccine saved hundreds of thousands of lives
i vividly disagree, they are as i see it the main source of all the disease of mankind, the source of HIV and even cancer, and this last one greatly resembles the mark of the beast but doesnt appear to be the final chip implant. i dont think anyone who didnt take it regrets even to this day. its modern and its of the world james 4:4

Isn't this just called a PA system
no they use soundsystem that sends soundwaves you cannot really hear outside but only inside the skull, its technology that can affect a very targeted audience contrary to normal speakers

Being inside with the door closed (i.e. the room was sealed) was very quiet - not sound, but something... else.
interesting, yes makes sense. silicon carbide / magnetite rust can also work, graphite even

"kill" her with psychotropic meds.
yes, the demons wants people to get poisoned and then when they get their way, they will give you calm for a bit- but then they come at you with more power, hence why giving people harmful drugs "calms the voices"
These Fusion Centers are now found throughout the world.
the council of the x eyes comes to mind, i believe theres ... 27 governments directly joined into this gigantic surveillance problem, "the council of the 5 eyes" should bring up some wikipedia stuff about this, they expanded the title every time new governments joined in on it, naturally israel was one of the first to join

Yes, but due diligence is our end of the deal. God will not excuse our wilful poor choices.
exactly amen to that, we must do what we can. EVERYTHING we can, not just a slight hint for god to pick us up and carry us to work and perform all our tasks and finally wipe us and tuck us in bed, at times i have questioned if god wanted me to take revenge as well.

The perp's even call the nanotech components "demons" in their superconductor research:
HAH! nice find! i think i might have seen the shadow of this before even, so for sure god will be effective in this, ... can you allow a demon to take over your body if you arent aware of what you agree to? when you allow a demon in your body, as in a demon spirit, you will know what youre doing - but this is a physical something rather, my point is- will it resist as much as high-stage demonic possession?

Secondly, you must get rid of your wireless devices
yes thats not really possible but i may cage it in with silicon carbide which will block the EMF- im aware that 5g viable devices will have the towers beam 5G at you, but i work in a huge steel building so i probably get more EMF from the welding machines than anything else there, fairly EMF clean area, i already checked with a EMF meter- i guess phone is the only wireless i use

Download the android app and then check her again. It will tell you if she has been vaxxed. But again, that is being reactive and not proactive.
uhh, the video is for enabling developer mode on android? you can scan through the phone itself without app? i got some apps but they seem tedious to use and at best it only settles some curiousity- i also heard grounding with nature confuses the MAC address making it reconfigure
amen to that, its all proteins

Recently, even firefighters are filing lawsuits for the same reason.
i saw that people who live right under these radio towers end up with braintumors, and some people didnt even know because they had hidden the damn thing in concrete

David Kelly, the world’s leading nuclear, chemical and biological weapo ns of mass destruction inspector supposedly killed himself after being revealed as the source of false claims about Saddam Hussain's weapons of mass destruction.
"nuclear hoax" by galen windsor (who died a natural death) is a great thing to watch now as theyre trying to spook everyone .. again, again, with their nuclear nonsense - and we are not to worry but to trust in gods guidance and plan.
(can you say "turbo cancer"?)
whats your take on cancer? the one i got is that its simply damaged cells, mutated cells that the body decided to put in a sack to contain it, and during surgeries they oftenly spill out some of this contagious waste into the body which then causes "reinfection"
the council of the x eyes comes to mind, i believe theres ... 27 governments directly joined into this gigantic surveillance problem, "the council of the 5 eyes" should bring up some wikipedia stuff about this, they expanded the title every time new governments joined in on it, naturally israel was one of the first to join
Concerning Fusions Centers, there are Chinese-run overseas police "Service Stations" in New York City and Canada. See page 13 here.

at times i have questioned if god wanted me to take revenge as well.
Me, too, But, we have this promise: "Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord." (Rom. 12:19).

can you allow a demon to take over your body if you arent aware of what you agree to? when you allow a demon in your body, as in a demon spirit, you will know what youre doing - but this is a physical something rather, my point is- will it resist as much as high-stage demonic possession?
You've heard that ignorance of the law is no excuse. That is true. Well, awareness is our end of the deal. Recall that Satan "...was more subtil than any beast of the field" (Gen. 3:1). So subtlety is that monster's main MO. In order to get the warrant he needs to muck with us, he works hard in getting us to acquiesce over to his side without us even realizing it. And, when necessary, he will also use his spirit of fear. But, "God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." (2 Tim. 1:7). This is why we need to take spiritual charge and rebuke that spirit of fear whenever and wherever it raises its ugly head.

Also, notice that the cowardly are the first in line to the lake of fire: "But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death." (Rev. 21:8).

Possession is full-blown demonic takeover; it is not the same as oppression. All of us are oppressed to one degree or another, while relatively few are actually possessed. But, in all cases, "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." (Jam. 4:7). The big boys will flee just as the little boys, when rebuked in the name of Jesus by a Spirit-filled believer.

To state it clearly, the ubiquitous nanotech, in conjunction with the electromagnetic radiation, is consecrated to Satan's service.

yes thats not really possible but i may cage it in with silicon carbide which will block the EMF- im aware that 5g viable devices will have the towers beam 5G at you, but i work in a huge steel building so i probably get more EMF from the welding machines than anything else there, fairly EMF clean area, i already checked with a EMF meter- i guess phone is the only wireless i use
It IS possible to get rid of the wicked toys that you, at one time not so long ago, had never played with. I cannot overemphasize the importance of getting rid of the very military weapons that are facilitating this entire worldwide surveillance and takedown operation i.e. the cell phone (and all wireless toys). The removal of the towers is also required. I use pay phones with an el-cheapo calling card. "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." (Phi. 4:13).

The steel building is not good, either, as it can concentrate/intensify/reverb the EMF's.

i also heard grounding with nature confuses the MAC address making it reconfigure
Grounding/earthing is normally a great way to "charge up" with the correct natural God-given freq's (i.e. Schumann freq). BUT, because the utility companies have been using the earth as their return-ground (it's easier and cheaper), grounding is no longer a guaranteed good thing. It's easy enough with a voltmeter to check if grounding yourself (in your local area) is healthy or unhealthy.

i saw that people who live right under these radio towers end up with braintumors, and some people didnt even know because they had hidden the damn thing in concrete
I won't post them here, but there are COUNTLESS covert places where the perp's are placing the EMF emitters.

"nuclear hoax" by galen windsor (who died a natural death) is a great thing to watch now as theyre trying to spook everyone .. again, again, with their nuclear nonsense - and we are not to worry but to trust in gods guidance and plan.
Amen to that.

whats your take on cancer? the one i got is that its simply damaged cells, mutated cells that the body decided to put in a sack to contain it, and during surgeries they oftenly spill out some of this contagious waste into the body which then causes "reinfection"
That's true. "Cancer" is fungal. The perp's can broadcast the resonant freq for any given bacterium and thus cause medical mayhem in the body - fast kill or slow kill.

no they use soundsystem that sends soundwaves you cannot really hear outside but only inside the skull, its technology that can affect a very targeted audience contrary to normal speakers
"Sound is induced in the head of a person by radiating the head with microwaves in the range of 100 megahertz to 10,000 megahertz that are modulated with a particular waveform." - Patent & Patent

There are scores of patents for this old tech. Here are just a few more:
  • Flanagan GP. Patent #3393279 “Nervous System Excitation Device” USPTO granted 7/16/68.
  • Puharich HK and Lawrence JL. Patent #3629521 “Hearing systems” USPTO granted 12/21/71.
  • Malech RG. Patent #3951134 “Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves” USPTO granted 4/20/76.
  • Stocklin PL. Patent #4858612 “Hearing device” USPTO granted 8/22/89.
  • Brunkan WB. Patent #4877027 “Hearing system” USPTO granted 10/31/89.
  • Thijs VMJ. Application #WO1992NL0000216 “Hearing Aid Based on Microwaves” World Intellectual Property Organization Filed 1992-11-26, Published 1993-06-10.
  • Mardirossian A. Patent #6011991 “Communication system and method including brain wave analysis and/or use of brain activity” USPTO granted 1/4/00.
no they use soundsystem that sends soundwaves you cannot really hear outside but only inside the skull, its technology that can affect a very targeted audience contrary to normal speakers
"Sound is induced in the head of a person by radiating the head with microwaves in the range of 100 megahertz to 10,000 megahertz that are modulated with a particular waveform." - Patent & Patent

There are scores of patents for this old tech. Here are just a few more:
  • Flanagan GP. Patent #3393279 “Nervous System Excitation Device” USPTO granted 7/16/68.
  • Puharich HK and Lawrence JL. Patent #3629521 “Hearing systems” USPTO granted 12/21/71.
  • Malech RG. Patent #3951134 “Apparatus and method for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves” USPTO granted 4/20/76.
  • Stocklin PL. Patent #4858612 “Hearing device” USPTO granted 8/22/89.
  • Brunkan WB. Patent #4877027 “Hearing system” USPTO granted 10/31/89.
  • Thijs VMJ. Application #WO1992NL0000216 “Hearing Aid Based on Microwaves” World Intellectual Property Organization Filed 1992-11-26, Published 1993-06-10.
  • Mardirossian A. Patent #6011991 “Communication system and method including brain wave analysis and/or use of brain activity” USPTO granted 1/4/00.
It's easy enough with a voltmeter to check if grounding yourself (in your local area) is healthy or unhealthy.
im trash with anything electronic, what setting do you put the meter on and whats good/bad reading?
we only have 4G in my town so for now were grand, and the amount of romanians in our town suggests that they wont be upgrading to 5G for a long time. naturally as im still just in a flat i cant disconnect from the whole work and buy food in grocery stores thing, having a house is a necessity
the plan is to have a house when it all falls apart, then who cares what loans you got going. oats seems a great thing to stock up on and 15kg can be had at just 5 euros, its not prime human food quality but im sure its contaminated not that much more than what they sell us in grocery stores, maybe its even more clean knowing what their holy book things of us

Concerning Fusions Centers, there are Chinese-run overseas police "Service Stations" in New York City and Canada. See page 13 here.
interesting, im sure children will risk getting arrested if they dont do their tiktok homework soon, my aunts baby doesnt respond when her tablet is out, that little creature is maybe 2 years old and totally dazzled by her electronic device. and now theyre forcing small kids to use that stuff in schools, and it all seems so innocent to most people. since i became christian im utterly disgusted by so many things of society
Ezekiel 9:4
“Go throughout the city of Jerusalem and put a mark on the foreheads of those who grieve and lament over all the detestable things that are done in it.”

one thing that hit me last night as i was going through revelations, about 666 - number of the beast, thats carbon. graphene is carbon and has a hexagonal shape.
benzyl groups are hexagonal. and benzyl chemicals are oftenly toxic to us- quite possibly the benzyl ring is demonic in itself. however im not sure what to use as disinfectant than benzoic acid, ive tried many things but barely anything worked
Please document any life that has been saved by a vaccine.
Mine. But you know that your use of the word "document" is just piffle-fluff so you can discount anything said. I know your game, and it's sad that others cannot see you have no competence in science or engineering.

(Revision #8, page 40)
I read page 40 of your link. It says nothing of the sort. The words "quantified virus isolates" are not present. You did this before, post the wrong page from your PDF link. It's actually page 41 (content posted below). Your work is sloppy as well as your conclusions. It speaks to a larger problem found in all your posts.

Limit of Detection (LoD):​
LoD studies determine the lowest detectable concentration of 2019-nCoV at which approximately 95%of all (true positive) replicates test positive. The LoD was determined by limiting dilution studies usingcharacterized samples.​
The analytical sensitivity of the rRT-PCR assays contained in the CDC 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel were determined in Limit of Detection studies. Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of known titer (RNA copies/µL) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimen. Samples were extracted using the QIAGEN EZ1Advanced XL instrument and EZ1 DSP Virus Kit (Cat# 62724) and manually with the QIAGEN DSP ViralRNA Mini Kit (Cat# 61904). Real-Time RT-PCR assays were performed using the Thermo Fisher ScientificTaqPath™ 1-Step RT-qPCR Master Mix, CG (Cat# A15299) on the Applied Biosystems™ 7500 Fast Dx RealTime PCR Instrument according to the CDC 2019-nCoV Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel instructionsfor use.​

This is what you people do. Cut the context out and then make wild unsupported conclusions to upset the uneducated idiots.

The report is saying that they didn't use the virus directly, but the RNA strands they had in their gene bank that came from the virus.

For shame,
I mentioned WW2 radar and such because there was some talk many years ago of techs servicing and testing the radars on WW2 planes were reporting brain problems.
No one can discount or dismiss that EMF can have adverse effects. That's why technicians use lead shields when taking x-rays.


Right now, you're living inside an EMF. Your house has electricity, you have a computer on, and you're typing in your posts - meaning - you are inside an electromagnetic field right now. Visible light itself is an electromagnetic transmission of photons. Step outside into the sunlight, and you're living inside an EMF.

The concern is not the EMF itself, but the strength of the field.

Perhaps you should never have an MRI since (it seems) that you fear electromagnetic fields.

Radar guns used to detect the speed of automobile traffic are known to create medical problems. That's why the state of Pennsylvania in the US only allows radar speed detection devices to be used by qualified and trained state troopers, not local police.

Hope that helps,
What about Old Nikola and all the years he spent messing about with highpower highfrequency electric? He got to 87.
He never played with microwaves.

The first microwave oven was the Amana RADAR range. The narrative states that an engineer realized the radar signals were melting the chocolate in his pocket.

Microwave ovens use microwaves (EM radiation) to cook meat, so ... that's why they have the little screen with holes to look through rather than a large window, which would let the microwaves out to cook your brain.

So can EMF hurt you? Depends upon the circumstances. Hey, even water can kill you. (It's called drowning. :innocent: )

the main source of all the disease of mankind, the source of HIV and even cancer,
Read the book I suggested. Then maybe take some biology courses at your local college (although I know the "system" where you live is rather different than where I live).

Then maybe you'll be able to express an educated opinion.

at times i have questioned if god wanted me to take revenge as well.
Then you don't even know your Bible. And that's sad.

Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.​
(Romans 12:19 KJV)

i may cage it in with silicon carbide which will block the EMF-
(You know chicken wire works.)
No one can discount or dismiss that EMF can have adverse effects. That's why technicians use lead shields when taking x-rays.
I never said I wouldn't get an MRI or I fear electromag fields - you are deluded as usual.

M partner and I did lots of welding when building our own car and welding gives off plenty of EMF.
Millions of welders around the world live long lives without problem apart from generally inhaling the fumes.
About 40 years ago I proposed a simple fume clearing system for welders to use on the job but couldn't get funding to make it.

The UFOs Satan's Second Gang of Fallen Angels fly around give off plenty of EMF?
That's true. "Cancer" is fungal. The perp's can broadcast the resonant freq for any given bacterium and thus cause medical mayhem in the body - fast kill or slow kill.
OMG - you don't even know the difference between fungi and bacterium?

Why am not surprised.

(This is beyond absurd. I sense a sock-puppet.)
as i was going through revelations, about 666 - number of the beast
The earliest manuscripts state the number is 616.

Any qualified professor of New Testament studies will let you know this to be the case (e.g. Dr. Daniel Wallace, Dallas Theological Seminary and head of csntm.org).

The earliest manuscripts state the number is 616.

Any qualified professor of New Testament studies will let you know this to be the case (e.g. Dr. Daniel Wallace, Dallas Theological Seminary and head of csntm.org).

I've just queried Wallace about Satan having two gangs of fallen angels.
About 40 years ago I proposed a simple fume clearing system for welders to use on the job but couldn't get funding to make it.
whats the basics of it?

Rhema you should try to find the talk bill gates did on reducing CO2 where he shows his equation, thats probably the most glaring hint they have thrown out there
He never played with microwaves.
What about the twice daily surge of electricity round Earth that keeps its inner water warm to create the dew that Adam knew? Is that dangerous?

Genesis 2:
5;And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.

6;But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.