Dear brothers
Your answers are all very interesting. And thank you
@Brad Huber for starting this discussion.
The poll question was
Do you believe all physical infirmaties can be healed on this earth if you have faith?
Yes......if we have faith all physical infirmaties can be healed resounds through the thread
Heres a further question......
So where does that leave medical intervention.....?
Ofttimes one may here prayers being raised "
for the doctors skills" "for the hands of the surgeon to be guided" "for treatment to work"
At other times one may hear believers condemning other believers for using the medical services, taking medication etc. I stayed in a household of "believers" once, and my then little daughters spectacles were hidden in a very high place......because it was considered wrong and a lack of faith that she should wear glasses.
So dear brothers....where does medical intervention/medicine sit with faith and healing
@Wired 4 Fishen @Bendito @Br. Bear @Dave M @Christ4Ever
(Tagging all of you who have been active the hope of some replies....thank you)
Dear Sister,
In truth I'm only a participant in this thread by default!
Br. Bear copied a post I had used as a Devotional to this thread, in the hope it might contribute to the discussion (?)
However, because you are gracious as ever, and you and yours are dear to me in faith Sister. I will add what I am moved to share.
Knowledge comes from God. How it is put to use, and the results there of, show if God's will for it, will be successful or not. However, I cannot presume to know how or even who God will use to heal another. I could not even presume to say that He would heal a believer over an unsaved person. Such contemplations I believer would be fruitless.
For me a Doctor like any one person can be a tool by which God's will can be done. In the past I've wondered why the same operation can be done on two separate but similar people by the same doctor and at the end results differ. In these case we would say that one is successful and the other not so much. Yet, it's our presumptuousness/desires which really are what leads us to these conclusions, because in truth the results could be exactly what God will are for these people!
I've always liked and was amazed by the reply to King Nebuchadnezzar by Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego. When they said
"If it be [so], our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver [us] out of thine hand, O king. But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up." The results we now know is that God could and did deliver them, but the faith of these three was such that they knew the decision was not theirs to make, but God's. So, even if the outcome did not result in their deliverance. The one thing they were going to do, was remain faithful to God's commands!
So, I ask myself has God commanded in His Word that we should not seek Doctors out? Keeping in mind that physicians, one of which was even an Apostle, Luke, had practices that were a bit different then what we see now. Also, understanding most importantly. Which is what I would tell a person about whether to seek a Doctors services. Do not neglect so lightly what God's providence has made available for you to receive. Also, do not be put off/on by the results either. Because one should always trust that God's will, "WILL" be done in whatever the end results may show itself to be.
Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31 (my bold)
To tie this as an act of faith or lack thereof is in my eyes is to just make another attempt to build a box by which one can define God by. This is not me saying that I am condoning spell casting, mysticism, etc. as an option. We should know that these methods are Scripturally wrong.
So, even though you didn't ask me to answer the originally thread question Dear Sister. I feel moved to do so.
My answer is Yes, if God wills it. Caveat being, that it also doesn't mean that He doesn't want you to go see a Doctor if as I said before, providence has allowed you to have access to one. Knowing that the results will always be in His hands, and you as a Child of the Most High must always remember. This is another opportunity to share God's Love, and what He has done for you. Which is even more important then the results!
With the Love of Christ Jesus.
PS - The difference between the dying believer and the unsaved is..........We rejoice because we're going home!